Success and enjoyment in life is a perspective and it seems arrogant to assume that all who plays TW well and excels at it have no life... There are in fact people who are married or retired that plays this game and have no problem living their daily lives and playing this game. Time spent on this game does not have an direct correlation to how well a player does in this game but rather the productive time spent on this game. There are many players who are as active as many Happy players but due to their inexperience or lack of game concept knowledge, they remain as mediocre players. Please get the facts right. Many of the better profiles in this world are in fact co-played which allows the account to be more active than single player accounts. Unless you have concrete evidence to point out that each and every Happy player spends 24/7 on TW, you cannot make such a bold claim.
In my experience, many people who has gf or partners can excel in this game because they know what they are doing and are productive with their time and the majority of people who do have gf or partners do not feel the need to showcase that to randoms on the internet. So that compels me to ask the question, were you yourself single for an extended period or time and had just recently settled with the first girl who had taken interest in you??? or that you really have no gf and can't handle the fact that others are better than you and can think of nothing else but this in order to erode their credibility???
I'll tell you one thing kid... Since the dawn of mankind, it was human instinct to perfect the skills in which he/she excels at, whether it was real or just a game. This is what brings about innovations and new ideas and without which, the world will never make progress... These innovations did not come about because of chance but a by product of the dedication in which the individual shrived to achieve his/her goals. When Thomas Edison first worked on the invention of the light bulb, many people criticized him for wasting his time on a meaningless pursuit but when journalists at the time asked him what he felt about the hundreds of times in which he failed, he simply answered that he did not fail hundreds of times to make a light bulb but he discovered hundreds of ways how not to make a light bulb. Such is the dedication and determination to his cause and without those failures, he could not have made his discovery.
A hobby, be it real or virtual is simple the same as those pursuits which requires time and dedication to perfect. In essence, TW is simply a complex real time massive multi-player board game but do you see any losing players in a world chess tournament claiming that the winner has no life because that individual failed in that pursuit to be the best in that game?? No that will only make him/her a bad sport and a sore loser for not wanting to understand the in depth game concepts and cannot be on the wining side. At the end of the day, TW is just a game, however, if someone is better than you in anything equates to not having a life than you won't reach very far in life I am sorry. I can even bet all I have to the fact that when the US defaults on their national debt within he next 10 to 15 years away, you will be the one sleeping on the streets blaming the world for your problems... To put it simply you simply cannot bear that someone is better than you in TW and you do not want to spend the time to make yourself better at this game so you have to bring in outside irrelevant factors into this lol and to be honest, many of us are quite successful in rl to afford the luxury to spend so much time on TW so once again I recommend you to have another look at yourself in the mirror the next time you go to the bathroom mate..