next three months...


ok, i was bored... but, i wanted to know what you think 10 major events in order from how early they will happen from 1-10 in the next 3 months.

i know it's a long time but i want to hear your thoughts as i have heard some opinions and they are debatable and interesting*.

*interesting for tribal wars world 5. :p

1) V V V+ resign from V V V family
2) BNL-ET merge with ~TSE~
3) HOPLON merges with V V V
4) SCIR0S defeated
5) DL leave the LFKD
6) BarBar war with SCIOVA
7) V V V becomes the new ~TNE~
8) ~TSE~ war with R2-TRU
9) SCIOVA war with The Empire
10) LFKD breaks NAP and defeats SCI

(just an example)


1) Bicky will be rimmed, and while having no major effects ingame the entire PnP community will breathe a collective sigh of relief and then all collectively facepalm as he clicks 'restart' or worse.. is given a larger account in some tribe or another.

2) Pks will finally embrace their new family and become Sciter(Sci-Rohan center) while DL will become their academy Scited.

3) Scir0s gets jealous of Sciova and PKs love affair and gets back to their roots and forms Scirisaclan. Noobs everywhere are recruited as teachers for the current sub-noobs.

4) ReV recruits most of Sciova once Sciova realizes that they just don't have the manpower to run all their inactives. ReV folds soon after under the weight of all those sittings.

5) R2 merges with TSE/BNL and the VVV family(half and half) while Fizzo and myself form our own tribe and continue pwning Scirisaclan in the corner. In a surprise move 50stones is recruited as duke of this new tribe called PKs.

6) Mass bannings occur in Sciter due to all the sitting violations caused by mass recruitment of sat accounts and simply not enough sitters in Sciter or Scited to manage. Nyxx as the main violater loses half his villages(because of RFG sits ironically). RFG reforms and aquarium returns explaing that it was his plan to do that all along as there was no way around a stacked Nyxx.

7) HOPLON and TDD merge becoming HOLDD. Do to a lack of foresight in creating diplomacy with smaller tribes 50stones is immediately targeted by HOLDD but they run into a wall as the sat accounts supporting 50stones from Scited had never withdrawn their support. 50stones claims yet another victory over mass attacking.

8) VVV having no valid target to the south finally declares on the remenants of Sciova/ReV after recruiting all the active players. The war is quickly over. VVV returns to attacking TRN2.

9) Barbar and the newly reformed RFG merge and spend the next 8 months cleaning up their inactives.

10) Everyone NAPS or Allies each other and sit down to have some tea and crumpets. Huggles can be found in abundance everywhere, it is a time of rejoicing for all exept for tribes not in the top 15 and abandons.
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1. ReV defeats SCIOVA

2. Daz is overwhelmed from sitting all of R2 and quits

3. (Carred on from 2) R2 fall.

4. Daz is hit by a car in RL.

5. Daz dies.

6. Daz is still dead

7. I laugh

8. Still laughing.


4. Daz is hit by a car in RL.

5. Daz dies.

6. Daz is still dead

1) I feel sorry for the RL Daz that gets hit and dies, but that's not me in RL ;)

2) Not even a mass-carring would take me down anyways.


1) The tacos will all rot and upset the consumer's stomach.

2) 80 members of TSE will admitted to the hospital due to diarrhea and taco flu.

3) Becki rims daz from afar.

4) Daz gets a heart attack in RL (I know it's cold, but he'd probably get one if he was rimmed by becki from afar....)

5) Nyxx gets a kitty and lights it on fire to make a hellcat.

6) Wanzo goes on vacation :eek:

7) Wanzo moves to #1 total OD

8) V V V's mass-recruitment scripts fail them.

9) V V V's leadership is confused and scrambles like wild rats in order to find out how they're going to run a tribe without them. Soon after, they fail.

10) This post will be read and I will be flamed.


The endgame will be between V V V, R2-TRU and ~TSE~. Neither will be able to take the others out, and the world will end in a three-way tie... Typical World 5 fashion.

