Leaving GOF - Lost my trust


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A new family(?)

I come from being a Meat duke, having fought GOF briefly, until Boi, who accepted proper NAP terms, disregarded these the day after to come to GOF's aid and flank us, quickly and swiftly defusing the war. I eventually joined GOF and aided Boi to continue this world. It took some time getting accustomed to a different tribe family shortly after having been enemies, and interesting facts and backroom anecdotes were shared, looking back at how that conflict came to be and how it played out.

Questionable Decisions
Panzer has most definitely been in contact with every major tribe, telling each tribe only that which ultimately benefits Panzer. This is applicable to any tribe who's in Panzer's position, it just happens to be Panzer for world 119. GOF leadership claimed to have mostly solidified not just a cooperation, but a merger with Panzer, and claimed to have the rosters figured out.

"But we have had a lot of voice calls for a long time now with Panzer
We will make concrete deals tonight
In order to be able to work more efficiently together
and be able to do things which require more trust
one of those things is that they'll feed some of our players
over time
if both parties keep options open, we can't have this kind of cooperation
because no one puts all his eggs in one basket
We have ben talking with Panzer for a really long time, precisely because we both want to put our eggs in a basket
But yeah if something changes, we will adapt on the fly
I am really good in turning situations when the board is stacked against us"

"If we attack Good, we will do so with Panzer & NoL
So we will gangbang every tribe that is ranked above us
that is the principle
it can of course all change
but for now it looks like we will side with Panzer over Good
Panzer is a tribe with whom we can merge
The rest has no space"

"Depending on how long Boi is able to keep it up
The problem is that Good doesn't really have room for a merge
And we won't win a lategame 1v1
Panzer has 8 players late game, we have 12
The only thing we have to do is make sure other tribes don't see this coming
So we will tactically create fights in the TW server
not councils
but players
I'm telling you some confidential information
Panzer will recruit Beat and Flexes
It looks a lot like this will happen
We will ask a few players to act very angry about it in the TW server
so no one sees our merge coming late game
We will create a good amount of drama"

I have witnessed GOF leadership promising me and a few others a ticket to win this world, a position in Panzer, however neither rosters have enough room right now, nor will they realistically have figured this out in the future, not without selling out half of the existing members. This brings me back to questioning the intentions of GOF towards its members.


I have witnessed decisions that put an emphasis the untrustworthiness of the GOF leadership:
  • GOF partnered up with Apache on false promises, only to stab them in the back;
  • GOF partnered up with Savage in the fight against BARBIE, only to noble them when V1 was gunning for that zone as well, so much for their assistance;
  • GOF partnered up with Boi to take down Meat but poorly helped Boi afterwards, focusing on V1 instead
  • GOF partnered up with DND in the fight against V1, only to now be drawing up plans to take down DND
    (@DND, GOF is gunning for you next, so much for your assistance against V1)
  • GOF could have strengthened itself by recruiting The Roman Empire + Horde, but decided to try and squeeze them out with PANZER
  • Who's the next ally to be disappointed by GOF? Boi?

The underlying trend here is that PANZER is ultimately being fed the easiest targets over and over, and GOF is the prime party facilitating this. In the end, there is no practical future for GOF, and they seem to be playing right into PANZER’s hands. The event where Flexes and TheBeatConductor joined PANZER, are being followed up by more questionable decisions, feeding PANZER with food on a silver platter.

I refuse being given a spot for an easy win, and any sane person can see that there is no room for something like this either. There are only continued internals and what will remain of GOF and COF is only a few strong players.

GOF & COF members deserve better

I have respect for all the GOF members that have carried the tribe up to this point enough not to be as selfish as the leadership, they have supported each other and have fought side by side, but they are being used and I feel sorry for them.

I believe in the end, it is only Salvador Dali and perhaps a few others, who will join Panzer, if that deal was even genuine from Panzer's side to begin with, and not just something Panzer wants Salvador Dali to believe for as long as it serves their purpose.

