Good Game Well Played


Seems u have no idea who was leadership. Meh, u probably didnt even read forum or some of those circulars u received to join Ops or to respond some def request sent by your leadership.

For your information I fully participated in ever tribe op and my troops arrived within minutes of given time, unlike of some other players that were day late. Every request for troop counts was forwarded; one of you even replied that 'certain account" did not need all my support with them.
Circ "orders" were given from at least 4 or 5 different accounts - check with Rizz as I sent him message that I no longer knew who was the leader of the tribe. It certainly did not say anywhere on the Forum. Sam name and account name (that did not even existed when I saw it there) were given to contact.

I know my email, that I sent yesterday to your account, was opened, yet you still persist to insult me openly with allegations on the public forum.

However, it now explain why some of my questions/comments on the forum were deleted and other ignored.... I was in your and the tribe members eyes a spy.

also, u didn't denied this:

Originally Posted by BlueTattoo
I had some nice chats with Ghost after the NAM declaration, and I know she didn't leave NAM because she lacked loyalty or thought it would save her skin.She left, as she said, because she didn't want to play with a bunch of cheating numpties, and who can blame her?

I do not know which account or a tribe BlueTattoo plays and I never used word "numpties" since I do not even know the meaning of it.

Here u basically imply your mates were that bad...(not sure why u felt the need to add "in my first 2 Forum comments". Shall we understand everything is just bullshit after your first 2 posts? meh...)

No, but you accused me of it after my 2nd comment.

Yes, i didnt invite you, and all i can say is that recruitment was very bad after Sam quitted.

We took in all kind of spies or useless players like you.

I had numerous "interviews" with Sam - in some I even implied that with my honest replies I am "talking" myself out of the invite. However he still did.

This is the problem here. You have no rights to talk about how others were :)) just cause u didn't banned yourself or that u didn't quitted, don't make u a team player or not selfish. You only played for yourself and now i see u are writting here about a team where u couldn't "co-operate" ...funny :))

I replied to your comment about not being loyal - without insulting or naming a single player [Taking your tribe's claims, "stacking" team-mates claims, supporting players that declared on your tribe, hitting delete on the 1st day war is declared, getting banned on purpose ]

However, I have the right to defend myself from your accusations and insinuation on a Public Forum.

Why u find wired they declared on you, now? They declared on NAM, too.

When they declared on NAM they have not yet won the world. If others did not hit delete, got banned on purpose, or stopped playing all together we might have had a good fight. I left after 50+% of the tribe quit!

For all others: I have left the chat room early enough and had never had any knowledge of tribe's plans that were discussed there (I assume). That in itself could have give them an idea that I am not the spy they were obviously looking for.

I also wish to apologises to all that happen to read this part of the Forum. Once again, my 1st ever post on the Forum had nothing to do with NAM, its players there or my experience with any players there.
However, now I know why I seldom come to these Forums; it seems its a place to throw mud at others, accuse them, and just make the game less interesting (at last for me).

Not sure if I covered all her accusation, will have to read it few more times.

One more:
I actually asked for proves or said u will stat to improve, maybe. You did what? You left and proved me they were right. (especially with the way u replied to me after u left NAM in that mail i posted in forum.)

you know what?..u better shut up. u were trash...

My reply was:
Ghost Fly. May 11, 11:30

at this stage of the game it makes no difference; the "kriegers" will rim me one way or the other.
Being on my own I am putting less pressure on myself.



Being truthful by saying that being on my own puts less pressure on myself.. proves what to you? That I am useless, spy, selfish, trash? (Did I miss some other of your insults?) Would you preferred I just gave up like many others?

Insults and name calling never solves anything. Show me one mail where you asked me to "improve" and my response to it.
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V you red our declaration to NAM right? I clearly wrote that we will hunt each and every NAM member. You may later leave NAM to stay low, but you should also expect we won't let you go. We are still at war no matter what tribe are you, our second declaration toward your tribe has been just a formality. You really expect us to ignore refugees just because we are closer for closing the world?


V you red our declaration to NAM right? I clearly wrote that we will hunt each and every NAM member. You may later leave NAM to stay low, but you should also expect we won't let you go. We are still at war no matter what tribe are you, our second declaration toward your tribe has been just a formality. You really expect us to ignore refugees just because we are closer for closing the world?

