7. AOS-Group of players that change tribes more often then i change my socks.
You can see my entire tribe history in my sig below. Notice that AOS keeps reforming. As Sciccors said AOS has a long history, we all might of changed tribes a lot; but We've always stuck together and been in those tribes together. All the members of AOS have a strong loyalty towards each other. One fact is that this time last year I was in the origional AOS with most of the members now in the current AOS; we've been playing together that long. We've survived the chaos of the center so far, lets see what happens next.
1. PRIME- They inheirted the #1 spot after the fall of hulk/kong/care/ect, now it's their time to show if they deserve it or not in their fight against against the coalition
2. BSM- One of the few tribes nuetral with Prime, working to expand their territories by nobling off Sparta
3. Kiltom- had a falling out with prime, now they battle their old allies, some loyalties are questioned oh both sides
4. FEAR?!- doing their part to fight prime, even though they share but a small front with them
5. Sparta- Will they fall to BSM, or surprise the world by fighting back?
6. S.A.W- Part of the Coalition, but not really on the front lines; they may have BSM to deal with soon if Sparta falls
7. AOS- Small group of loyal, active members. Now together under their own leadership lets see where they go
8. G.U.W- Seem to just be sitting on the sidelines watching the action
9. Strive- I hear that their primes acadamy, don't know much more
10. Mercny- didn't this tribe origionally formed by those left behind in kong when care formed or something like that? not really sure what their up to now, might be like G.U.W.
That's my take, hope nothings too inaccurate