Guide Library


Never get a new computer. EVER

I need one for school though, so it looks like I will get one tomorrow (local store has a good deal on a really nice Asus). Most likely it will take me several days before I can actually use it, though (have to copy all my files and get programs set up) so I will continue to use the broken computer and work on the library heavily for those few days. Hopefully I can maintain my focus on the library even after I get my new computer up and running.


*pops out of lurker hole and starts chewing on a Carrot that randomly appeared due to internet editing*
Sup Wolf, How's Your Guiding?


*pops out of lurker hole and starts chewing on a Carrot that randomly appeared due to internet editing*
Sup Wolf, How's Your Guiding?
Sorry, was moving to college. Got a new laptop (specs are awesome, can run BF3 on medium with good FPS, all that).
I'm working on the update right now; rerating the guides is going way faster than expected, actually. I may be able to get most or all of them done tonight.


ORLY? :icon_eek:
I got most of the guides rerated; however, I still have plenty to add. 34, to be exact.
I have the changelog up on Google Drive and it's updated as I finish items. It also has the list of all new guides I plan to add.
Last edited by a moderator:


Nothing against the current one, I just want a fresh look for the header. I was going to ask you about that on Skype but you weren't online when I was earlier.
Feel free to make another header, I wouldn't mind :icon_wink:


I will be releasing V4.0 somewhere in between the 22nd and 24th. So I won't quite be able to make a W65 release date.

Note how he didn't mention a certain month or year. He's covering his bases in case he's late with his updates like usual. (bandit)



Note how he didn't mention a certain month or year. He's covering his bases in case he's late with his updates like usual. (bandit)
Oh stop bitching, I didn't remove your guide. Though you really should update it.


Lol Andy I had to take a jab at ya. And yeah I'll get around to updating my guide eventually.


FYI, I may not get around to placing all 34 new guides into Version 4.0. I'll release what I have on September 24th (clarifying for Rep), and if I don't get all 34 new guides added I'll put the rest into another update landing October 1st.


There's Version 4.0 for you. Version 4.1 will land next Monday, October 1st with a bunch of new guides and possibly a slightly tweaked organization system.

Official Changelog:
Added Introduction to No-Hauls by auguthy2 (Guide)
Added Table for Catapults/Rams by Cheesasaurus/Triumphant1 (Link)
Added Quest Tree by HighAtFive (Link)
Added AHP's Tribalwars Braindump by A humble player (Compilation)
Added auguthy2's Strategy Guide for TW by auguthy2 (Compilation)
Added a note from the author
Added a new header image by Googly
Removed several outdated/inaccurate guides
Rated all previously unrated guides
Re-rated all previously rated guides
Added "Last Rated" dates to all guides
Slightly tweaked the ratings system
Recategorized all guides by content
Resorted all guides by rating
Restyled with new headings
Added a note to each guide to clarify guide level (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)


Nixquin's Guides to Keybinding Tribal wars

Here are a couple of guides I put together for the use of keybinding in tribal wars. Thanks for the additional bits of help and insite from the Axte w51 crew!

??Keybindings you say??. Start here -->
Guide to sending mass-fakes:[spoil]

Step 1: Download Opera
Step 1a: Build rams!! in all your villages

Step 2: Press f4, this makes the "panels" bar show up.

Step 3: Click the links button.(It looks like a sideways S)

Note: if you don't see the links button, click the plus button, then check the box next to "links"

Step 4: Go to overviews, troops. at the top of the panels... start typing "commands"

Step 5: Hold down the CTRL button and click the top "command" link. Pan down to the last "command" link. Hold down the SHIFT button and click the last rally pt. (this will highlight all the rally pts links for all your villages). Right click and open in background tabs

Step 6: Paste in the fake script provided by tribe leaderhsip

Step 7: Setting up a Fake keybinding in Opera:
1 - take your fake script you have copied and make a new bookmark in Opera.
Menu... bookmarks...manage

2 - Name (AND NICKNAME) the bookmark "fakes" and copy the link into the bookmark

3 - Setting up the keybinding for fakes
menu...settings...preferences...advanced...shortcuts...edit(I assume you have already made your copy of opera shortcuts)
Type in:

F - Go to page,"fakes"&Switch to next page

Y - Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Click button&Switch to next page

T - Go to end&Focus previous widget&click button&Switch to next page

You can also just paste the whole script for the fake between the quotes but that gets messy and is a pain to swap out when you have a new target to start faking

Step 8: Fill out all the rally pts. Go to first background tab which is your nearest village rally pt. Holding down the F key till it reaches the end of all the tabs.
When it reaches the end. Switch to holding down the y key.
When it reaches the end. Switch to holding down the t key.

