Well, so many thoughts, so many opinions, where do we start?
I think I will keep it brief for a change, those that know me will know that this is a rare treat! lol
Since I began on W20 there have been few players that I have learnt to call 'friend' here. Some have faded into distant memory, others have remained firm. I have led tribes and been among those that have been commanded much like everyone else has and I have always had a deep respect for other players, regardless of skill, age, gender or tribal allegiance.
Most of the time I have sat ideally by as others have slated one another in the forums, both public and tribal, via IGM or on player profiles, only every now and then have I popped up to say something if it is particularly wrong.
These past few months here have seen much in the ways of people leaving, banning, new alliances formed, old ones falling and tribes that where once great stumbling along a path that is yet to be revealed. I wish to merely say that they actions of one person, no matter who they are, cannot result in a major occurrence unless those around them let it. A duke may leave his position but it is those with the circle that then assume the responsibility. A good friend will leave, others then must fill the hole that that person left. Sometimes the people we place our faith and trust in may break under the pressure of being counted on so much and we blame them for our mistakes but this should not.
Many people seem to forget two very important issues as soon as they click the 'Login' button.
Firstly, this is just a game, have a bit of banter, mess about with people and make jokes at their attacks or defences. Taunt your enemy but there really is no need to go to the degree that some people go to. Constant flamings and continued abuse over a matter of, well lets face it, nothing but code. Its called Tribal Wars, not Lets insult the hell out of one another.
Secondly, real life must always come first for all and the amount of times I have seen or heard of people making a joke at the expense of someone's situation in life, like a death or something, it sickens me.
Yes, everyone on here has a few people they like and a few they aren't too keen on but I seriously think that if everyone here met up for one big party then people would be completely different than how they are on here.
Fully expecting some kind of derogatory comment or slating for writing this and I am sure some of you out there will not disappoint but then it just shows what I mean about things here.
Rambled on enough now so I will leave you to it, be thankful it was not one of my long winded messages.
P.S. Hi to all of those who have left us and popped back in to check up.