No I never expected your tribe to stop, did I ever asked after I left (and before you declared?) to stop?; no I expected to get rimmed as I said by all the kriegers:icon_smile:.. that was not the point of my 1st Post. BTW your tribe was declared a winner of the world 8 or 9 days before you declared on me..

I just do not recall that I ever played on a world, that my tribe already won, that we declared on anyone else, that was all my 1st post was trying to say.

Ghost Fly. May 11, 11:30

at this stage of the game it makes no difference; the "kriegers" will rim me one way or the other.
Being on my own I am putting less pressure on myself.



The bold part is the main reason.
However after all this mug slinging in here, my hart is no longer with this world, just my stupid pride prevents me from leaving just yet.
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I'm sure you did not expect us to stop, but for sure you expected us to put less pressure on you for your move so when we declared on you as a refugee you called us "pathetic"? Yes, most of the winning tribes usually recruit some remaining active people from the opposition at the end. However AM just not have room for new people nether we wanted to test Golden/ANY relations by possibly sparing few friends there. Tbh I seriously doubt "pathetic" tribes like AM would ever recruit or keep for long in their ranks someone like you considered your attitude, team play and loyalty.

PS nice amount of edits up there :)


V, do not mail us anymore. We quitted. Lippa logs from time to time to throw nukes around, but dont consider it we are still in w83.

I will not discuss your replies anymore or try to comment them. I think i said enough for everybody to know truth like it was, not like u cried about it on enemies shoulders.

If it was Sam mistake to recruit you, all i can say is that i love Sam anyway and he is forgiven :)
Regarding you, change your ways and u might get more respect from others. Be more of a team player, then judge if others are.

Good luck


if you had an ally and they mailed you and asked you to drop some claims because they wanted their tribe to noble them instead of your tribe, how would you respond?

I would, actually tbh I have done 90% of the time I've paid attention to any of my original/co'ed accounts.

Maybe I should have phrased better for your limited comprehension... i'm not talking about an individual asking another individual to drop a claim; i'm talking about another tribe you have relations with. For example, before the ANY/Golden merge, if ANY had said, "hey Golden, you should all drop your claims on xxx player because we want to take them all." I'm fairly confident that there would have been some sort of discussion and compromise about how best to move forward.

Ara, I'm not really trashing you or any of your decisions... the way things went down put NAM in a super tough spot. You had quite a few accounts that left with the original declaration (Ghost wasn't one of those), and who purposely got banned to put the remaining few active players into a bind with trying to secure territory before the enemy got there. And the deletes just kept happing with more and more NAM players giving up.

And Ghost, I apologize for paraphrasing... I'm on the LessEnthusiastic account, and we mailed briefly about both our disappointments in how the end game worked out in regards to those players who left NAM in the lurch. There isn't anything for you to defend in that accusation, it was my interpretation of the events and my word choice of "cheating numpties"



Maybe I should have phrased better for your limited comprehension...

As for my 'limited comprehension' please point out where I have deviated from your post and assumed the situation to be different than described. of course, why didn't I comprehend your intended insult, duhh... I'd frown upon your own ability to interpret text, obviously seems to be worse than mine with the player to player situation you have imagined me talking about.



What on earth are you even talking about? I asked about a tribe to tribe situation, and you throw this out; which has nothing to do about anything, so yes, it appears that you misinterpreted what I said.

any of my original/co'ed accounts.

I am sure that it only seems to you that I'm "on a high horse" because you've sunk so low with attempting to take digs at me.


if you had an ally (I know, such a stretch given the politics of this world) and they mailed you .

1) Direct address (player)
2) General address (group being discussed)

In future please respond politely without attitude, thanks.


I'm sure you did not expect us to stop, but for sure you expected us to put less pressure on you for your move so when we declared on you as a refugee you called us "pathetic"? Yes, most of the winning tribes usually recruit some remaining active people from the opposition at the end. However AM just not have room for new people nether we wanted to test Golden/ANY relations by possibly sparing few friends there. Tbh I seriously doubt "pathetic" tribes like AM would ever recruit or keep for long in their ranks someone like you considered your attitude, team play and loyalty.