Step 9: This will send a single fake at your enemy from each of your villages. Run through all the villages about 10-20x, Repeat as necessary throughout the day.
I find opening up all the rally pts multiple times i.e. loading about 300tabs in the background is doable for my computer. You then hold down the key-binding keys. and Bam 300 fakes in under 60seconds! Best to play around with this and see what your computer can handle without the lag.

This video is made by me (no viruses I promise) and has restricted access. If can only be seen by going through this link.


En-mass Incoming ID/tagging
[spoil]Description: Using the same strategy as mass fakes/uberfarm we will now use for attack ID and tagging.

Scripts you will need for this:
Freeze Timer script
Freeze Timer script said:
javascript:function tick() {};

Sort script(which shows attack ID)
Sort script said:
javascript: /* === CUSTOMIZABLE === */ var vScript={ URLs:[ '', '' ], id:'fnOverviewSorter', config:{}, action:function(){win[](vScript.config);}, runOnce:true }; /* === GENERIC === */'Launcher';{name:'dalesmckay',contact:''}; vScript.version='1.00'; vScript.timeoutMS=3000; vScript.debugEnabled=true; var win=(window.frames.length>0)?window.main:window; win.$(win.document).ready(function(){ function fnDebugLog(msg){if(!vScript.debugEnabled){return;}win.$('body').append(msg);} var isLoaded=false; var ii=0; function fnEmbedScript(){ if(isLoaded){ return; } if(ii>=vScript.URLs.length){ fnDebugLog('<span style="color:red;">(Fail)</span><br/><span style="color:red;"><B>ERROR: </B>No available hosts.<br/><br/>'); return; } fnDebugLog(((ii>0)?'<span style="color:red;">(Fail)</span><br/>':'')+'<B>Load: </B>'+vScript.URLs[ii]+' ... '); win.$.getScript( vScript.URLs[ii]+'?'+Math.round(Math.random()*1000000), function(){ if(isLoaded){ return; } isLoaded=true; fnDebugLog('<span style="color:green;">(OK)</span><br/>'); fnDebugLog('<span style="color:blue;">Executing...</span><br/><br/>'); win.setTimeout(function(a,b){vScript.action();},200); } ); ii++; if(!isLoaded){ win.setTimeout(function(a,b){fnEmbedScript();},vScript.timeoutMS); } } if(win[]){ if(!vScript.runOnce){ fnDebugLog('<span style="color:blue;">Executing...</span><br/><br/>'); vScript.action(); } } else{ fnDebugLog('<span style="color:blue;text-decoration:underline;">'' - '' v'+vScript.version+'</span><br/>'); fnEmbedScript(); } }); void(0);

