Interesting and funny igms


lol@ last one, next time please all post in one.
someone attacked a C.A duke for the 1st time today so i said to the guy, your gonna get your ass kiked for this, he changed his village name to neoNMD sucks ass!!!! and sent his whole army to me.

it will be away from his base for another 9 hours round trip, plunder pom. away.


This isnt funny, it's sad in all honesty, I actually replied back to this one as I dont want to see ANYONE quit this fine game.
(although it won't change my actions or game style).
I want to see people carry on from the egde of the map where they can learn from their mistakes and try again.

We're all in for a beating, it's how you take that beating and what you learn from it and come back from it that defines what sort of player you are.
The edge of the map is a BIG place and you can still have a productive meaningful game!

Please think about that before quitting.

I won't ever stop playing the best game I can, just hope people can get their heads round that, it's dog eat dog...

Speach over.


Subject asdlfgalkshglkh
Sender *****
Recipient Storm_Tiger
Sent Jun 30,2006 14:58
YOU ARE A ******!!!
i dont like people like you!
i quit tribal thanks to YOU!


Now thats funny.....
sad also......
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308404 said:
your gonna get your ass kiked for this,

Unfortunately the word you used (or rather mistyped) "kiked" has negative connotations for some ppl. I 'know' you meant kicked, please proof read - some ppl would have or could have considered that a ethnic slur.


Translation anyone? :icon_eek:


Subject plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sender b******* b******
Recipient Storm_Tiger
Sent Jul 19,2006 22:01
plz goin ma tribe ive only jus started and also i can takje piss outta ma m8es if i goin a r8 gud tribe like yours


Please, go to my tribe as I have only just started playing the game and I can take the piss out of my mates if I go in a right tribe like yours.


Am I to go to their tribe, or do they wanna come to our tribe? :icon_eek:


Sorry, I just did the translation.

I am neither a doctor nor a fortuneteller so I can't help this poor guy or forsee his intentions.


Storm_Tiger said:
Translation anyone? :icon_eek:


Subject plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sender b******* b******
Recipient Storm_Tiger
Sent Jul 19,2006 22:01
plz goin ma tribe ive only jus started and also i can takje piss outta ma m8es if i goin a r8 gud tribe like yours

I think it means "Im am too drunk to see, so i just hit random buttons on my keyboard while typing this message"


We tend to get a fair amount of abuse for some reason :icon_rolleyes: here's an example (from a young lady too:icon_eek:... lady-boy maybe? *shrugs* )


Subject f*** you
Sender Eva W***
Recipient campbellt
Sent Jul 22,2006 05:01
f*** your mother and your sister !!! hope to9 can f*** you mother twice as i wish . wish your whole family die and die and die !


I think it's going to pointless here to suggest it's just a game :icon_razz:


Storm_Tiger said:
We tend to get a fair amount of abuse for some reason :icon_rolleyes: here's an example (from a young lady too:icon_eek:... lady-boy maybe? *shrugs* )
o_O and you're saying you are completely innocent/not ruining their first tribal wars experience? (I know those mails you get are ridiculous, and I'm sympathising with you and no one else, but to say that you *for some reason* recieve abuse, that they just fall out of the sky and are from random people you don't know, I doubt that)


Sorry Mandril I left some script out...

[sarcasm]We tend to get a fair amount of abuse for some reason[/sarcasm] here's an example (from a young lady too... lady-boy maybe? *shrugs* )

I couldnt find the sarcasm face so just whacked in eye roll :icon_wink:
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hehe my bad, I forgot to wear my sarcasm glasses so perhaps I should have noticed it :p ah, perfectly understanding people on the internet is an art.


Snowball wrote:
btw im taking over his dukes village so i find the whole situation a little ironic.

The-Chump wrote:
thank you :). he is already a farm..

Snowball wrote:
ther seems to be an up rising in one of your farms
bigrobjuggalo wrote:
hey man i need u to help me plz the chump is in my area and he is starting to attack me and has already took over one of our allies right next to me and now he is going to take me over so if u could help me plz i would appriciate it majorly

just thought you might get a kick out of this. it made me laugh.


Sender s****
Recipient Storm_Tiger
Sent Jul 25,2006 16:46

storm tiger please can you not attack me please because i am new.
please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,don't ATTACK ME


Subject stop
Sender s****
Recipient Storm_Tiger
Sent Jul 25,2006 16:48
turn back stop go away please


Storm_Tiger wrote:
You cant be new, you're accounts older than mine.
s**** wrote:
please don't invade my village because i am new s o cut me some slack and leave me alone


Sender Storm_Tiger
Recipient s****
Sent Jul 26,2006 10:38
your account is older than mine.

if you want a peaceful game go to settings and press start over.

then you'll be about where you are now but wont be attacked

stop PMing me, its a war game and "don't attack me cos I'm new" is not something I'm interested in hearing any more in this game.

read my profile.
no i am not i am new i play on tribal wars only when something is being done on another game


Sender Storm_Tiger
Recipient s****
Sent Jul 26,2006 10:40
*ugh* then expect to be a farm.
Subject freedom
Sender s****
Recipient Storm_Tiger
Sent Jul 26,2006 11:02
the reason why i am new storm tiger is because i also play on robot wars and conquer online so that is why i am new cut go easy on me.


p.s. yuor tribe look really cool i like the picture. [i wish i could be part of your tribe as well]


I WAS just farming, now I feel I just HAVE to add demolition :icon_twisted: frickn a** lickn p****
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Subject Pewpew
Sender ****
Recipient Storm_Tiger
Sent Jul 28,2006 11:33
Time till my village gets annihilated = 12 minutes, GO ME.


Subject bitch
Sender *********
Recipient Storm_Tiger
Sent Jul 28,2006 14:29
hahahaha u bitch attackin me wots up cnt attack no1 ur size wot a fag, wel uve got my village anyway i ant got no troops or resources so u can av it


1) His tribe tried to 5 V's 1 one of our B Tribe so fair means little to me.

2) His account is older than mine, and a 2000+ point village with no troops but a big old market that he uses to supply his players is BEGGING to be wiped from the game imo.


ST im not trying to bother you because im a new player and i think you are a very experimented one but, i think that you shouldn't make double posts, instead of that, just edit the first one you posted.


MexicanoAventurero said:
ST im not trying to bother you because im a new player and i think you are a very experimented one but, i think that you shouldn't make double posts, instead of that, just edit the first one you posted.

As there's 6 hours dif, dif person, dif mail, dif issue.

I just posted it on its own.

Thanks for the advice though. :spear: