the maxing barbs helped us with that :icon_rolleyes: and world one end :lol:
Isn't thanhtoo and arsenal under INSO control???
no one ever tells you anything:lol:Weird, I never got that message.
no one ever tells you anything:lol:
Absolutely! The INSO Minister of Information will insure the history of W13 is written the proper way. Your legacy is in good hands.
We are working hard to ensure your place in history is properly memorialized:
i take it by those stats that Zathhhh is not very active at the moment
i am still waiting for the asterisk by the inso war stats.
i am still waiting for the asterisk by the inso war stats.
Per your request, the post has been edited to include an asterisk. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office.