Atack ID/Tagger
Attack ID/tagger said:
javascript:function V(){return 1;}window.onerror=V;function Z(){c='{unit} {sent} {coords} {player} {duration} {distance} {return} {attack_id}';p=['Scout','LC','HC','Axe','Sword','Ram','***Noble***'];d=(window.frames.length>0)?window.main.document:document;aid=d.getElementById('editInput').parentNode.innerHTML.match(/id\=(\d+)/)[1];function J(e){return(/\s\(((\d+)\|(\d+))\)\sK/i.exec(e));}function K(e){f=parseInt(e,10);return(f>9?f:'0'+f);}function L(g,e){return g.getElementsByTagName(e);}function N(g){return g.innerHTML;}function M(g){return N(L(g,'a')[0]);}function O(){return k.insertRow(E++);}function W(f){return B.insertCell(f);}function P(g,e){g.innerHTML=e;return g;}function X(e){C=B.appendChild(d.createElement('th'));return P(C,e);}function Y(f){return K(f/U)+':'+K(f%(U)/T )+':'+K(f%T);}U=3600;T=60;R='table';S='width';s=L(document,R);for(j=0;j<s.length;j++){s[j].removeAttribute(S);if(s[j].className=='main'){s=L(L(s[j],'tbody')[0],R);break;}}D=0;for(j=0;j<s.length;j++){s[j].removeAttribute(S);if(s[j].className='vis'){k=s[j];if(t=k.rows){D=t.length;break;}}}for(E=0;E<D;E++){l=t[E];m=(u=l.cells)?u.length:0;if(m){u[m-1].colSpan=5-m;if(N(u[0])=='Arrival:'){Q=new Date(N(u[1]).replace(/<.*/i,''));}else{if(N(u[0])=='Arrival in:'){v=N(u[1]).match(/\d+/ig);}}if(E==1){G=M(u[2]);}if(E==2){w=J(M(u[1]));}if(E==4){x=J(M(u[1]));}}}y=v[0]*U+v[1]*T+v[2]*1;n=w[2]-x[2];o=w[3]-x[3];F=Math.sqrt(n*n+o*o);H=F.toFixed(2);E=D-2;s=L(k,'input');i=s[1];h=s[0];h.size=T;B=O();P(W(0),'Distance:').colSpan=2;P(W(1),H+' Fields').colSpan=2;B=O();X('Unit');X('Sent');X('Duration');X('Name to');c=c.replace(/\{coords\}/i,w[1]).replace(/\{distance\}/i,H).replace(/\{player\}/i,G);for(j in p){z=Math.round([5.99999999952,6.66666666667,7.33333333245,11.999999999,14.6666666714,20.0000000008,23.3333333329][j]*T*F);A=z-y;if(A>0){I=Y(z);B=O();P(W(0),p[j]);P(W(1),A<T&&'just now'||A<U&&Math.floor(A/T)+' mins ago'||Y(A)+' ago');P(W(2),I);C=W(3);q=C.appendChild(i.cloneNode(1));r=C.appendChild(h.cloneNode(1));'I'+j;r.value=c.replace(/\{duration\}/i,I).replace(/\{sent\}/i,new Date(Q.valueOf()-z*1000).toLocaleString().replace(/.\d{4}/i,'').replace(/(\w{3})\w*/i,'$1')).replace(/\{return\}/i,new Date(Q.valueOf()+z*1000).toString().replace(/\w+\s*/i,'').replace(/(\d*:\d*:\d*)(.*)/i,'$1')).replace(/\{unit\}/i,p[j]).replace(/\{attack_id\}/i,aid);q.onmousedown=new Function('h.value=d.getElementById(\'I'+j+'\').value;');}}}Z();

You will need to bookmark the ID/tagger script
name/nickname: ID

i Go to page,"ID"&switch to next page
o Focus next widget&Click button&switch to next page
(as always, you can choose whatever letter you like)


1: Click the incomings tab (make sure it is displaying 1000 attacks/page)

2:Run the freeze timer script, from your quicklinks

3: run the sort script, from your quicklinks
- click the down arrow in the left column (attack ID)... this will sort all the attacks with newest first.

4: Open your links(f4), type the word "attack", open all in background tab.
:this pulls out all the new attacks in the first 1000 incomings
- repeat steps 2/3/4 for each page of incomings you have

5: Hold down the i keybind and run through all tabs.

6: Hold down the o keybind and run through all tabs.

Your attacks should now be all tagged with the unit type which is shortest in duration for the attack.

NOTE: The key to this working correctly and easily is to be run VERY OFTEN. If you wait to long between tagging, you will get the wrong unit type.[/spoil]