Adding all of this up, it just seems very hypocritical, and I firmly believe GOF members will suffer the same fate as Visage members did, as everything just smells like tribe leadership is gunning for a quick and dirty world win, securing spots in the biggest tribes for themselves in the long run.

A repeat of Visage is inevitable if this path is continued, it's a high price for the benefit of a few. That's a lot of diplomatic shortcuts, one of Dali's strong suits, but applied in a way I can personally not be a part of.

Unstable and toxic communication

Salvador Dali has been in toxic discussions with me in the past, but also with current opponents. He has picked fights with Phalanx them only to then task the whole tribe to engage in a war with them to facilitate his personal vendetta. When my co-player Cytha made a joke about this true observation a week ago, he was kicked out of the GOF discord by him, and Dali notified me and him that he doesn't like this and wants remarks only sent to him in private. "We can't show too much conflict within the tribe as others perceive it as weakness" said Dali. He's silencing any questions, remarks, concerns, instead forcing everyone to deal with it privately, so no one else sees. Micro-managing critique in private is a bad sign, in the long run everyone you interact with poorly will know what you’re like in private.


You do not just kick the co-player of a very important account in your tribe out of your tribe discord over a valid remark, posted as an ironic comment, and not even having approached him about it beforehand, it was an immediate kick. I admit Salvador Dali did afterwards apologize for it, but that’s quite a high horse he’s on, acting on emotions, that’s not promising at all when there will be intensive wars. I took offense to this.

The last drop
On Monday I received an interesting mail from TRE only proving and confirming Salvador Dali’s behaviour and intentions on this world and on past worlds.
This was the last drop for me.
I have decided not to be a part of this. I'm consciously stepping away from a large tribe because I am against the shady and selfish deals and the imbalance on this world MORE than wanting to be part of a large tribe where I can feel safe and part of a large group.

I am never going to insult other players, and I thank all GOF members including the leadership for initially inviting me, accepting me and rendering support and assistance during my stay. It’s not my intention to disrespect any of you, but the short-term support or praising words do not make up for the bigger picture that is going on here and how allies are temporarily made and then discarded, the current course is however simply unacceptable, and past allies are discarded as trash. I’m not going to participate in drama and I’m not going to be a dairy cow in Dali’s dairy farm for PANZER to milk dry, I am respectfully leaving. Do not look at it short-term, look long-term and you will understand.

GOF members who feel the same way can join me and avoid the same scenario Visage members ended up with. I am creating my own tribe and personally handle diplomacies, my neighbours can message me to work things out as adults, as can all GOF and COF members.


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The Roman Empire

Contributing Poster
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Well well well ... Looks like Salvador has been a bad boy again. Didn't he accuse me of having a "two-faced attitude problem" just yesterday?

I am glad that I am not the only one to see you for the hypocrite that you are. You claim to be all about "respect" but your attitude towards certain players (and allies) has been apalling. You may rest assured that I gathered some screenshot and information about you and your dealings with Panzer too, but I need a little bit more time to write up a nice story. Maybe tonight?

Some quick previews for those interested though. I do apologize for the Dutch screenshots here and there, Jarno and I are both Dutch. Feel free to use a translating app or ask people here to assist you :). If necessary I can also write up a quick summary of what it says.

Why does he want to join Panzer so badly? Well he thinks his tribe is shit. He says they only have 5-6 decent players, 5-6 mediocre players and the rest are all hopeless. He knows his tribe cannot face off Good or Panzer by itself, so he plans to jump ship:



Oh but wait Jarno, did you not say you would "go down with the ship"? That it was a dirty move by Visage? While clearly that was just all a PR stunt.


Did you not say these were "just Good rumors"?


Oh and he did something similar on 106 as well, where he declared war on the Swedes without having any plans in place (no OP plan, no fakescripts, nothing). It did not take him long to ask for a few people to be recruited, but only "after we are fully beaten". He conveniently left out that he was so far backline that he would be one of the last men standing.


When they refused him he eventually started gifting his villages to them, wonderful duking he did.


Don't forget, don't let me get joy out of this ;-)


Deleted User - 849022040

Salvador Dali or Fali whatever it is,

If we ever meet in any world,

That will be the End of you,

And the Fate of your beloved Tribe will go down with you.

