Here we have a prime example of what is wrong with this game and why, for me, its unplayable. World after world I ask myself why has this game got so bad. The sad truth is that crime pays. Washed and kekbye both have the best players still around filling their ranks. Both tribes represent some of the highest level gameplay in .net. Yet why is it I see in both tribes we have players who, without argument, are known cheaters? How has this come to be? In washed it is undeniable that trex has been caught breaking into accounts and destroying them. In kekbye we have known cheaters such as Ragnar. Both these cases have been proven. Both should never be allowed any where near a decent tribe again. The trouble is we have encouraged a culture where we pretend such things are unacceptable, and yet out of convenience, on a different world, continue to accept such actions. Minty (and I don't want to single him out more point out the culture) said on here earlier that because it didn't happen to him and he hasn't searched for the evidence he shouldn't believe it. You are being deliberately naive, ignoring basic facts with only a tiny bit of research can be proven beyond doubt. Why? Because without him you would be at a disadvantatge. This happens continously. The fact is that cheating increases your chance of winning a world. We see it pretty much every time. If it comes off, you've win. In the unlikely event it fails you move on to the next world with almost no consequences. People will just accept you because if you're good enough, you're needed to win. 111 was the line for me to quit but I won't just sit and pretend that was an isolated event
What the Kekbye leadership did was clearly cheating. They should be stomped out from the game immeadietly. Howver, for anyone from washed to claim this is unacceptable is just deluded due to the fact that they, by playing with people who have done much worse, are encouraging the culture of such actions. These things don't happen in a microcosm. The game has gone down the tubes as cheating is now just a norm. Its all a part of the game. Both sides condone it now and when it happens against you, and it will happen to both sides, you have to accept it. If you really wanted to change this game both sides would out their cheaters, remove them from the world and never associate with such people again. It wont happen. It never will.