This was a really good Blog FFE. I feel honored you chose |GE| as the first tribe to blog about.
Best blog I've ever seen. Although that's not saying a ton as previous to this I had yet to see even a mediocre blog. Blew out the other ones by a lot. +1...
And Malreaux w64 was started when I had quit Tw...lemme guess, you did a blog for that world?
we want issue #2
boom boom bam bam bam!!!! XD
I have everything done for issue 2 aside from putting it together and adding some last minute stuff. I've had most everything for it since Monday, just haven't had the time lately. For sure it shall be ready by Thursday or Friday. I challenge you Erik, to make a cartoon in MS paint or on paper and then scan it. As long as it doesn't break forum rules or rules of sanity I'll put it in. You have been challenged. Mail me your work in game ASAP.