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As a scholar, I find the coalition's statistics manipulation fascinating. What's so interesting about it is the evolution of it over time. Originally the entire coalition was in the stats, which has gradually changed to just WET/Spyker and now adding in Mehh!! as a new participant. What one can notice is a consistency though underlying this seeming randomness. The coalition remove tribes from their statistics when they do not go positive in the war and add tribes which they did not previously as soon as they gain villages as to pad the stats. In the case of Defy, this meant literally removing them from the ingame war. It will be interesting to see how these develop in future.
Regardless, I tried my best to come up with some coalition methodology that made us look good, but I could only come up with posting the entire war out:
Side 1:
Tribes: OBEY
Side 2:
Tribes: Spyker, WET, mehh!!, DEFY
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 662
Side 2: 175
Difference: 487
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 5,055,169
Side 2: 1,347,036
Difference: 3,708,133
The most important thing from the coalition methodology of showing statistics is the overall picture. For example, Spyker is slightly losing to Obey in the last week, however the intention of the poster is to make Spyker look good so he keeps them in despite them being slightly detrimental to the overall picture. I've tried replicating that above with WET and Mehh!!, making it look like they are losing in the last week, when most of that is actually Defy.
I stopped reading after 'as a scholar' you absolute TOASTER!

Defy were a backline tribe having fun. Don't get too excited. You've still lost an overwhelming amount of ground by not being able to successfully neutralise Defy.
The coalition are still outgrowing Obey and making value able gains.
Barbie (ex vape, now obey) players let Barbie while being OP'd and made new tribes to save stats. Now that is embarrassing. The only manipulation is on Obeys side. Stop kidding yourselves!!
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