So even though you are currently in talks with us about vasetheface and waiting for some resolution you went ahead and recruited tollxbooth anyway. You did say you hated this guy and there is no way you would ever invite him didn't you? Even though you were in talks with us about vasetheface you launched more attacks on him. What was the point of talking to us about this situation if you planned to ignore is anyway.
He was invited after talks were abandoned, not during. And no one ever asked us to stop attacking Vase, even though I said he was under attack. In a refugee situation it is important for the tribe recruiting to decide if they are going to ask for attacks to stop while it's sorted. No one ever did, and Vase even stated he expected them not to stop.
This whole shemozzle originated because of one simple reason:
1337 did not have a record or know of the terms of our NAP. They have one NAP - us. They did not have a record of the terms of their solitary NAP.
When i provided them the terms, terms which Daz himself proposed and yonwench and i agreed upon, they denied them, saying their is no evidence of agreeing to those terms even when i provided the conversation between yon and i. What the?
How can they not have record of our NAP agreement?
Keep in mind, I said I would dig around for any special terms, yet was unable to find any. You refused for days to even give up any such agreement(I assume cuz it made you feel special), and when you did, half of what you showed us was an Anarky agreement
. It was just a NAP with ABCD, no special terms. We did have some with Anarky, which I'd even told you I'd overseen.. however, the same day you joined ABCD you and Yon created a 'NAP'. No special terms mentioned(I even asked you if you and Yon had made the same deal or something, you replied 'yes' but failed to show that in your 'proof' later on when we exposed you as a liar).
Yon even said there were none when asked. Diplomacy doesn't follow you around when you hop into other tribes and such, which is why you and Yon created new agreement. Seems after all since I had gone into it assuming it was just a regular NAP, and you had forgotten which tribe you made which agreement in.. the error is yours.
We have worked together before Roman with a good mutual relationship. Even back to the time when 1337 allowed you to leave the tribe so you/they could attack SAD even though you had a NAP with them at the time.
He left the tribe like a few days ago to peek at another tribe because he had the offer.. I'm not even aware ~SAD~ is still a tribe or that we even have diplomacy with them
Twstats, they can make you look like not a noob. Use them.