Mass report rename and publicizer
[spoil]Mass Report Renamer Script
javascript:var fake=10;var showK=false;var dbg_delete=true;var lt=1;var version='jkala_3.11';var win=(window.frames.length>0)?window.main:window;var doc=win.document;var J = win.$;var as = J('a:contains("<<")');var AttN='';var AttV='';var AttQ='';var AttL='';var AttR='';var AttC='';var deadNoble='';var DefN='';var DefV='';var DefQ='';var DefL='';var DefR='';var DefC='';var cleared='';var loyalty='';var wall='';var rm='';var ct='';var trtype='';var defs='';var offdef='';var II='';var notr='No troops info ';var isfake=false;if(game_data.screen=='report' && game_data.mode!=null){attT = doc.getElementById('attack_info_att');if(attT!=null){AttN=attT.rows[0].cells[1].firstChild.innerHTML;AttV=attT.rows[1].cells[1].firstChild.innerHTML.match(/(\d+)\|(\d+)/)[0];AttC=attT.rows[1].cells[1].firstChild.innerHTML.match(/ K(\d+)/)[0];attUT = doc.getElementById('attack_info_att_units');if(attUT!=null){AttQ=attUT.rows[1].innerHTML.match(/\d+/g);AttQ.splice(0,1);AttL=attUT.rows[2].innerHTML.match(/\d+/g);AttL.splice(0,1);AttR=troopsdiff(AttQ,AttL);var att=countTroops(AttQ);var attLst=countTroops(AttL);if(att==attLst&&att<fake&&AttQ[8]==0){isfake=true;}else{defT = doc.getElementById('attack_info_def');if(defT!=null){DefN=defT.rows[0].cells[1].firstChild.innerHTML;if(typeof DefN=='undefined'){DefN='---'};DefV=defT.rows[1].cells[1].firstChild.innerHTML.match(/(\d+)\|(\d+)/)[0];DefC=defT.rows[1].cells[1].firstChild.innerHTML.match(/ K(\d+)/)[0];}defUT = doc.getElementById('attack_info_def_units');if(defUT!=null){notr="";DefQ=defUT.rows[1].innerHTML.match(/\d+/g);DefQ.splice(0,1);DefL=defUT.rows[2].innerHTML.match(/\d+/g);DefL.splice(0,1);DefR=troopsdiff(DefQ,DefL);offs=Math.round((DefR[2]*1+DefR[4]*4+DefR[6]*5)/2000)/10;if(offs<0.3)offs==0;defs=Math.round((DefR[0]*1+DefR[1]*1+DefR[5]*6)/2000)/10;if(defs<0.3)defs=0;var trtype="";if(offs>0 && defs>0){trtype='('+offs+'N/'+defs+'D)';}else if(offs>0){trtype='('+offs+'N)';}else if(defs>0){trtype='('+defs+'D)';}if(countTroops(DefQ)>0 && countTroops(DefR)==0){cleared="CLEARED"};if((DefQ[0]*1+DefQ[1]*1+DefQ[3]*2+DefQ[5]*6)>0){offdef="DEF"};if((DefQ[2]*1+DefQ[4]*4)>0){offdef="OFF"};}espT = doc.getElementById('attack_spy');if(espT!=null){for(i=0;i<espT.rows.length;i++){espionage=(stripTags(espT.rows[i].innerHTML));if(espionage.match(/Buildings:/i)){wall="W:"+building("Wall");}if(espionage.match(/Units outside of village:/i)){outside=espT.rows[i+1].getElementsByTagName('table')[0].rows[1].innerHTML.match(/\d+/g);if((outside[0]*1+outside[1]*1+outside[3]*2+outside[5]*6+outside[7]*8)>0){offdef="DEF"};if((outside[2]*1+outside[4]*4+outside[6]*5)>0){offdef="OFF"};}}}resT = doc.getElementById('attack_results');if(resT!=null){for(i=0;i<resT.rows.length;i++){result=(stripTags(resT.rows[i].innerHTML));if(result.match(/Loyalty:/i)){negative=result.match(/-/);change=result.match(/\d+/g);if(change[1]==0||negative!=null){loyalty="CONQUERED";if(change[1]==0)loyalty="CONQUERED Lucky fellow";if(AttN==DefN)loyalty="CONQUERED Self-conquest";trAT = doc.getElementById('attack_away_units');if(trAT!=null){loyalty+=" (Troops in other villages removed)";}/*intr=doc.getElementsByTagName("h4")[2].innerHTML;if(intr.match(/that were in transit/i));{loyalty+=' (Troops in transit removed)';}*/}else if(change[1]==1){loyalty='Loyalty: ' + change[1]+' Unlucky fellow';}else{loyalty='Loyalty: ' + change[1];}}if(result.match(/Damage by rams:/i)){change=result.match(/\d+/g);rm='W'+change[0]+'>'+change[1];}if(result.match(/Damage by catapults:/i)){change=result.match(/\d+/g);bld=result.split(" ");ct=bld[6].replace(/\Village/i,'HQ')+':'+change[0]+'>'+change[1];}if(result.match(/Important Information:/i)){II=' !!!';}}}}}if(isfake){delReport();}else{if(game_data.mode=='defense'||(!=DefN)){tekst='';if(showK)tekst+=AttC+' ';if(AttQ!=""&&AttQ[8]!=0)tekst+=' *** ';tekst+=AttN+' ('+AttV+') ';if((AttQ[0]*1+AttQ[1]*1+AttQ[3]*2+AttQ[5]*6)>0){offdef='DEF'};if((AttQ[2]*1+AttQ[4]*4)>0){offdef='OFF'};tekst+=offdef+' '+AttQ.join(' ');/*var backt=LaunchTime(AttV,DefV,2);alert(1);if(backt!=''&&offdef=="OFF"&&countTroops(AttR)>5000){tekst+=' BackTime:'+backt;}*/tekst+=II;if(loyalty!=0){tekst+=(loyalty=='CONQUERED')?' >>>VILLAGE LOSS':' >>>'+loyalty;}else if(ct!=''){tekst+=' >>>'+ct;}}else {tekst='';if(showK)tekst+=DefC+' ';if(DefR!=''&&DefR[8]!=0)tekst+=' *** ';tekst+=DefN+' ('+DefV+') '+offdef+' ';if(loyalty!=''){tekst+=loyalty;}else{tekst+=notr;if(defUT!=null){if(cleared){tekst+=cleared+' ';}else{tekst+=DefR.join(' ')+' ';}}if(typeof outside!='undefined'){out=outside.join(" ");if(countTroops(outside)==0)out='none';tekst+='['+out+'] ';if(outside[8]>0&&DefR[8]==0)tekst='***'+tekst;}if(rm=="")tekst+=wall+' ';if(rm!="")tekst+=rm+' ';if(ct!="")tekst+=ct+' ';if(trtype!="")tekst+=' '+trtype;if(AttL[8]!=0)tekst+=' (Dead Noble)';if(DefL!=""){var offLoss=DefL[2]*1+DefL[4]*4+DefL[6]*5+DefL[7]*8;if(offLoss>10000&&DefL[8]!=0){tekst+=(DefL[8]==1)?' (nuke & noble killed)':' (nuke & '+DefL[8]+' nobles killed)';}else if(offLoss>10000){tekst+=' (nuke killed)';}else if(DefL[8]!=0){tekst+=(DefL[8]==1)?' (noble killed)':' ('+DefL[8]+' nobles killed)';}}if(AttQ[3]>0&&notr!=""){tekst+=' ('+AttQ[3]+((AttQ[3]==1)?' scout) ':' scouts) ')}}}tekst=$.trim(tekst.replace(/\s\s+/g,' '));if(doc.getElementById('editInput').value==tekst&&as.length){window.location=as.attr('href')}else if(doc.getElementById('editInput').value==tekst&&!as.length){alert("Last report")}doc.getElementById('editInput').value=tekst;inputs=doc.getElementById('edit');inputs.getElementsByTagName('input')[1].click();}}else{if(doc.getElementById('editInput').value.match(/Your support from/i)){delReport();}else if(doc.getElementById('editInput').value.match(/support/i)){var sup = doc.getElementsByClassName('vis');var subtbl=sup[3].getElementsByTagName('table');var SupN=stripTags(subtbl[0].rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML);var SupV=stripTags(subtbl[0].rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML.match(/(\d+)\|(\d+)/)[0]);var SupC=stripTags(subtbl[0].rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML.match(/ K(\d+)/)[0]);var SupQ=stripTags(subtbl[1].innerHTML);var away='';var backtime='';if(subtbl[0].rows[1].cells[0].innerHTML.match(/Village:/)){var TgtV=stripTags(subtbl[0].rows[3].cells[1].innerHTML.match(/(\d+)\|(\d+)/)[0]);away='(Support coming back)';/*var backt=LaunchTime(SupV,TgtV,2);away+=(backt!='')?' BackTime:'+backt:'';*/}if(subtbl[0].rows[1].cells[0].innerHTML.match(/Origin:/)){away='(Support away)'}tekst=SupN+' ('+SupV+') '+SupQ+' '+away  +' '+backtime;tekst=$.trim(tekst.replace(/\s\s+/g,' '));if(doc.getElementById('editInput').value==tekst&&as.length){window.location=as.attr('href')}else if(doc.getElementById('editInput').value==tekst&&!as.length){alert("Last report")}doc.getElementById('editInput').value=tekst;inputs=doc.getElementById('edit');inputs.getElementsByTagName('input')[1].click();}else if(as.length){window.location=as.attr('href');}else {alert("Last report");}}}else{alert("Go to single report view page first!");}function delReport(){var as=(dbg_delete)?J('a:contains("Delete")'):J('a:contains("<<")');window.location=as[1];}function stripTags(html){ return html.replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, ' '); }function troopsdiff(Quantity,Losses){diff=new Array(Quantity.length);for(i=0;i<diff.length;i++) {diff[i]=(Quantity[i]-Losses[i]);}return diff;}function countTroops(troops){var count=0;for(i=0;i<troops.length;i++) {count+=troops[i]*1;}return count;}function getTroopsLine(name,numb){var ls=$("table tr[class=center] td:contains('"+name+"')");var al=((ls&&(ls.length>0))?ls[numb].parentNode.innerHTML.match(/\d+/g):[]);return al;}function building(name) {level=espT.innerHTML.match(RegExp(name+" <b>\\(Level \\d+", "gi"));if(level==null){return 0;}else {lvl=parseInt(level[0].match(/\d+/));return lvl;};}function LaunchTime(vill1,vill2,lt){if(lt==0)return '';/*var speed={spy:6,light:6.67,heavy:7.33,spear:12,axe:12,sword:14.67,ram:20,catapult:20,snob:23.33};*/var speed=6;if(AttQ[3]>0)speed=6;if(AttQ[4]>0)speed=6.67;if(AttQ[5]>0)speed=7.33;if(AttQ[0]>0||AttQ[2]>0)speed=12;if(AttQ[1]>0)speed=14.67;if(AttQ[6]>0||AttQ[7]>0)speed=20;if(AttQ[8]>0)speed=23.33;var tbls=doc.getElementsByClassName('vis');var Landtime=new Date(tbls[2].rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML);var unixtime = (new Date(Landtime).valueOf() * 0.001)|0;var c1=vill1.split("|");var c2=vill2.split("|");diffx=Math.abs(c1[0]-c2[0]);diffy=Math.abs(c1[1]-c2[1]);var dist=Math.sqrt(diffx*diffx+diffy*diffy);var unixtravel = (dist*speed*60);if(lt==1){var unixkell=unixtime-unixtravel-1;}else{var unixkell=unixtime+unixtravel+1;}var kell=new Date(unixkell*1000);var praegu=Math.round(new Date().getTime()/1000);if(unixkell<praegu){return '';}return '['+z(kell.getHours())+':'+z(kell.getMinutes())+':'+z(kell.getSeconds())+' '+z(kell.getDate())+'/'+z(kell.getMonth()+1)+']';}function z(number){var n=number.toString();while(n.length<2){n="0"+n;}return n;}function c(m){doc.body.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(m));doc.body.appendChild(doc.createElement('br'));}void(0);