Now pray that we don't meet.


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1. It was Dali who asked me if I'd be interested in joining GOF, while I was fending off GOF attacks when Meat was dying. Ultimately your whole council accepted the idea not to waste any more troops on me too and instead utilize my position to your advantage.

2. The majority of information I have posted are factual discussions with Dali and information given to me by Dali, don't confuse them with my opinions.

3. Why would I have leaked any lists? I am distancing myself from the whole movement of feeding Panzer any longer, everyone seems so short-sighted.
Just look at your own council's plans, repeat them a few times in the mirror, and then try calling it a vendetta again.

4. Receiving 5M resources every now and then when I'm mass-minting isn't enormous boosting, you do know what a single 10% package gives me right? Kind of a weak argument here.

5. I have provided arguments and substantiated them, this is not a personal vendetta.

The Roman Empire

Contributing Poster
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It is not my place to reply to most of this, but there are a few things Viper that I thought were really funny.

Also talking how you want to avoid what happened to V1 but you are the one who is right now trying to tear us apart

Yes try to make it look like he's the bad guy while you are planning the merge, leaving behind the majority of the players you represent as a council member.

GOF council is well aware that not everyone can win and we are trying to compromise it with merges just like every other tribe is doing, we will even split the reward with our coplayers because it is only fair way to return the favor, but what you know about fairness after all

You have 36 members in your tribe currently. How can you honestly expect Panzer to make room for even half that? No matter how many mergers and internals you enforce, you cannot trim down enough for everyone to fit into Panzer. They can now realistically make room for maybe 3-5 players, but they also have an end game agreement with NoL. The whole point of this is that you are going to be leaving people behind, exactly as Visage council did, and that this is the ultimate dickmove.

THIS IS A WAR GAME MY DUDE IF YOU DIDN'T GET IT BY NOW. and I will repeat this few more times until it gets in your head.

Which makes your plans for merging even funnier dude. Now please cry more that your plans have been exposed.

5. You wrote above '' I refuse being given a spot for an easy win, and any sane person can see that there is no room for something like this either. ''
so when you switched from Meat to GOF after losing war that wasn't your try to get a easy spot for a win?

I wouldn't exactly call switching to GOF getting an easy spot for a win hahaha. Even Salvador says the tribe cannot ever win this on their own, calling the majority of his members "hopeless" (direct quote).

- You leaked our OPs on |P|

Bro, your OPs have been absolutely shit. We have had no need for anyone to leak any information to us. Some of the fun things we have seen:
- Guys sending 200 or more fakes from a single village, before moving on to the next village to send 200 more. SCARY SHIT MATE!
- Guys sending no fakes at all, just landing nukes exactly on your land time 70+ hours out.
- Salvador not participating in the first one (no fakes, no fangs, no nukes). He did some before and after, but your glorious leader did nothing while his tribe was nuking us all over. But then again, Salvador and the rest of council aren't exactly leading by example anyway.
- Generally speaking the faking has been horrible. We'd see a whole bunch of fakes, then a moment of nothing, then a nuke and thats it. Like OMG I WONDER WHICH ONE IS GONNA BE REAL HERE.
- Trying random nukes to midline which WTs see coming 20 hours out.

And more, but I'd rather not have you learn too much so I won't give you more hints lol. Keep it going like this and we'll get #1 ODD soon enough.

6. I am so happy that we didn't recruit The Roman Empire because he is a same dick as you are and he would do the same thing - pretend to be our friend for months and then betray us

My feelings have been hurt. I do not see how exposing your plans is a dickmove (to all other GOF members), so please elaborate.

So the whole post you wrote up is a bullshit, it is easy to take screenshots out of Context and act as a ''fair'' and ''honest'' player while you did x10 worse things..

So you are saying the merge is bullshit, that those words (all of them) are fully out of context? Salvador has never had the talks with Panzer, Salvador has never had the intention to merge with Panzer? That is all complete BS?


But isn't your tribe called a bunch of friends?


Active Member
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I'll only respond to some of this as this wasn't meant for me. I would just like to know how you feel when your own duke wants to leave all of you just to get a win? Do you know Dali? or you think you know him? You probably weren't playing with him on 106 or 116 right? If you haven't noticed Italians - Panzer.
Joined this world with only 1 goal and that is to do everything in their power to win. And it doesn't matter if they screw hundreds of players by doing so. They started playing diplomacy only. They don't have the intent of warring everyone and getting a free win - they are as scummy as Flexes, Arne, and Salvador. These are people who don't care about their friends or about people who played with them. They only care about their own ass. When the time was right Dali would join PANZER and the same shit as happened to Visage would happen to you. That means free food for Panzer and with that free win for them also. But like most of Panzer, Flexes and Salvador they didn't show shit on this world. Can't say the same on Arne even tho i don't like the way he got me and our tribe dirty. As he is one of the only ones that were actually showing something. Defending big ass op from panzer and clearing most of the rim tribes before the war on panzer started.... etc..

" - You leaked our OPs on |P| " - Well that is not true - The past few days iv been helping TRE and I can say that you are not even close to beeing good. You sent over 9k fakes (which props to you) but you don't know how to send them. You send 140+ fakes from a single village and then switch to otherone. Yet when you sent your first real nuke you didn't send ANY fakes with it. Of your 9k incomings, I ignored all of them. You sent few fangs but with the way of your faking was not hard to figure that is or real nuke or fang so all I had to do was tag it and wait till my WT sees it. - if is green is a fang. You guys sent like hundreds of fang last 2 weeks and you guys got more losses on your end than we on ours. That is not how your fang.
Today is landing your 2.nd op as a full GOF tribe and yet again bad planning on whoever was planing op. I got solo attacks landing on 18:00:00 more than 3 days ago lmao. It doesn't do shit if you and Frozen send every day thousands of fakes when you have teammates that send 1 nuke 60+hours out timmed on the same second and 0 fakes. But yeah keep spending your time on sending fakes for hours on end for me just to ignore all of them with 3 clicks.

" 6. I am so happy that we didn't recruit The Roman Empire "

Well so am I. As is hard to win worlds with tribemates like you. Is gonna be so much easier to just eat you and grow. Then to be on the same side as you. I'm just sad I don't have my account on here still because that would be 183 villas more for myself.
M8 your not good, and you're not winning this one. What you showed vs the TRE account is just sad.

I am happy that you're not throwing your effort and commitment in the water. But as far as that front line we have and Salvador showed on this world I'm not scared even a bit.

Oh, and you remember your first op? like a week ago? when you splatted over 100 nukes over 250 fangs just on TRE account, and you didn't do shit with it? What if I tell you that you took all that time to plan everything to send everything and to send another i think it was 6k fakes just from yourself. When Salvador and most of the other council didn't send even 1 nuke or even 1 fake - they didn't do shit. You know why? because they hoped you guys could destroy stacks and he and other council members could just sweep by and cap easy villas. Too bad that didn't happen.

Yet now you making this like TheDruid is the bad guy? Stop riding your friend Dali **** and wake up. I don't know if you are in the council or if your not. But you should start thinking about this alitle bit more. Dali even admitted that was the case to leave you all behind and join Panzer.
Oh and Dali wanting to play with cheaters on the new world when it opens, and him giving them respect for being "respectful" even tho they cheated and he well knows that. Is just sad. Is time for Dali to go. Like on all other worlds.

I don't like leaders leaving their friends and tribemates behind for the W. And i don't like people who lie just to be shown in a better "light" like Salvador was doing.


Timothy Mus

Tribe Mate of the Year 2021
Reaction score
I'll just say that you are really shallow and shitty person Druid...

Talking how honest and fair you are? why did you then switch sides when you lost war against us? (when you were in Meat) probably because you didn't want to win but wanted to be fair, right? you were thinking only on yourself back then and you were taking villas from your previous teammates so you have no rights to say ANYTHING!

and this whole time you acted as a part of our tribe while you were collecting screenshots and underming our tribe because of YOUR PERSONAL VENDETTA with Dali - that's that REAL PROBLEM HERE

We really accepted you over past few months and even now EACH of your villas is stacked to the roofs by GOF/COF players and you decided to backstab us when we donated millions of resources for you to mint... we spent hours to stack and feed you and it is you who backstabbed us

Also talking how you want to avoid what happened to V1 but you are the one who is right now trying to tear us apart

if you are so smart how would you fit only 20 people from 119 into 1 tribe??
GOF council is well aware that not everyone can win and we are trying to compromise it with merges just like every other tribe is doing, we will even split the reward with our coplayers because it is only fair way to return the favor, but what you know about fairness after all

All those points you brougth out are JUST YOUR PERSPECTIVE (and you had secret vendetta on Dali this whole time so your point of view is influenced by that a lot). I will quickly go through those points - from a perspective from a real GOF player
1. Apache didn't get backstabbed, it was a deal. Most of their small players were casuals so they didn't mind this + we recruited their serious players and there was no b.eef between Apache and GOF because people are reasonable
2. Yes we partnered with Savage against V1 but then savage players started quiting and giving literraly VILLAS FOR FREE to V1 so we got greenlight from them to take some villas ourselves and more work than we should have done (everyone knows how demanding and time consuming frontline can be) so Savage was okay with our interference because we WERE ON THE SAME SIDE and their active players didn't want to fall under V1
3. What is even your point about war between GOF and MEAT? we had 2 frontlines while BOI had 1 so they went after Meat while we focused down on V1

THIS IS A WAR GAME MY DUDE IF YOU DIDN'T GET IT BY NOW. and I will repeat this few more times until it gets in your head.

4. You are not even on the council so don't just go around and talk about your opinions because it's stupid and incorrect
5. You wrote above '' I refuse being given a spot for an easy win, and any sane person can see that there is no room for something like this either. ''
so when you switched from Meat to GOF after losing war that wasn't your try to get a easy spot for a win?
6. I am so happy that we didn't recruit The Roman Empire because he is a same as you are and he would do the same thing - pretend to be our friend for months and then betray us

You are talking how you know all of GOF and Panzer decisions etc. and you ''don't want to win'' but the move you just did is like a cry for help hoping that GOOD will recruit you...

DONT SAY YOU HAVE RESPECT FOR ALL GOF/COF PLAYERS because you are so shallow and you just backstabbed us all which shows you don't really care about anyone but yourself and you don't respect anyone.

- You were leaking our STACKLISTs to enemies + you leaked BOI stacklists...
- You leaked our OPs on |P|

So the whole post you wrote up is a bullshit, it is easy to take screenshots out of Context and act as a ''fair'' and ''honest'' player while you did x10 worse things..

I am just curious how would you narrow a list of 400 people down to only 20?? I though you knew more about this game but you are here just to cure your frustrations and personal vendettas...


People like you should rotten in helll in my opinion because you just disregarded past 4 months of efforts and building of trust and friendships...

Druid in his post above: '' I have decided not to be a part of this'' oh really?? you are the type of person who are starting backstabs and shit like that in the first place and now acting like you don't have to do anything with that which is even worse. really pathetic

People who know me know that I don't talk much and I'm silent most of the time just playing the game, but then people like Druid come and fuck me up and want to throw all my effort and commitment in the water, well not this time my dude.


Deleted User - 11439861

It is kinda sad if joking around is the best "defense" you can come up with.

Not surprising though, as a person who knows Jarno in real life you are undoubtedly on his list for Panzer.
Like Salvador you don't exactly lead by example. The war is what, 10 days old? You have 174 ODA and 3k ODD in this war. lolololol

I'm amazed how you are always able to bring up Salvador Dali in every message you post. And give it a salty twist! My initial post was not even aimed towards you and you've managed to respond and slip the topic in. But oh well, go back to leaking your tribe members village information like the saint you are.


