Happy/{hi} - What is your sense of urgency?


its just a nap get over it m8..the top 3 tribes being nap couldnt of lasted forever although im sure u would of liked it 2


Exactly, stained forever. :icon_redface:

Feel for knock players who will have to change accounts after this world.

Otherwise anything they say will not be believed. :icon_eek:

pur3 m4g1ck

The fact the attacks came so quickly after the Nap was announced as being dropped probably paid a part in it, i wouldn't think anyone would want to waste troops stacking in a Nap surrounded area, am i correct?..

A lot of the villages we took were stacked, I don't know where you got that information from lol.

And I absolutely love how the 'so quick to break a NAP', 'NAP' means nothing card gets pulled, just more attempts to beg Infamy to attack us. You won't declare until they attack, it's ridiculous.


same could be said of you lol. If you are so big and powerful and think you can take us on do it and declare. Its obvious that you are doing the same thing you claim we are doing. Otherwise dont go for your cowardly replies
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A lot of the villages we took were stacked, I don't know where you got that information from lol.

And I absolutely love how the 'so quick to break a NAP', 'NAP' means nothing card gets pulled, just more attempts to beg Infamy to attack us. You won't declare until they attack, it's ridiculous.

Why don't you declare?

Are you trying to say that because you havent declared breaking the written NAP rules means nothing. :icon_rolleyes:

Diplomacy with Knock = backstab

Who? will be next :lol:

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
And I absolutely love how the 'so quick to break a NAP', 'NAP' means nothing card gets pulled, just more attempts to beg Infamy to attack us. You won't declare until they attack, it's ridiculous.

You broke an NAP, didn't stick to the terms of agreement for it. Whereas, Infamy and {HI} have largely stuck to theirs.

Out of the top 3 tribes, I'd personally be of the opinion that Infamy would want to take out Knock! before fighting {HI}, purely due to the fact that Knock! has shown that they don't mean anything they say.

pur3 m4g1ck

Why don't you declare?

Are you trying to say that because you havent declared breaking the written NAP rules means nothing. :icon_rolleyes:

Diplomacy with Knock = backstab

Who? will be next :lol:

We're scared of big bad {hi} :icon_cry::icon_cry::icon_cry::icon_cry:

Diplomacy with people who see things in one light = nothing. You had the worst attempts at solving issues. There was no asking, we were always told. For too long you have tried to 'bully' your way through the world, so now that a tribe stands up to your arrogance you wait for backup, because you know you can't do it alone :)
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We have no reason to wait for back up though.. I mean please it is Knock at war with us nothing to even be worried about. We will keep picking away at JAB and then the same will be done with you when WE are ready. You attacking us makes ~0 difference. It is like a 5yr old kid punching his 20yr old brother. Annoying but useless.


We are a noob tribe that will have great fun purging your tribe off this world.

This is because the way your tribe have conducted yourselves across this world on numerous occasions .


We're scared of big bad {hi} :icon_cry::icon_cry::icon_cry::icon_cry:

Diplomacy with people who see things in one light = nothing. You had the worst attempts at solving issues. There was no asking, we were always told. For too long you have tried to 'bully' your way through the world, so now that a tribe stands up to your arrogance you wait for backup, because you know you can't do it alone :)

I love how all this is coming from someone, who in the history of knock as a tribe, has only just joined because he himself was too afraid of having to face and be rimmed by the tribe he joined. If you are so confident in your tribe's ability to take on Hi, then declare on us. You are just as afraid as you claim Hi is.

The only good thing about declaring is that you can see the stats. Thats the only real benefit at least that is how Hi leadership sees it
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1st Markvs decided to quit the game as some members of Hi thought it would be appropriate to send txt messages to his personal mobile phone?

Doesn't look like he has quit..

lol And the winner for the most random accusation goes to...


i was wondering how they think we managed to get his mobile phone number
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i was wondering how they think we managed to get his mobile phone number

I think it was when he created his PnP account, as he linked his skype accont to it thus showing his mobile number accidently, however i know that some sad members in {HI} have sent him texts, though none of a detrimental malicous type.

{HI} Won't declare until all of thier front is stacked.

Knock! won't declare as the think it will make them look bad ???

Just my thoughts


I think it was when he created his PnP account, as he linked his skype accont to it thus showing his mobile number accidently, however i know that some sad members in {HI} have sent him texts, though none of a detrimental malicous type.

Who? It's easy to throw around stupid accusations like that.

'I know that some sad members in Knock cheat' ~ It's an accusation that isn't being backed up. Do you see us going around and saying things like that? :icon_rolleyes:



i am glad that you can do some historical research but if you had paid attention to your own research you would have noticed that those conquers were towards the end of the world and villages near an enemy frontline. As well in 13th it was my job to secure inactive accounts and provide not only defense to front line players but help with constructed villages so that offensive members did not need to waste time on build villages.

Alas though that seems to be the trend for this world. How many accounts are in any of the tribes that were originally started as single player accounts and then were forced to merge 2 or 3 players into one account in order to be safe from attack while leaving their other tribemates out there as fodder?
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We have no reason to wait for back up though.. I mean please it is Knock at war with us nothing to even be worried about. We will keep picking away at JAB and then the same will be done with you when WE are ready. You attacking us makes ~0 difference. It is like a 5yr old kid punching his 20yr old brother. Annoying but useless.

JoeOne (KYIV46) conquers [0034] Imma so sorry (613|303) K36 (new) Feb 23,2012 04:06

lol u just got a bloody nose from your 5 year old brother