Bookmark the renamer script.
name/nickname - renamer
Key-bind the renamer.
p Go to Page,"renamer"&switch to next page

- Go to your reports tab.
- Filter reports for attacks only and/or by targeted village name (if all the same)
1- Open links [F4]
2- type in attack
3- open all links which link-out to attack reports
4- ... wait for tabs to load....

- hold down the p key and run through all tabs.

- refresh the list on the reports page.

- scroll to the bottom and hit [select all]
- click [publicize] button
- click [forward] button

- Paste this info into the forums of the relevant player/OP/Squad.[/spoil]

[spoil]Set-up video:

Bookmarks you will need to make:
Manage bookmarks... make new bookmark.
Name - uberfarm
nickname - uberfarm
address - paste in script from below. DO NOT MAKE QUICKLINK SCRIPT AS IN VIDEO. Actually do not open the video at all if You are cool with scripting/keybinding.

Keybindings you will need to make:
U - Go to page,"uberfarm"&Switch to next page

Y - Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Click button&Switch to next page

T - Go to end&Focus previous widget&click button&Switch to next page

you will notice it is basically it is the same as the mass fake layout... don't want to over burden you with new ideas.

To send the farmers.
Go to troops overview... open up panels... type in "commands"

Open all the commands links in background tab (you might want to do OFF/DEF separately so you don't overwhelm your computer)

press U key approx 1 time per sec ....proceed through all tabs
hold down Y key....proceed through all tabs
Hold down T key, in 5 tab bursts... proceed through all tabs

same as mass fake, but U should be pressed with a second or 1/2 second gaps instead of keeping it pressed. If keeping it pressed, the script fails to remember what villages You have already farmed. (But You can still do it fast way, if want to farm just one farm per village today in a huge haul setup where You have not more time to farm more)

The scripts:
Tab Pop
[spoil]javascript:var config={},src='',n=encodeURIComponent(src),m='com-twpwnage-script-'+n,s=''+n,installed=localStorage['com.twpwnage.scripts'],script=installed?JSON.parse(installed)[src]:"";a=(window.frames.length>0)?window.main:window;if(!script){if(a.document.getElementById(m)==null){var A=a.document.createElement('script');;A.type='text/javascript';A.src=s;a.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(A);}}else{eval(script);}void 0;[/spoil]