Reaction score
I'll only respond to some of this as this wasn't meant for me. I would just like to know how you feel when your own duke wants to leave all of you just to get a win? Do you know Dali? or you think you know him? You probably weren't playing with him on 106 or 116 right? If you haven't noticed Italians - Panzer.
Joined this world with only 1 goal and that is to do everything in their power to win. And it doesn't matter if they screw hundreds of players by doing so. They started playing diplomacy only. They don't have the intent of warring everyone and getting a free win - they are as scummy as Flexes, Arne, and Salvador. These are people who don't care about their friends or about people who played with them. They only care about their own ass. When the time was right Dali would join PANZER and the same shit as happened to Visage would happen to you. That means free food for Panzer and with that free win for them also. But like most of Panzer, Flexes and Salvador they didn't show shit on this world. Can't say the same on Arne even tho i don't like the way he got me and our tribe dirty. As he is one of the only ones that were actually showing something. Defending big ass op from panzer and clearing most of the rim tribes before the war on panzer started.... etc..

" - You leaked our OPs on |P| " - Well that is not true - The past few days iv been helping TRE and I can say that you are not even close to beeing good. You sent over 9k fakes (which props to you) but you don't know how to send them. You send 140+ fakes from a single village and then switch to otherone. Yet when you sent your first real nuke you didn't send ANY fakes with it. Of your 9k incomings, I ignored all of them. You sent few fangs but with the way of your faking was not hard to figure that is or real nuke or fang so all I had to do was tag it and wait till my WT sees it. - if is green is a fang. You guys sent like hundreds of fang last 2 weeks and you guys got more losses on your end than we on ours. That is not how your fang.
Today is landing your 2.nd op as a full GOF tribe and yet again bad planning on whoever was planing op. I got solo attacks landing on 18:00:00 more than 3 days ago lmao. It doesn't do shit if you and Frozen send every day thousands of fakes when you have teammates that send 1 nuke 60+hours out timmed on the same second and 0 fakes. But yeah keep spending your time on sending fakes for hours on end for me just to ignore all of them with 3 clicks.

" 6. I am so happy that we didn't recruit The Roman Empire "

Well so am I. As is hard to win worlds with tribemates like you. Is gonna be so much easier to just eat you and grow. Then to be on the same side as you. I'm just sad I don't have my account on here still because that would be 183 villas more for myself.
M8 your not good, and you're not winning this one. What you showed vs the TRE account is just sad.

I am happy that you're not throwing your effort and commitment in the water. But as far as that front line we have and Salvador showed on this world I'm not scared even a bit.

Oh, and you remember your first op? like a week ago? when you splatted over 100 nukes over 250 fangs just on TRE account, and you didn't do shit with it? What if I tell you that you took all that time to plan everything to send everything and to send another i think it was 6k fakes just from yourself. When Salvador and most of the other council didn't send even 1 nuke or even 1 fake - they didn't do shit. You know why? because they hoped you guys could destroy stacks and he and other council members could just sweep by and cap easy villas. Too bad that didn't happen.

Yet now you making this like TheDruid is the bad guy? Stop riding your friend Dali **** and wake up. I don't know if you are in the council or if your not. But you should start thinking about this alitle bit more. Dali even admitted that was the case to leave you all behind and join Panzer.
Oh and Dali wanting to play with cheaters on the new world when it opens, and him giving them respect for being "respectful" even tho they cheated and he well knows that. Is just sad. Is time for Dali to go. Like on all other worlds.

I don't like leaders leaving their friends and tribemates behind for the W. And i don't like people who lie just to be shown in a better "light" like Salvador was doing.


I see some salt in there and some good propaganda too lol


Active Member
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What good propaganda? Lol
and salt? yeah, I'm mad with Panzer joining 119 and ruining it for so many people just by bribing dukes. So yeah i also hate everyone else that has any connections with Panzer


Reaction score
It is kinda sad if joking around is the best "defense" you can come up with.

Not surprising though, as a person who knows Jarno in real life you are undoubtedly on his list for Panzer.
Like Salvador you don't exactly lead by example. The war is what, 10 days old? You have 174 ODA and 3k ODD in this war. lolololol

This is too desperate, just play the game. Druid was spying and you also leaked information. Now you are getting rimmed for it :rolleyes: