Check the W80 forum

Though I'm not sure why it is up to me to provide evidence. Admittedly, I like to provide evidence so that I can back up what I say. But when you rolled your eyes at the idea that you had to back up your words just like we had to back up ours, I was led to believe that you felt that it was the burden of the reader to look up their own evidence rather than having anything presented to them.
So whereas Regime can show concrete evidence of wrong-doing on Destiny's side, that can be handwaved away as, "We don't care because YOU DID THIS INSTEAD." And when we ask for evidence of that charge, we get nothing except for, "YOU DID THIS, TOO. BEHOLD THE HANDWAVING!"
Although, since I'm feeling a bit meanspirited today in light of recent events, I'll point out that the most recent example of things that were not quite accurate would be, "Regime only hits inactives,"
Where are you, Emilsen? We miss you. You blocked us so we can't even see how your op against us is going. Well, I hope.
Where are your leaders, Destiny?
Where is your spine?
And, a small query from the curious, how does it feel to be on your knees and see others smiling because of it? Does it make you feel good? Are you enjoying this?
Be thankful that the blow to the stomach was done with sincerity and not through deceitful smiles and false charges.