ok, i was bored... but, i wanted to know what you think 10 major events in order from how early they will happen from 1-10 in the next 3 months.
i know it's a long time but i want to hear your thoughts as i have heard some opinions and they are debatable and interesting*.
*interesting for tribal wars world 5.
1) V V V+ resign from V V V family
2) BNL-ET merge with ~TSE~
3) HOPLON merges with V V V
4) SCIR0S defeated
5) DL leave the LFKD
6) BarBar war with SCIOVA
7) V V V becomes the new ~TNE~
8) ~TSE~ war with R2-TRU
9) SCIOVA war with The Empire
10) LFKD breaks NAP and defeats SCI
(just an example)
i know it's a long time but i want to hear your thoughts as i have heard some opinions and they are debatable and interesting*.
*interesting for tribal wars world 5.
1) V V V+ resign from V V V family
2) BNL-ET merge with ~TSE~
3) HOPLON merges with V V V
4) SCIR0S defeated
5) DL leave the LFKD
6) BarBar war with SCIOVA
7) V V V becomes the new ~TNE~
8) ~TSE~ war with R2-TRU
9) SCIOVA war with The Empire
10) LFKD breaks NAP and defeats SCI
(just an example)