Ill get Tipsy


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
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for people who cant see...

Player Action Date/Time Points
trynet Left 07th November 2011 - 14:06 578,302
3 Balls Left 07th November 2011 - 12:06 356,309
Kabniel Left 07th November 2011 - 12:06 560,935
Irish Plague Left 07th November 2011 - 10:05 523,653
ground zero1 Left 07th November 2011 - 07:05 519,922
Chandrian Left 07th November 2011 - 05:06 703,217

ALL joined Happy ^

Shrug, wont make much of a difference.

Side 1:
Tribes: Ill, IllR
Side 2:
Tribes: Vodka!

Timeframe: Last 48 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 25
Side 2: 6
Difference: 19


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 193,605
Side 2: 47,252
Difference: 146,353



Seems Vodka! isnt doing very good... makes me kind of sad. Was hoping for a more even war.


Us who left ill wont make any diffrense in this war.

Thank you.

You know me or may be not. I respect all of your decision. I knew it before but I knew I can not prevent it happened, lol. May be I was really a very bad leader. We respect you and we hope you will respect us, that's all.


Thank you.

You know me or may be not. I respect all of your decision. I knew it before but I knew I can not prevent it happened, lol. May be I was really a very bad leader. We respect you and we hope you will respect us, that's all.

Well it was a few key factors that made them leave realy, but i only left because of the other people who left because i have been playing side by side with them since almost day 1 on this world.

I will say this i never leaked any info from your forums to any other tribes.

I just find it rather spineless to do such a thing, unless you would have been really behaving badly.

I have nothing against you king either, wish you the best of luck on world and against vodka.


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
Reaction score


Oh I see.

I didn't realize that those players left ILL and joined Vodka!. Im just a spectator, no relation to either tribe.

Vodka! Tribe Changes:

Nyogotha Left 09th November 2011 - 23:06 62,929
WayneCarrilloismydaddy Joined 09th November 2011 - 19:06 134,570
WayneCarrillo Joined 09th November 2011 - 19:06 77,615
Aido Rules Joined 09th November 2011 - 16:06 25,803
RaptorHayzus Left 09th November 2011 - 11:06 477,398
CaRocky Left 09th November 2011 - 11:06 333,804
ch33n Joined 09th November 2011 - 10:06 370,495
rustybut Joined 09th November 2011 - 10:06 323,563
CaRocky Joined 09th November 2011 - 10:06 333,804


Destiny of the spies

Side 1:
Tribes: Ill
Side 2:
Tribes: Vodka!
Players: RaptorHayzus, CaRocky, rustybut

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 52
Side 2: 9
Difference: 43


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 428,489
Side 2: 66,081
Difference: 362,408


You made mistake again, you though we used all troop for the last small OP, lol. Wrong again, we still have full army at home.

It was so funny that you tried to get your spies but most of them betrayed you. Thank you so much. You helped me a lot to prune the members list. The presence of them in Ill is nothing, lol. 40 villages lost just only 2 days they left. Is that Vodka requirement? Or you want more meat shield? Look at thetigsman, tauton and 6ples, how they fought?

I heard about a big revenge and the large scale OP of Vodka on Ill. I am still waiting. May I see it, friend?


I heard about a big revenge and the large scale OP of Vodka on Ill. I am still waiting. May I see it, friend?

You may be waiting for nothing. I really haven't seen them do any OP worth mentioning since Truth almost 2 months ago. Before that they worked with Dream. on an OP against TAC. Since all that they were embarrassed by Minty and company and are falling in rank. They can deny it but to all outside appearances the tribe seems to be in disarray.

pur3 m4g1ck

You may be waiting for nothing. I really haven't seen them do any OP worth mentioning since Truth almost 2 months ago. Before that they worked with Dream. on an OP against TAC. Since all that they were embarrassed by Minty and company and are falling in rank. They can deny it but to all outside appearances the tribe seems to be in disarray.

In a way you are more than correct, there are many things I would like to be seen by the outside, but the things I would share would be disheartening for my friends, and my tribe mates to view. I can blame a majority of it on activity, HUGE leadership errors by one member in leadership (not alex), lack of skill, and excuses of why players can't follow through with plans. Don't count Vodka! out, and ILL your days are numbered. Like I have said, look to the west, look to the south, your eastern borders will be the death of you.

The spies aren't gone from ILL, do you think we would just take our information aspect out? You have more members in ILL and ILLR who will be leaving. Some, you wouldn't expect, some you may.


Best of luck to both tribes in the future.


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
Reaction score
In a way you are more than correct, there are many things I would like to be seen by the outside, but the things I would share would be disheartening for my friends, and my tribe mates to view. I can blame a majority of it on activity, HUGE leadership errors by one member in leadership (not alex), lack of skill, and excuses of why players can't follow through with plans. Don't count Vodka! out, and ILL your days are numbered. Like I have said, look to the west, look to the south, your eastern borders will be the death of you.

The spies aren't gone from ILL, do you think we would just take our information aspect out? You have more members in ILL and ILLR who will be leaving. Some, you wouldn't expect, some you may.


Best of luck to both tribes in the future.

