next three months...


1) daz shuts up

2) daz realises PKs will stay PKs and will not join sci ever

3) R2 manages to win the sci war

4) R2 members stop mailing me to join PKs

5) daz gets over himself

top five things that will never happen.

Wow.. I think slif needs to take stalker lessons from you TbT. I don't think I've had anyone obsess over me that much since.. hmm... well, you are the record holder for online stuff :p

i suggested this to a few of their members, it wouldnt change anything tho, sci are not near tse main hub so they arnt going to stop attacking and pks borders tse and are enemies with both r2 and tse so it would only kill off the r2-hel name and the council and daz wouldnt do that i hope.

Lolz, first you want me to get over myself and then you refer to me as a controlling power in R2?
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and kustard, that is a bad oppinion of lfkd :( we will be here to the end, no doubt of that. king benx and nyxx arnt exactly going to give this up and thorstone likes his point whoring too much :D

lfkd has gone through the rott and has 80% activity if not more. that has to be better than most tribes, right?

Yes, that is a bad opinion of the LFKD.
Don't get me wrong, most of the time I spent there was fantastic... It's just that shortly before I quit the game, things started going downhill pretty quickly. I'm checking up on you guys frequently now, and I've been truly disgusted by the LFKD's latest policies. One unnamed proposal in particular made by DFB, and the PKs/SCIR0S alliance both made me ashamed to even have believed in you guys in the first place.

The LFKD are selling themselves out bit by bit. I did believe you would last, but now all I see is the remnants of a once-great alliance now putting momentary advantages ahead of their own moral code.

The true LFKD is already dead. I'm surprised you still have the gall to use that tag.


Daz: seems i was right about my top 5 things.... and i never wanted you back lol, the offer was given with a heaped spoon of sarcasm. it was your other members i was referring to, they need to stop dumping your forum on me too lol. stalking? hardly, your the one who responds to all my posts.

ROWAN: can you read? LMAO

Kustard: you are right on some things, about the time you left LFKD was in a bad way and without the leadrship making some very hard calls we wouldnt be here today. alot of people wernt happy with the situation, but we are now doing well, we are all enjoying the game again and i think thats what really counts. for a long period everyone was on a downer; not sure whether to continue wasting money and time here, but things have turned around and PKs is nearly back to its former glory as an active tribe, if slightly modified. id much rather be here with the guys ive been playing with for nearly a year rather than spread out in different tribes and that was the way things were going.

To all:
id much rather enjoy this game than stick to a code i was never there to create anyhow. one thing is for sure however, pks will NOT merge and will not become part of the sci family. ive made it clear for all those returds who cant actually read whats posted in the forum, and instead decide to make up their own versions of what is written here. get over the fact were have changed diplomacy with scir0s and move on. its ONE tribe, not a family.

Here is a pledge: if PKs join the sci family i will join Rev if they will have me :icon_biggrin:


Daz: seems i was right about my top 5 things.... and i never wanted you back lol, the offer was given with a heaped spoon of sarcasm. it was your other members i was referring to, they need to stop dumping your forum on me too lol. stalking? hardly, your the one who responds to all my posts.

ROWAN: can you read? LMAO

Kustard: you are right on some things, about the time you left LFKD was in a bad way and without the leadrship making some very hard calls we wouldnt be here today. alot of people wernt happy with the situation, but we are now doing well, we are all enjoying the game again and i think thats what really counts. for a long period everyone was on a downer; not sure whether to continue wasting money and time here, but things have turned around and PKs is nearly back to its former glory as an active tribe, if slightly modified. id much rather be here with the guys ive been playing with for nearly a year rather than spread out in different tribes and that was the way things were going.

To all:
id much rather enjoy this game than stick to a code i was never there to create anyhow. one thing is for sure however, pks will NOT merge and will not become part of the sci family. ive made it clear for all those returds who cant actually read whats posted in the forum, and instead decide to make up their own versions of what is written here. get over the fact were have changed diplomacy with scir0s and move on. its ONE tribe, not a family.

