Goodbye w41


they weren't owning yall? so before you finally (focused) on them they weren't owning yall?
i saw stats where HBK nobled 80 villages and axes got 5. then you recruited that SCC tribe and now " oh look at that HBK our kicking our butts let stack our front lines and send 300 nukes to each HBK player".

HBK had 1/5 as many members as axes fam and there 1/2 as small. they fought as a team, you fought by your selfs, but then you got a reminder that a team can win a war. and your team/tribe was more than capable of easy killing HBK.

so instead of calling HBK noobs it should be a wake up call for you.

Yes because the SCC recruits on the east side of the world got D to those fronts (over 250 hours away) in that small matter of time, infact 200 + hours is equal to just a few days after recruiting them. It makes sense how them being recruited was apparent and a big cause to the fight with HBK.

Axes also totally needed a wake up call from you guys, thanks we might have lost number 1 without it. :icon_rolleyes:


This is a pointless argument, you lost and are now taking an extended leave of absence. We gave you plenty of "pats on the back" and you still wanted to point the finger and cast stones. Now that your getting it back you feed into the same system of banter we all love and enjoy. You left the world, now leave the forum. Done.


i read all you posts,and i really am starting to think there is something wrong with everyone in axes i think you are either thick or your brain is messed up
you have never one a war ,all you do is bully then recruit, i don't think you have ever and i mean ever killed anyone in this game ,all you do is piss players off, i thank god booza dismissed me,even though i was shat on by other tribe members and got a invite again,and you know what i said ,booza hates me cos i stood up to him ,i did not kiss his ass like most do,i really do think that some of you want to fight for this world ,all i hear is how good you are yet i see sweet FA,this game has now become so one sided ,no one is continuing ,AXES WILL BE REMEMBERED AS THE TRIBE THAT IVITES AND NOT FIGHTS ,SHAME REALLY,and im off with the rest now,i loved this world but you never wanted to fight unless it was so in your favour,shame on you,no wonder SANCHEZ LAUGHS AT YOU

you guys are always saying aww bad AXES for destroying the world and stuf but you guys are all mass deleting. if you just fighted as a team in the first place you guys coulda beaten us:icon_confused:
but you guys didnt so you got ur asses wooped and now ur deleting blaming it on us.:icon_rolleyes:
kinda strange dont ya think??


i have to agree with that comment stingzorrr,i think thats whats making me so mad ,all these players deleting,anyway after looking at the map picture taken a year ago ,axes have done well,good luck to you all ,you deserve it


It's funny how everyone who says Axes sucks, ends up massdeleting.


It's funny how everyone who says Axes sucks, ends up massdeleting.

It makes perfect sense. AXES killed the game :icon_razz: So, the players that are here only to play and not to make any statment about being "the best", simply go enjoy the game somewhere else :icon_wink:

This world became boring because of AXES politics :icon_rolleyes:


It makes perfect sense. AXES killed the game :icon_razz: So, the players that are here only to play and not to make any statment about being "the best", simply go enjoy the game somewhere else :icon_wink:

This world became boring because of AXES politics :icon_rolleyes:

nope this game became boring cause of the mass delete's starting with the OCD delete ending with the motive delete in a few weeks/months. yes HBK's delete was also part of it so shut up:icon_rolleyes:


It makes perfect sense. AXES killed the game :icon_razz: So, the players that are here only to play and not to make any statment about being "the best", simply go enjoy the game somewhere else :icon_wink:

This world became boring because of AXES politics :icon_rolleyes:

Ow wait, you're saying we're boring, but you're the one massdeleting...
now I've noticed you're not very bright, but I'm sure even you can sense the contradiction in it?


Honestly the world going down the drain is all our faults, every tribe merged like I never seen so its not only AXES fault but OCD, Pwn, Motive, but I must put most of the blame on Legacy (original SCC) for breaking the Ice on mass merging very early in the game.

they should make more worlds with tribe limits of 25-50 or even some thats FFA with no tribe


lol but i didn't say you cant try and take them from me :icon_twisted:

just wait till after Thx giving in Canada...(ends monday)


WOW what a shock! been absent for a few weeks and this has happened. Long live HBK we truely fought the way a tribe was ment to fight. never scared just picking the villages off one by one! shame it all has come to an end but we will now move forward :D ok this world may be at an end but im not ready to give it up yet!


WOW what a shock! been absent for a few weeks and this has happened. Long live HBK we truely fought the way a tribe was ment to fight. never scared just picking the villages off one by one! shame it all has come to an end but we will now move forward :D ok this world may be at an end but im not ready to give it up yet!

I can respect that. Keep up the good work.