Farm list input - fancy little way to store your farms locally in you browser

javascript:var config={},src='',n=encodeURIComponent(src),m='com-twpwnage-script-'+n,s=''+n,installed=localStorage['com.twpwnage.scripts'],script=installed?JSON.parse(installed)[src]:"";a=(window.frames.length>0)?window.main:window;if(!script){if(a.document.getElementById(m)==null){var A=a.document.createElement('script');;A.type='text/javascript';A.src=s;a.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(A);}}else{eval(script);}void 0;

uberfarm script

javascript:var config={fields:20,minHaul:10000,targetHaul:500000,scout:true,hours:24,rams:0,cats:0},src='',n=encodeURIComponent(src),m='com-twpwnage-script-'+n,s=''+n,installed=localStorage['com.twpwnage.scripts'],script=installed?JSON.parse(installed)[src]:"";a=(window.frames.length>0)?window.main:window;if(!script){if(a.document.getElementById(m)==null){var A=a.document.createElement('script');;A.type='text/javascript';A.src=s;a.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(A);}}else{eval(script);}void 0;

Ram/Cat Guide - this guide I did not write, but it is too useful to just go to waste. Thanks to the orginal authors involved. It has served me well over the years!
[spoil]rams guide:

This is a guide to help you make sure you use RAMS to their maximum potential. It covers all the basics for those who don't know, and includes a few tips and tricks some of the veterans might not even know! ;)

Introduction (The Basics)

Q) What are Rams?
A) Rams are a type of Offensive Troop. They are counted as General Offense / Infantry. (Like Axemen)

Q) What do they cost to produce?
A) 300 Wood, 200 Clay, 200 Iron.

Q) How much population does one Ram take? How fast does it go?
A) 1 Ram = 5 population spaces. It takes 20 minutes per field.

Q) How strong is it in offense? Why do we use them?
A) Their offensive strength is only 2. Thus on their own they are very weak offensively, 5 times worse than Spearmen. HOWEVER, they have the ability to downgrade a village's walls when you attack a village with them in your army. This massively reduces the effectiveness of the defense you are attacking and allows you to inflict maximum casualties! Thus they are essential to use in every attacking army you make! Never forget to train them along with your Axes, LC and MAs!

Q) How long do Rams take to produce?
A) 11m 08s (668s) with Level 15 Workshop, 19m 56s (1196s) with Level 5 Workshop.
400 Rams are produced in 3 days 2 hours~ by a Lv 15 Workshop and 5 days 13 hours~ by a Lv 5 Workshop.
500 Rams are produced in 3 days 21 hours~ by a Lv 15 Workshop and 6 days 22 hours~ by a Lv 5 Workshop.
Thus even if you use 500 Rams (absolute maximum of rams you should use) you don't need your Workshop higher than level 5 in order to produce them as fast as your Axes and LC.
Your Workshops should thus ideally be between Levels 2 and 5 depending on how many Rams you use. There is no need to be higher.

How EXACTLY do Rams work?

Rams affect a battle in 2 ways with 2 separate special abilities that act in 2 different ways at 2 different times. This is going to get a little complicated, but bear with me.

Special Ability ONE: Wall Bonus Negation / Defense Casualty Calculation
Affects a battle before it begins!

If there are enough Rams in your army, your army will treat the Wall as if it is a lower level than it actually is.
As a result, if you use the right amount of rams, you will deal maximum casualties.
The limit to this ability is half the wall's current level.
Example: If you are attacking a level 20 wall, if you use enough rams your army will "consider" it to be level 10 for the battle. However, even if you use more and more Rams beyond this optimal amount, the wall will still be considered to be level 10.

Special Ability TWO: Wall Demolition
Happens after the battle is over!

Once a battle is over, the defensive casualties have been calculated. According to how many defensive troops you killed in your attack, the wall will be downgraded appropriately. The amount the wall is demolished does NOT affect the current battle, however, obviously, the more it is degraded in one attack, the better it is for your NEXT attack. ;)
The formula for effective rams that act in wall demolition is:
Amount of Rams in your army * (Defender’s defense lost)/(Defender’s original defense)
Example: Suppose your army had 400 Rams and you killed 90% of the defending troops in your attack. Then 400*(90/100) = 360 Rams would be used to calculate how much the wall is downgraded (more on this soon)

How many Rams should be in one attacking army?