Here is a pledge: if PKs join the sci family i will join Rev if they will have me :icon_biggrin:

Hey sparky.. this IS the predictions thread. I'm sure there's a whiney little n00b thread around here somewhere.. and I predict that maybe someday you'll find your true home there. Til then.. stop getting all bent outa shape that everyone that posts thinks that the new PKs is just some hack tribe giving the LFKD name a bad rep.


Kustard: you are right on some things, about the time you left LFKD was in a bad way and without the leadrship making some very hard calls we wouldnt be here today. alot of people wernt happy with the situation, but we are now doing well, we are all enjoying the game again and i think thats what really counts. for a long period everyone was on a downer; not sure whether to continue wasting money and time here, but things have turned around and PKs is nearly back to its former glory as an active tribe, if slightly modified. id much rather be here with the guys ive been playing with for nearly a year rather than spread out in different tribes and that was the way things were going.

To all:
id much rather enjoy this game than stick to a code i was never there to create anyhow. one thing is for sure however, pks will NOT merge and will not become part of the sci family. ive made it clear for all those returds who cant actually read whats posted in the forum, and instead decide to make up their own versions of what is written here. get over the fact were have changed diplomacy with scir0s and move on. its ONE tribe, not a family.

Here is a pledge: if PKs join the sci family i will join Rev if they will have me :icon_biggrin:

Tribes rise and fall all the time. It's part of the game, after all :icon_evil:

The LFKD were ahead of the game for a long time, and they dominated the world. They had a pledge to eliminate family tribes and to stay allied only to each other. This open pledge made them the envy and the fear to the players of World 5, and is the reason they were respected as a foe.
If the LFKD alliance has to set aside their pledge in order to recover from a rough spot, then where does that respect go? The sad fact of the matter is, it shows that you're really no better than any other family of tribes.

My low opinion of the LFKD, and the reason for my prediction of their downfall, is not because they went through a rough spot, but because of the policies made to get themselves out of the rough spot.


To all:
id much rather enjoy this game than stick to a code i was never there to create anyhow. one thing is for sure however, pks will NOT merge and will not become part of the sci family. ive made it clear for all those returds who cant actually read whats posted in the forum, and instead decide to make up their own versions of what is written here. get over the fact were have changed diplomacy with scir0s and move on. its ONE tribe, not a family.

Here is a pledge: if PKs join the sci family i will join Rev if they will have me :icon_biggrin:

yes Daz, PKs can't merge into a family if they've already made one. which is failing.

The Roman Empire

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
I wonder if PKs will get their old glory back again, they should just stay allied with DL and kill SCI:)
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Hey sparky.. this IS the predictions thread. I'm sure there's a whiney little n00b thread around here somewhere.. and I predict that maybe someday you'll find your true home there. Til then.. stop getting all bent outa shape that everyone that posts thinks that the new PKs is just some hack tribe giving the LFKD name a bad rep.

didnt know there was a sparky player here but seeming as you quoted me, it is the predictions thread and i made a prediction. seems mine was actually proven right. im not that much of a noob, am i? cant say i am new to this game or playing it that badly so take your slander elsewhere.

and it was a light hearted reply to kustard, hes entitled to his view and ive already credited him with being right on some points. all that matters is that pks is on the up, is kicking ass. even though this game is slightly on the nerdy side, its sad if people are bothered about the tribes history or policies. r2 can sit there high and mighty that they have played the game fair and kept to their tribal policies, but at the end of the day r2 isnt going to last long and will definitly not win world 5. this game is about the win and being the tribe with the most villages, power, skill and domination so who give a sh1t about anything else. i suppose you have to find victories elsewhere to justify wasting all that time fighting a losing battle.


yes Daz, PKs can't merge into a family if they've already made one. which is failing.

bicky youve joined a tribe that is on the verge of sinking and you have the cheek to post here that LFKD is failing? Both PKs and DL are on the up and are healthy. i wish i could say the same thing for you guys. ill post some statistics to help you out bicky :D


The ally plan with Sci was thought of in august or july. Ally Sci, kill VVV and then kill Sci. They most likely belived that when R2-tru falled Sci were to war TSE and in turn they would invite member from the one they could scare the most.

