11 |NQ - They need a player with 1mil points
we'll have a couple over 1 mil in about a week's time, probably less than that.
1 Kong Number one for a reason. the best players, although they have some fat they could trim from their recent merges with NM and Dark*T. At war with GRINCH and Mario!, which they will most likely win against, unless attacked by several other tribes, in which case Who? would come to their aid.
2 Prime They're gonna have to fight a half decently sized tribe eventually. they may join against Kong, but i think they'll fight either NATO or PH-S.
3 Who? Will probably join in against GRINCH with their ally Kong.
4 GRINCH Hard to say at this point. they'll need help from their allies to ward off Kong.
5 CLETUS Fighting E=MC, and winning if i'm not mistaken.
6 EN|GMA They'll have to pick a side, fight with Kong and Who?, or against them?
7 E=MC² Good as dead i think. CLETUS will overpower them, slowly but surely.
8 BEYOND surrounded by top 20 tribes. i see them merging with someone, or being killed by Kong/Prime
9 Scorch Will be killed by Who?, Kong, or Prime.
10 FLB if i'm not mistaken they're allied with GRINGH, so they'll probably launch against Kong in order to help their allies
11 |NQ My tribe. no comment.
12 nWo-WP only FPC are in their way from dominating the SE corner of the world. i see these two tribes fighting soon.
13 NATO will probably be attacked by Prime in the next couple of months. i see them putting up some fight, but eventually falling.
14 ~SOH~ out of room. they'l have to fight someone as big as they are, if not bigger. DUCK seems like a good choice for them.
15 rZr DUCK also seems like a good choice for these guys to attack as well.
16 [DOM] not sure of diplomacy here, but they may join with CLETUS to attack E=MC. ~TDS~ and [DOM] seem like good options as well.
17 PH-S trapped on the rim. if they team up with NATO and rzr, they could give Prime a run for their money.
18 AOS back in the top 20 once again. will fight GRINCH alongside Kong most likely.
19 Mario! Losing against Kong. wont be long until they fall out of the top 20.
20 FUL FAD is their best target for expansion, although this would give them a border with Prime. +DWD+ is also a good option, as this will give them a second continent, instead of half of one should they attack FAD.