The SCI family are not long for this world. R2-TRU's gambit will have paid off, as SCI will soon be overwhelmed by another force and subsequently drop the rankings faster than you can say "Wait... What? D=". R2-TRU absorb a large force, but if they value their continued survival in the endgame, they will not make a family. Their members of true talents will leave if they do, and the likelihood is that they will leave for V V V, ~TSE~, or the falling SCI family.

The LFKD, soon to emerge victorious from a battle, will start to regain some lost ground... However, this only prolongs their lifespan fractionally. After a brief cleanup period, they find themselves rotting away again.

Similar story with Barbar.

This leaves only the three tribes stated before, ~TSE~/BNL-ET, R2-TRU and V V V/V V V+ as the remaining worthy combatants. The others are not worth mentioning.
V V V have some skillful players on their side, and numbers, however they lack ambition. Their talented players will really pull things together, and win several skirmishes, but ultimately advise a defensive policy to their members.
~TSE~ have a strong position, and are balanced as a tribe. They'll try several offensive strikes against V V V and R2-TRU, and succeed in some of them, but ultimately make little impact.
In the case of R2-TRU, the possibility of them accumilating multiple tribes is there, but not a definite. If they stay small and organised, they will last the remainder of the world. If they make a family of themselves and drive away their better members, V V V and ~TSE~ will make short work of them.


Just my opinion.


3) Becki rims daz from afar.

4) Daz gets a heart attack in RL (I know it's cold, but he'd probably get one if he was rimmed by becki from afar....)

Oh wtf is this nonsense, I had claims on his K88 villages!!! -.-
*Storms away dramatically*


i think the family tribes or the tribes that will last are

VVV, SCi family..

R2 will merge to other tribes, maybe in BarBar or DL.. BNL merge with TSE

LFKD will now become a Pk's originally again, having a war with DL

TDD will merge with Hoplon

TSE will war with Hoplon

VVV will merge to SCI families or SCI families will merge to VVV family..

and lastly, VVV family will have a war again against Pks and with TSE


1) daz shuts up

2) daz realises PKs will stay PKs and will not join sci ever

3) R2 manages to win the sci war

4) R2 members stop mailing me to join PKs

5) daz gets over himself

top five things that will never happen.


i think the family tribes or the tribes that will last are

VVV, SCi family..

R2 will merge to other tribes, maybe in BarBar or DL.. BNL merge with TSE

LFKD will now become a Pk's originally again, having a war with DL

TDD will merge with Hoplon

TSE will war with Hoplon

VVV will merge to SCI families or SCI families will merge to VVV family..

and lastly, VVV family will have a war again against Pks and with TSE

this is the most stupid thing i have ever seen. only one or two things here would actually happen. pks war with DL? fat chance, wed war with everyone else before that. the only thing that wil happen is the r2 merge IMO.


and kustard, that is a bad oppinion of lfkd :( we will be here to the end, no doubt of that. king benx and nyxx arnt exactly going to give this up and thorstone likes his point whoring too much :D

lfkd has gone through the rott and has 80% activity if not more. that has to be better than most tribes, right?

The Roman Empire

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
i think the family tribes or the tribes that will last are

VVV, SCi family..

R2 will merge to other tribes, maybe in BarBar or DL.. BNL merge with TSE

LFKD will now become a Pk's originally again, having a war with DL

TDD will merge with Hoplon

TSE will war with Hoplon

VVV will merge to SCI families or SCI families will merge to VVV family..

and lastly, VVV family will have a war again against Pks and with TSE

SCI family won't last.
I don't think R2 will merge.
I also don't think PKs will start a war with DL.
You could be right about V V V/sciOVA merge :p


if vvv merge with sciova it will be the last thing. pks and tse will both unite an kill them off if that happens. a merge of those tribes is almost criminal. that merge would create two definitive sides. :D flame :D


i could see R2-TRU making a "Brotherhood" on this game with ~TSE~.


i suggested this to a few of their members, it wouldnt change anything tho, sci are not near tse main hub so they arnt going to stop attacking and pks borders tse and are enemies with both r2 and tse so it would only kill off the r2-hel name and the council and daz wouldnt do that i hope.