So it's nothing new really, Kustard is right though. Bragging and then do the complete opposite later doesn't look good.

I still see R2-tru as the more skilled one. TSE did rise a lot when we warred hoplon and Sci. At the same time we did attack and got attacked by lfkd.

R2-tru's did in a very short time rise their OD since they both actively defend and attack.


didnt know there was a sparky player here but seeming as you quoted me, it is the predictions thread and i made a prediction. seems mine was actually proven right. im not that much of a noob, am i?

Actually, everyone's tribe has been trashed atleast once in this thread. You're the only one arguing with everyone that has made a negative prediction about yours whether in jest or in seriousness. Pretty sad it's all you have to offer when everyone else is actually in good form for a change.


Actually, everyone's tribe has been trashed atleast once in this thread. You're the only one arguing with everyone that has made a negative prediction about yours whether in jest or in seriousness. Pretty sad it's all you have to offer when everyone else is actually in good form for a change.

Actually I don't believe TRN 2 has even been mentioned yet :)


The ally plan with Sci was thought of in august or july. Ally Sci, kill VVV and then kill Sci. They most likely belived that when R2-tru falled Sci were to war TSE and in turn they would invite member from the one they could scare the most.

So it's nothing new really, Kustard is right though. Bragging and then do the complete opposite later doesn't look good.

I still see R2-tru as the more skilled one. TSE did rise a lot when we warred hoplon and Sci. At the same time we did attack and got attacked by lfkd.

R2-tru's did in a very short time rise their OD since they both actively defend and attack.

how could sci war with tse, have you looked at the maps recently?

i agree it doesnt look good, but theres nothing that can be done now, can we get over this? i am.


Expected moves Due to the possible size, coverage, etc. oe of many senarios, however the main point is still what was said in your irc or external forum.I don't remember were I read it.:S


Actually, everyone's tribe has been trashed atleast once in this thread. You're the only one arguing with everyone that has made a negative prediction about yours whether in jest or in seriousness. Pretty sad it's all you have to offer when everyone else is actually in good form for a change.

i cant help defending rediculous comments. comments like pks merging with sci or joining the sci family or lfkd is dead. i just hate it because its just not true and will never be true and its pathetic how this is believed by some and spread by others. atleast make decent trash comments instead of just making them up.

the fact that everyone is bitching about what other tribes have done months ago, it gets boring. we need to move on. i suppose its down to nothing actually happening in world 5 so people feel the need to hang on to any news current or past. yes make the occasional sniping comment about it but dont drove on about the same things day in day out, move on.

also the "sad" comment i made must have really hit home for you daz for you to try and use it on me lol. it wasnt aimed at anyone in particular and was generalisation. i wasnt expecting people to respond to it.


TheBetterTwin said:
bicky youve joined a tribe that is on the verge of sinking and you have the cheek to post here that LFKD is failing? Both PKs and DL are on the up and are healthy. i wish i could say the same thing for you guys. ill post some statistics to help you out bicky :D

you haven't denied LFKD is not a family on this game.

also, i can see PKs and DL are healthy, let's not forget all that hard work they did merging with DFB to boost ranks on this game. :)


the fact that everyone is bitching about what other tribes have done months ago, it gets boring. we need to move on. i suppose its down to nothing actually happening in world 5 so people feel the need to hang on to any news current or past. yes make the occasional sniping comment about it but dont drove on about the same things day in day out, move on.

Things like this were only an issue when lfkd started to go downhill.

However you will always need to reflect on yourself before you complain on the other.

Sci and lfkd will merged in the end and that's what everyone sees.:p