You were part of the NOI team? I will take getting rimmed fairly over that, although you can ask lambezz what happened there if he wishes to share that. Your lax and gunslinger approach got you where again? A forced out involuntary spectator whose remaining members felt it best to distance themselves from you by forming a new tribe. Did I see it correctly in another post that you were joining them, aka - taking over an account. Same sh*t different day.
I wasn't really asking for a comparison of your worthiness over mine as I find personal affairs on the account fairly irrelevant to the achievements that was related to leading E.T. But yes I was part of the NOI team, then after that I joined a 40 village rim acc which since has been one of the fastest growing accounts.
You know making a new tribe was a result of that having a banned duke they would need to wait two weeks before those rights would be passed on.. My lax and gunslinger approach got me the fact that I could watch as my guys didn't even need my help to pick up where I left off and carry on. Another thing which in my I would believe proves that Happy have at least at least a hint of a good tribe in them.