PS nice amount of edits up there :)

I do not insult others... all I said was that I found the "action" pathetic..
I am not familiar with winning tribe "taking" in players so late in the game, so I never expected such...
I don't know you so how can you know anything about my team play, loyalty etc.?

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roman01 said:
... blah blah...

I addressed Ara specifically in regards to a specific conversation that we were having; you obviously felt the need to jump in uninvited.

roman01 said:
I would, actually tbh I have done 90% of the time

May I suggest that your approach to diplomacy is quite rubbish if you roll over 90% of the time at your allies' request?



I am not familiar with winning tribe "taking" in players so late in the game, so I never expected such...

Im pretty sure NAM invited some from crumbling RoyalE at w77. Not sure you played or not but you could easily check the stats anytime.


Im pretty sure NAM invited some from crumbling RoyalE at w77. Not sure you played or not but you could easily check the stats anytime.

Did not play w77; knew only 1 player in w83 NAM tribe. I am speaking only about my own experiences.


Did not play w77; knew only 1 player in w83 NAM tribe. I am speaking only about my own experiences.

BS and u know it. Even ur last winning tribe Drama (w53) recruited players close before and even after end phase started. I did not check further down but im sure you are very familiar with some common tribe recruitment policies close to the end.

But again hope die last right ?
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I addressed Ara specifically in regards to a specific conversation that we were having; you obviously felt the need to jump in uninvited.


May I suggest that your approach to diplomacy is quite rubbish if you roll over 90% of the time at your allies' request?

You mask your understanding of the English language quite well I must say, considering how little of it you grasp. Try harder, twisting your own words in such an attempt to insult is ignorant and childish.

To recap:

1) Monica directly addresses Ghost regarding her behaviour towards tribe (player v tribe scenario)
2) Monica attempts to retract and degrade, convincing herself that she wrote tribe v tribe behaviour, insulting comprehensive ability to cover evident memory loss.
3) I correct Monica, Monica twists OP further to add insult to injury or should I say salt by this point... As she seems to be bathing in tons of the stuff.

Stop moaning about people's behaviour because NAM's behaviour and attitude quite frankly poops on yours.
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BS and u know it. Even ur last winning tribe Drama (w53) recruited players close before and even after end phase started. I did not check further down but im sure you are very familiar with some common tribe recruitment policies close to the end.

But again hope die last right ?

My apologies than, I had no idea that Tom recruited after we won that world.. but than, I had nothing to do with running the tribe. I am not interested what "difficulties" you had with W83 NAM players back in W77.

But again hope die last right ?
I have no idea what you are referring to; I never asked to be in your tribe, did I? Not sure where you going with your comments anyway.

As I said before, congratulation to the winners.

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From when you need to run the tribe to see when someone is recruited? Did i said you recruited? Where I said that you asked for invite? Your random comments and redirecting subjects are actually start to look much more "pathetic" then our declaration on you.

It is no surprise people just giving up from running in circles from useless arguments with you.


Oh dear, Roman. Do I need to use smaller words for you?

1. I never directly addressed Ghost at all, except to apologize for using the phrase "cheating numpties" and Ara mis-interpreting that it was something Ghost had said and not my own take on the subject

2. I quote "they wanted their tribe to noble them instead of your tribe" so yes, I was asking a specific question (to Ara, once again, and not to you or the peanut gallery) and yes, I was specifically addressing tribe to tribe behavior. You however, responded with some sort of nonsense showing your own failure to grasp the situation or the question at hand. I even tried to dumb my request down for you with an actual real life example, which again you've ignored

3. I interpreted your reply the best I could, and made an effort to give feedback to you on it, trying to at least keep the conversation on topic.

Now please, give your head a wobble, find some sense, and moan about something else. I'm done with you.


Now please, give your head a wobble, find some sense, and moan about something else. I'm done with you.

That was all I expected of you to begin with. Selective processing can really drive you mad as I have just proven but regardless my point was stop moaning about whatever you were moaning about and move on. You've had years of opportunity to moan about foul play however this seems to be the first time you've taken such things seriously.