North West News: Its Gunna Get Bloody


And I encourage you to do so! I'm not attacking you personally but there is nothing I dislike more then an enemy who just rolls over and lets you win without even working up a sweat.
And there is nothing I dislike more than coward bully tribes that are afraid to take on a tribe even close to their size.


Last I checked they were attacking you when they were taking out KK aswell

please Correct me if im wrong


And there is nothing I dislike more than coward bully tribes that are afraid to take on a tribe even close to their size.

i encourge cowardly tribe bullies because they get further then righteous tribes, in the end its tribalWARS, survival of the eats dog yes the big dog eats the small dog........................its called tough titties


And there is nothing I dislike more than coward bully tribes that are afraid to take on a tribe even close to their size.

Wait wut? I thought this game was called Tribal wars . If you want to help them out there's allways the delete button :icon_wink:


And there is nothing I dislike more than coward bully tribes that are afraid to take on a tribe even close to their size.

Tell me, when ~L~ and KK went to war, who was bigger/had more villages/more players?
And then tell me who was the (some what unconventional) winner of that war.
I think once you have answer those two questions you will understand what my point is.


not real sure, wasn't around at that time. I understand the big dog eat small dog part of the game, what I"m hoping is that another big dog will step in and come to our aid, the best time to attack is when someone is wounded or distracted even if it is only a slight flesh wound or distraction. I do find it humorous how many people defend the the taking on the smaller dog. I'm having more fun now than at any other point in the game. I see bigger tribes doing nothing but nobling inactives and taking on way smaller tribes just to stay alive longer, trying to win in this world. I agree with the win at all cost philosophy but is it fun? are you having fun nobling inactives and people with 1/5 your pts?


wormbucket,im sorry but all your posts are stupid, if you dont want to be targeted dont be so inactive and small and crap. Do us a favour and be inactive in these forums as you are in game.


i encourge cowardly tribe bullies because they get further then righteous tribes, in the end its tribalWARS, survival of the eats dog yes the big dog eats the small dog........................its called tough titties

my god jesus that is not what they are teaching at church


not real sure, wasn't around at that time. I understand the big dog eat small dog part of the game, what I"m hoping is that another big dog will step in and come to our aid, the best time to attack is when someone is wounded or distracted even if it is only a slight flesh wound or distraction. I do find it humorous how many people defend the the taking on the smaller dog. I'm having more fun now than at any other point in the game. I see bigger tribes doing nothing but nobling inactives and taking on way smaller tribes just to stay alive longer, trying to win in this world. I agree with the win at all cost philosophy but is it fun? are you having fun nobling inactives and people with 1/5 your pts?

lol bro trust me nobling inactives and small guys like you is no fun. If it was I would of done more in K24 where some of u and ur friend reside. Nobling inactive is boring as hell but its extremely and i mean extremely important to work on. To be honest you don't know how much hard work it is to be in a top tribe, it is a lot of time consuming work but somebody has to do it..


I must say nobling inactives is indeed tough work. Sometimes I find they put up more of a fight than regular players.
They don't dodge a train they mistook for a chain of fakes and you end up slamming into defence often. Hehe.


I must say nobling inactives is indeed tough work. Sometimes I find they put up more of a fight than regular players.
They don't dodge a train they mistook for a chain of fakes and you end up slamming into defence often. Hehe.

that is true and sometimes inactives can go red without a sitter and their morale would suck!!! somebody has to do it (message me when somebody needs a nuke sent to a inactive) I love ODA no matter how i earn it ;-)


I understand what you are saying, but what makes you say I'm inactive? You can ask my tribe I'm as active as any person who plays the game. I did not play much for a 6 month period due to rl but when I did play I turtled and went d. and yes I can see how that is frustrating trying to noble me but that is why I did it. but for the past 4-5 months I have been very active as can be seen by my growth during that time as well as my od which I think is at least halfway respectable.


I understand what you are saying, but what makes you say I'm inactive? You can ask my tribe I'm as active as any person who plays the game. I did not play much for a 6 month period due to rl but when I did play I turtled and went d. and yes I can see how that is frustrating trying to noble me but that is why I did it. but for the past 4-5 months I have been very active as can be seen by my growth during that time as well as my od which I think is at least halfway respectable.

ur stats don't look that bad. well glad ur at least playing to have fun. gl with it though.


thx, and the same to you, and the minute it stops being fun I go back to starcraft :)


lol i suck at that game bro. glad you are enjoying it no matter what.


my god jesus that is not what they are teaching at church

i go to radical church, we get taught how to pick on small players and tribes, and noble then and end up with more villages then before

thou shalt nobleth the village no mattereth how small thy opponents village be-eth


"Eh, it was kind of small but you'd only recently taken it yourself.

I must say I prefer to talk with you than many others mostly because you wear a grin when fighting.
Its like fighting with your friends. While you try to win the struggle, you take care to taunt the other person before you attempt to subdue them.
Makes it fun."

Yeah i didn't really do much with the K11 ones until the attacks started :lol:

Yes, yes i do. I always have a grin on my face for one reason or another :icon_razz:

Well here's how i see the rest of this going. [MS] will try to establish a larger foothold in K21. D Army and Quillon will go nuke psycho in K12. We'll have to see what happens after the dust settles :icon_wink:
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