Now lets see who can write a longer post
Hey Head Blow Staff member ,are you a clairvoyant to see what a single man is gonna do ,and why is MM going to turn on his allies ,why not djnelson99 . Clear picture of a politician ,every time you try to do something on your own you get laught at .Politicians exist only to lie to people ,deny the truth ,there are no good or bad , they work only for self interest in other words if BA would pay you 10 $ you would start saying how mighty and grate we are , not to say how cheap you are only 10 $ .
Oh my god how bad trolls of world 17 are ,and we even dont know you . And just how correct you predictions are ,BA is so dead tribe that tomorrow HAV BOD BOH LOL will start winning AGAIN for the 15th time ,and off course we will all delete ,what else is there to do.....
I really dont know what keeps draw these people back here ,there was a guy who was telling Wisdom *(Inty_) how to start wining again ,beck to their feet 3 day before they disbanded ,and now there is our Head Blow Staff member claiming he told them years ago , he known ,seen it hes clairvoyant MAN .
Be independent ...