The Roman Empire
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I don't see why are you so obsessed with GOF? except that it is clear that you are super mad at Dali from before but it is pathetic to bring those fillings to 119 and try to cause drama here.
You are the only one (+Druid) who is spreading disinformation around how we are leaving people behind, while all other tribes have merged some even few times, but you're really stuck for us. I ask myself why do you care so much about us? do you love us so much that you spend so much time thinking about GOF's moves and decisions? There are like 7 other tribes that you can start caring about and leave us alone
It is no secret that I dislike Salvador, and that my opinion of him and his actions will be biased because of this. The drama however is justified in our opinion because you are doing exactly that what the Visage council did, and that is nothing I wish for to happen to other people. That is why I invest the time that I have and I do not mind it at all.
You talk about merging, which is a normal thing and it happens frequently. However leaving behind the majority of your tribe can definitely be put in the category of backstabbing, hence all the fuss about it now.
You guys got a bit of information about merge which was still in talks and you basically know nothing so please stop saying things like ''panzer got only 2 spots left'' because this disinformation comes ONLY from you and it is ONLY your opinion, and again I don't see why you care so much for all of us to fit in Panzer? Would you be so happy if we all fitted in Panzer? you know nothing about our internal arrangements and deals that we have with each other inside our tribe so you are in no position to talk about it.
We know more than you know or care to admit. It is not just coming from me, there are other people too, can you not read? It is right here in this very forum post, on discord etc. So saying that it is just me and my opinion is just wrong, sorry.
If you would all fit into Panzer, or even if 50% of you would, then we would not be here. We wouldn't have these talks and you wouldn't have the need to defend yourselves. But they do not all fit, not even half of them do, so we are here and clearly you feel the need to defend yourself.
Who said we all have to participate in the OP's???? you don't know how we organize our OP's so don't talk shit, you sent like 20 fakes only the first day of war and not a single fake since then + you didn't send a SINGLE NUKE this whole war so who are you to measure the contribution of our members in OP's??
Not to mention you guys had ZERO OP's on us...
It does not take a genius to figure out how these OPs are organized from a defenders point of view. You also seem to forget that we have previous experience with Salvador, so yes, we do have a fair idea of how things are going.
Furthermore, according to our Vault, I had more than 6k fakes outgoing in the last 7 days alone. We fanged Salvador and we fanged Barnaborosz. We also nuked some of your players, how else would be be at 646k ODA in our little war? May I remind you that you only have 193k ODA in this war? So you are either misinformed or just unable to see things clearly.
It is true that we have not ran any major OPs on you after the fall of Visage, and yet we are up in conquerors (LOL), which makes your performance all the more pathetic. There is a simple reason for that though, given our position we had the need to turtle up to some degree. Moreover, we ran multiple OPs on you while we were still in Visage and we did so with very few accounts (mostly Horde + myself), and did so quite successfully I might add. Salvador even said we did quite good in that regard, so again you are either misinformed or just unable to see things clearly.
True the OP's didn't go too well but it's just 2 of many operations that we will be landing on you guys so better stay prepared, and on a side note; I never saw someone win wars this big with only 2 operations so why are you even taking that as an argument? I get it you know to defend (and praise for that) but the better question is for how long can you defend?
We will happily shut down a third, fourth and fifth OP, should your tribe be capable of doing these. We will defend for however long we can and do so proudly. I know that you cannot wait for Panzer to get involved, which may be the only thing that can actually make you get any progress here. The fact that you cannot take on a two man tribe with 20 members is definitely one of the reasons Salvador seems to want to merge so badly.
He can act nice and sweet all day long but he knows he fucked us over for no reason, he jumped to conclusions right away when dali told him about possible merge with panzer
"we're going to merge with Panzer"
"we had the talk"
In response to the question whether the roster has been figured out: "we have to leave 1 or 2 guys who we don't want to leave"
You are trying to make it seem as if the talks were in an early stage, but all Salvador's quotes show that the talks were advanced and at the end.
We all know you can't convey a message through a few words in a text over digital screens and when I say he took those screenshots out of context that's what I'm reffering to. Yes we need merge and so do other tribes, and merge with panzer was never a done deal but you like to believe it was because then you have a reason to blame Dali and make him look bad.
We posted more than just "we're going to merge", and instead posted a lot of information surrounding that. So please tell me, what did we take out of context exactly? What is the context here? We are not the ones making Dali look bad, he (and you) are doing a fine job themselves.
You didn't answer my question from before, how would you narrow down all the people from 119 to fit in 1 tribe? because you got no solutions and you don't even care to try to come up with any, you would rather chase Dali and start beef on every world he plays on because he didn't manage to get you a win on 106...
You do not seem to understand this, we have no solution for this, WHICH IS THE WHOLE POINT. You are quite dense lol. You simply cannot narrow down the list of people that want to merge into Panzer to just 20 accounts, no matter how many mergers or force internals you push for. Which is the whole reason we are writing here, because you are leaving people behind. DUH.
Those screenshots you sent from 106 prove nothing in your favor, if your big ego wasn't in your way you would see that Dali even back than although they lost the war was trying to get win for at least few of his members. But all you can see is negative about him and bring that up while neglecting the good things he did - another proof of your obsession with Dali which started ALL OF THIS in the first place.
You were not on 106 clearly. This was not after weeks or months of hard fighting, this was very quickly after HE declared war without plans, dooming every single person in his tribe. He was a bad leader on 106 and he is a bad leader on 119. We can agree to disagree, but I am not alone in my opinion on this matter.
For TRE : that huge circular message you sent to GOF only shows how big your hatred to Dali is and that you are willing to spend so much time just to fuck him over because of some personal vendettas from world 106
I'll tell you this, in all those stories you told in the message you know what's the only thing connecting every story? it's you. The only link in every drama you mentioned I only see you either starting the beef or adding oil to the fire - but not offering any solutions - you only like to destroy things and friendships and that's what you are trying to do right now on 119.
No shit that I am in all the stories I mentioned, how else would I have experienced Salvadors leadership first hand? Others are in there too, are they too the problem rather than Salvador? He loves to shift the blame to others and you seem eager to help him in that regard. He was extremely toxic to people in his tribe, his allies, and people do not remember him fondly because of that.
And why would things go your way? when you didn't deserve it and definitely not trying to deserve it by starting more and more conflicts and drama just to feed you ego. I studied psychology a lot and I know how to recognize patients like you.
I do not need things to go my way, I fully recognize the difficult position my account is in and made peace with a potential end (never happening at the hands of GOF though). Again these guys in your tribe deserve better than Salvador betraying them, than you betraying them.
It is funny that you can "recognize patients like me" through some mere words and screenshots, did you not yourself say earlier "We all know you can't convey a message through a few words in a text over digital screens". Funny that you seem to think differently now.
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