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no matter what the reason for the merge was, not exactly a hug is it?
around 95 players came together to form a new tribe?

many times before on W47 has 95 players joined a tribe together, just this time these 95 members happen to be very good players and have made it to the rank 1 position,

how is a world bad for having a tribe form, like any other world?


C'mo ppl, chill out, everybody has some thruth in his sayings, it kinda looks like everybody is hugging right now (noo offence) but there is indeed a history behind the scene, but wether you know that history or not does not matter, everybody has the right to say what he or she thinks, furthermore I'd like you all to leave Charmander, out beloved MOD, alone, he is doing his job very well, but everyone has opinions and the right to express them.



I propose to all no "One" tribe to merge to do a 1v1 because you will need coordination to kill One :) after this world we will kill the next world and do the same, big merge and kill each new world lol. ok I go out..


You should just be a forum mod and stop interjecting your personal opinions. YOU dont play this world. You are merely a forum mod. Mod and leave the game to the players in W47.

The best forum mods are interactive ones like Row here and MKC of w48. Don't knock a great mod when you have one because who knows, you may end up with Jirki modding you next.

On topic: I hate merges but there has to be a good reason behind one to this scale in an attempt to end the world.


even if there is a good reason, merges between two tribes usually make complications in organization, leadership and many more, and how man tribes merged to form this new tribe? say what you will but ~one~ right now is just a something that grew to fast and will need time to get used to its new size, its very known for tribes that merge fail, who says this wont be another one of those?


We'll see.. but unless some people deliberately try ruin the tribe it should run its course


even if there is a good reason, merges between two tribes usually make complications in organization, leadership and many more, and how man tribes merged to form this new tribe? say what you will but ~one~ right now is just a something that grew to fast and will need time to get used to its new size, its very known for tribes that merge fail, who says this wont be another one of those?

Large merges only tend to fail when there is another large organized tribe that attacks them before they are organized. ~One~ is the only tribe left basically. All they need is the noble planner and they should be able to live to the end of the world with what's left in this world outside their tribe.


even if there is a good reason, merges between two tribes usually make complications in organization, leadership and many more, and how man tribes merged to form this new tribe? say what you will but ~one~ right now is just a something that grew to fast and will need time to get used to its new size, its very known for tribes that merge fail, who says this wont be another one of those?

So what your saying is that 4 tribes just randomly decided suddenly to merge together on the same day. lol You amaze me.. you actually think things were rushed and internal problems will arise because of it. Yup the four top tribes got together this morning and said hey im sending invites so join and everyone just decided to do it on the spot for no reason and all. Do you still use spear nukes to clear enemy vills too?


There is no reason for One to fail . As they do not really have any serious opponents .

As for the merge , you can give as many reasons as you want .. some might be right some not , I cant say . But overall . Congrats .. All the members of One can be happy that they have been part of Probably one of the biggest HUGS in tribal wars .

Taking top members of all the tribes and discarding the inactives . Yeah I do call it a HUG .


Meh, I understand the justification behind making this uber-tribe; however, I don't think it's a very effective form of protest against the ending of army camps. tbh, there really isn't any effective form of protest against the ending of army camps...innogames does what it wants, at worst it loses this world prematurely which still isn't a big loss. w49 doesn't seem to care much for army camps tho...


Ideally they should just close this world down and refund us our premium to use towards a different world. I really don't want to upgrade my account again just to wait out the inevitable.


of course this isnt just some random merge, but come back in two weeks and tell me if the leadership havent had some kind of dispute about who should be considered part of your council and other random stuff, not to mention like i said before hard to organize right after a merge, and who is to say that the other top 10 tribes wont feel threatened make an alliance and take on ~one~

and ninmage, nice to see an old friendly face on this world


of course this isnt just some random merge, but come back in two weeks and tell me if the leadership havent had some kind of dispute about who should be considered part of your council and other random stuff, not to mention like i said before hard to organize right after a merge, and who is to say that the other top 10 tribes wont feel threatened make an alliance and take on ~one~

and ninmage, nice to see an old friendly face on this world

Statement in bold, we encourage tribes to do so as I'm sure no merger, or a merge. We would want the same thing we don't want a "steamroll" of a world. Thats just plain boring and whether the tribes council stays the same, or not its not something that will be publicised to the w47 viewers and if it does. Then we will deal with the matter until then just sit back and relax take it one step at a time, and enjoy the view.


Ideally they should just close this world down and refund us our premium to use towards a different world. I really don't want to upgrade my account again just to wait out the inevitable.

I completely agree. I wonder if the TW staff will do anything about this or just let the world run the course. With the largest and probably most skilled players all in one tribe, there is little the world can do, which is probably the tribe's whole intention all along..


After the world is in the end game phase the lowest points player at the time will be nobled until only 1 remains :p


I completely agree. I wonder if the TW staff will do anything about this or just let the world run the course. With the largest and probably most skilled players all in one tribe, there is little the world can do, which is probably the tribe's whole intention all along..
trust me the ones i have come across are not skilled they really are not ,just had decent tribe and troops on thier side and still struggled loads against a player with about 10 villas max in this world,congrats to the decent players that carried them
you had to give me 5 mill odd just to get me down to 3 villas and im still here


trust me the ones i have come across are not skilled they really are not ,just had decent tribe and troops on thier side and still struggled loads against a player with about 10 villas max in this world,congrats to the decent players that carried them
you had to give me 5 mill odd just to get me down to 3 villas and im still here

I'm pretty sure it takes at least a modicum of skill to get to where they are now ;)


trust me the ones i have come across are not skilled they really are not ,just had decent tribe and troops on thier side and still struggled loads against a player with about 10 villas max in this world,congrats to the decent players that carried them
you had to give me 5 mill odd just to get me down to 3 villas and im still here

Lol, please get a hold of yourself. You do remember this is a Morale world right... and the lowest you are allowed to be is 58%. Very little D or even a small stack could easily kill a full nuke with your morale. The person probably got tired of losing nukes and decided it wasn't worth it no more. So grow some where morale wouldn't effect us, and i'm sure or maybe i'm over confident that your thoughts about us would change.


Lol, please get a hold of yourself. You do remember this is a Morale world right... and the lowest you are allowed to be is 58%. Very little D or even a small stack could easily kill a full nuke with your morale. The person probably got tired of losing nukes and decided it wasn't worth it no more. So grow some where morale wouldn't effect us, and i'm sure or maybe i'm over confident that your thoughts about us would change.

im cool see
,the simple fact im talking about is those that attacked me had no skills in t/ws whatsoever,spora yes the only one,i know it a morale world and apparrently so do you,
,ok try telling that to madhat leader who decided to send attacks when i got down to four villas,her fault not mine as i did not command her to send those attacks against a player with low moral,yes or no,i would have to say i knew its a low moral world,why dont the uber super players that are in your tribe not know,its not my fault matey


im cool see
,the simple fact im talking about is those that attacked me had no skills in t/ws whatsoever,spora yes the only one,i know it a morale world and apparrently so do you,
,ok try telling that to madhat leader who decided to send attacks when i got down to four villas,her fault not mine as i did not command her to send those attacks against a player with low moral,yes or no,i would have to say i knew its a low moral world,why dont the uber super players that are in your tribe not know,its not my fault matey

Please get over yourself..If you want to dwell over it, go somewhere else.

Thank you.
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