This is a very important question. If you use too few Rams, you will not downgrade your opponents wall bonus and wall enough, and thus will not kill very many troops. However, if you use too many, if will make your attacking armies very weak and not effective.
Cheesasaurus developed matrices to determine what is the best amount of Rams to attack with.

# Of Rams Needed For Special Effect ONE (Wall Bonus Negation)

# Of EFFECTIVE Rams Needed To Downgrade Wall When Your Troops Clear The Village

# Of EFFECTIVE Rams Needed To Downgrade Wall When Your Troops DO NOT Clear The Village

Remember, formula for effective rams = Amount of Rams in your army * (Defender’s defense lost)/(Defender’s original defense)

So what does all this mean? Well, I will tell you. Basically, for different scenarios the best amount of Rams to use is given as follows:

1) If you are certain to clear the village with your attack
(Less than 15k defending troops)
There is no need to send more than 220-250 Rams (Depending on morale)

2) If it will take 2-3 nukes to clear the village
(15k-35k defending troops)
Send around 300-325 Rams with your attack. That will give you a good balance between the strength of your attack, the amount of wall you break and the wall bonus negation

3) If if takes more than 3 nukes to clear the village (4-15 nukes)
(40k-100k~ defending troops)
You need at least 350 Rams with your attack, preferably 400 though is the optimal amount! Even more is ok as well, however, do not build more than 500, after that your nuke's strength is affected too much for it to be worth it.

4) If there is no chance of degrading the wall with your first few attacks
(More than 100k defending troops)
Remember that you only need 220 Rams for maximum wall negation!
Thus it is ok to send the first few attacks with only 220 Rams, then the rest with 400~ Rams.

Example to explain the concept: Suppose a village is taking 25 nukes to clear, and its wall will only begin downgrading after around 12 full nukes.
Thus for around at least the first 10 attacks it makes no difference to send 220 or 400 Rams.
Suppose out of the 25 nukes you are going to use, they are of the following type:
- 10 nukes of 6900 Axe 3000 LC 220 Ram
- 15 nukes of 6000 Axe 3000 LC 400 Ram
(They take same population space of 20k)
It is best to get the nukes with 220 Rams to hit first, and THEN the nukes with 400 Rams, to kill the defence while losing less troops yourself. :D


1) Rams are a unit essential in every offensive army because of their 2 special effects: Wall Negation and Wall Demolition. They are able to make your armies inflict maximum casualties.
2) The absolute minimum of Rams to have in an army is 220. Around 250-400 Rams are the recommended amount depending on how stacked the villages you generally attack are.
3) Don't build more than 500 Rams in an army, after that it starts impeding your armies.
4) Different amounts of Rams are ideal in different situations. Since you can't plan for every situation, your armies should all have around 300 - 400 Rams as they are ideal for the widest variety of situations and amounts of defense in the villages you are attacking.

I hope you enjoyed the guide and learned something new. I have to thank Cheeseasaurus for his excellent guide that I have based mine on (Read Cheese's Guide to Rams HERE).

Also... a helpful table on catapult attacks:
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Updated the library to Version 4.1.


- Resolved an issue where the link to the Quest Tree was not displayed
- ( versions) Made slight adjustments to the author’s note to account for the differences between servers
- New header image by Phlipster
- Reattributed the Table for Cats/Rams to cheesasarus per request from the poster

In Version 4.2 I plan to modify the ratings system, which is the reason for not releasing the extra guides I said I would. I'll work on 4.2 over Christmas break and it will be released as soon as it is ready, along with the extra guides.


ok the mass fake script is absolutely awesome

ok its taken me a few try's to figure this out but here is whats happening

1. loading commands ---"opening rally points" seems ok but is opening a few other pages as well, such as troop command "overview" pages in the first few tabs ??

2. now, holding down "f" im able to get the script to run through the tabs loading the info appropriately, so this is a success in full

3. however as i hold down the "y" its not sending to next page for confirmation of attack, instead its highlighting the first of the two coord fields

4. needless to say "t" its doing nothing more than entering "t's" into that highlighted coord feild

suggestions to correct the codes entered into opera

ive got this entered into the "y" field

"Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Focus next widget&Click button&Switch to next page"

just as suggested.. should i add another focus next widget in there perhaps ?? lolol
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