Michael Wittman
say i have 1 million points. my enemy has 4 million points. i do not think it would be remiss for me to noble some barbs and inactives with the intent of building more offense and defense in order to counter his numerical advantage. but then again, that is so obvious that only a NOOB would say that we should only take active players when our enemies are 4 times our size because they started the world in the core or were more active in the beginning. yes it is easy to say only a noob nobles barbarians and inacitves. stupid people can make this claim to sound important. however if you look at strategy and troop production, each village is a troop factory and if you take them with the full intent of producing more troops for the war effort because you are badly outnumbered, you would not be a noob. it would be the idiot wanting to sound self important claiming that the only possible way to play well is to play by their narrow view of fighting. it is a long world with much strategy and all villages are troop factories. stop sounding like an idiot telling people who fight much bigger enemies to attack only active players. that would be completely counter productive in the long run as it would slow your growth while the large players keep growing. idiots. so tired of it