Allow me to translate for you friend, this is what im reading from that:

"Oh crap we're losing, best make up some mystical mumbo jumbo so people will be thinking we have a trick up our sleeves"

If thats the case, may i enquire as to why you've decided not to 'unleash' this hidden potential yet? Also these repeated veiled insinuations that we're going to get jumped by happy/infamy/whoever else is getting pretty tired and lame


Hey guys! Vodka is still around I see. Is 2 months up yet? I placed a bet after we quit that Vodka! wouldn't last more than 2 months. I don't want to spend the rest of my life with a neuticle!

Anyways, I haven't been keeping up to date with this war. The reason I agreed to "co-play" jeepman was that Paul bamboozled me into believing that Vodka! were actually fighting. I haven't had a need to log on (or do anything) for more than 5 mins for days. The only time I was on for more than 30 minutes was when the bunch of Ill players left.

So, haven't we heard of this before? Vodka! hinting that they have more tricks up their sleeves and their enemy's days are numbered?

fair enough on your side AA, but we still yet to send an op. time is coming near

You speak very well but I shall let my tribes actions speak for themselves. Whether that is as embaressing as you think it will be or whether you shall be owing us an apology at the end of it, we can only wait and see. All I know is you talk a big talk but I would much rather you actually prove it in game than talk trash on the forums.

It seems like almost yesterday that happened! I would publish the mails I received from various sources during my stint on AA against Vodka! of bestbev desperately mailing players for help to coordinate on us but I suppose the AA account is deleted.

Vodka's optimism and willingness to spew out a bunch of rubbish to defend their image really reminds me of...


This guy!

I found it pretty hilarious that those who defected to Vodka! left almost immediately after. Before I actually find out what exactly is going on... I just started reading this entire thread and found this:

Gotta love that classic "He was inactive" line.

Something rang a bell and I went back to the Silly is Sober thread and dug out these:

2. Claiming to be incredibly successful by attacking and taking 7 villages off a pretty inactive player who we were going to remove anyway. The fact that you guys think you are successful after 7 villages is laughable.

I purely stated than wjones is/was pretty inactive even before you took a few villages from him.

Not sure why I'm defending myself but so be it, one thing I don't do is lie. He was inactive

The part I found most hilarious was that TWstats evidently shows that their cap was inactive and I am pretty sure Vodka actually specifically targeted that player because of his inactivity. I'm gonna assume that the player they nobled weren't replying to mails while they were nobling him right? :D.

Heres a pointer Vodka: The "inactive defense" only actually works if said player is well, inactive.
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Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
Reaction score
1x Defender of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as a defender on on 14.11.2011 (173.683 units)!

Cheers bruce and yenisher, Nice village caps btw

lol wait what, you gained nothing apart from 16 dead nukes? Maybe next time lads


16 nukes, lol. What kind of that angry mood? May be I was wrong when stop the war with Dream, fighting against Dream was more exciting.

Vodka, you are winner when gave us a boring war.


It's not total conquers

The real is:

Side 1:
Tribes: Ill
Side 2:
Tribes: Vodka!
Players: Jmarr, Nyogotha, davidbaxterkuhn, RaptorHayzus, CaRocky

Timeframe: 26/10/2011 23:17:00 to 15/11/2011 03:04:52

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 136
Side 2: 25
Difference: 111


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,173,898
Side 2: 194,049
Difference: 979,849



1x Defender of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as a defender on on 14.11.2011 (173.683 units)!

Cheers bruce and yenisher, Nice village caps btw

lol wait what, you gained nothing apart from 16 dead nukes? Maybe next time lads

accept i killed about double that or even better...


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
Reaction score
Player Action Date/Time Points
oOoHAMMONDoOo Left 17th November 2011 - 08:06 468,887

Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
K37.SW.2 (704|378) K37 9,782 KnightAngel [Vodka!] frankkhunterr [Vodka!] 2011-11-17 05:09:28
K47.NW.8 (717|409) K47 9,835 KnightAngel [Vodka!] frankkhunterr [Vodka!] 2011-11-16 13:40:59
K47.NW.6 (704|409) K47 9,835 KnightAngel [Vodka!] frankkhunterr [Vodka!] 2011-11-16 12:27:50
K47.NW.7 (730|410) K47 9,835 KnightAngel [Vodka!] frankkhunterr [Vodka!] 2011-11-16 10:48:34
K47.NW.5 (733|417) K47 9,835 KnightAngel [Vodka!] frankkhunterr [Vodka!] 2011-11-16 05:14:10
K37.SW.1 (705|388) K37 10,016 KnightAngel [Vodka!] frankkhunterr [Vodka!] 2011-11-16 02:30:14
K47.NW.4 (715|401) K47 9,771 KnightAngel [Vodka!] frankkhunterr [Vodka!] 2011-11-16 00:54:06
K47.NW.3 (724|407) K47 9,835 KnightAngel [Vodka!] frankkhunterr [Vodka!] 2011-11-15 23:07:14
K47.NW.1 (736|423) K47 9,835 KnightAngel [Vodka!] frankkhunterr [Vodka!] 2011-11-15 09:32:42

One leader jumps ship, another is too busy internalling to participate in the war. And in the midst of this is another successful Ill op :)