Rank 1! One little trick experts DONT want you to know!



0.2 Percent Nigerian

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Ohhh I get it now; I think! So when Karina told me you quit 95 because you were busy smoking fags. It actually had a different meaning? Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Side note: nice edit.


Congratulations! But be careful tudadar started w109 as well. He is monster

Monster? I'm münster.


I think you're my hero. When can we get married?

You melt my heart. Who's paying for the wedding? My money seems to have disappeared; not sure what happened.

How long are you going to string this along for? I curd hardly belief you're playing start up let alone this super late game crap.

I've made it a whole 22 days; I like to think I'm aging well. Not as sharp as I used to be, but still shredding it after a 5-year hiatus. These uncultured noobs simply aren't on our level. Every opponent crumbles before my strength.

I'm gonna milk my pp for all it's worth. I'm hungry for the second course of milestones. (100 villages / 1 million points / 5 million kills)

you can have competetive and face them in the long run the only thing that can make different between you and other players is How to farm resources in A correct way

I stopped farming a week after the world started. Just saying.

Without PP this game would have been shut down long ago, because, lets be real, somebody has to pay for servers and people working on this GOD forsaken game.
It's got little to do with covering expenses, and everything to do with maximizing profit. In terms of percentages, Tribal Wars has been and probably still is extremely profitable. However, there's a critical point where sacrificing users to jack up CLV becomes less effective than just retaining the users they've got. Especially without marketing. LOL

Plus, there's something special about social platforms: the users are the content. Just my humble opinion, but I don't believe cutting existing content was such a great idea.

#5 - Nobody is forcing you to play this game mate if you can't adapt look for another time waster.

Most did; we're down from 40k somewhat active players in a world to 5k, and this is after merging other markets into en. Figured I'd give it one last run for old-times' sake.

I started a joke tribe by myself, recruited two neighbors, and invited some random people who asked to join. We're #5 and still have plenty of slots open. The #3 tribe only has 6 players. I personally have more points than the entire #11 tribe.

That's just sad.



so wanna be honest and tell us how much pp you've spent. Reason I am asking is I wanna play one last world and would be nice to know how much pp I need to win :p


let's say he spend 1000-2500 premium every village , he has 54 village so 1800 pp x 54 = probably between 85,000 pp- 140,000 pp.


so wanna be honest and tell us how much pp you've spent. Reason I am asking is I wanna play one last world and would be nice to know how much pp I need to win :p

short answer: ~315k

It's really expensive to compete during the first couple weeks of the world. Premium exchange prices are sky-high due to always being empty. When I joined the world I think ragestyles already had ~600 points; I had to pull out all the stops to catch up. re-rolling books to get the perfect paladin, reducing building costs in the hq, buffing scavengers, etc. *Me Myself and i* gave me a literal run for my money to get the first set of milestones.

If you don't care about early milestones, it'd be much cheaper to wait a couple weeks for exchange prices to lower and the world to expand out towards K borders.
e.g. tudadar.

A good chunk of my points went into a stockpile of items for future usage (purchased during the limited-time horde event). If you thought the current state of affairs was silly... you ain't seen nothing yet. I'm just getting started :)

And now, for a daily breakdown. This was rather bothersome to put together - the ui for premium logs is awful. I had to build a tool to process some 350+ pages and get the data into something workable. There were about 18k entries. Enjoy.


The pp received from the exchange during the first few days wasn't from this world. I was still farming on en108.

edit: see a more detailed breakdown at https://cheesasaurus.github.io/tw/en109/pp-daily-breakdown.html
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Bro why dont u show just ur incomes? So u wont have to pay for this to make us understand u r rich lol


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It's got little to do with covering expenses, and everything to do with maximizing profit. In terms of percentages, Tribal Wars has been and probably still is extremely profitable. However, there's a critical point where sacrificing users to jack up CLV becomes less effective than just retaining the users they've got. Especially without marketing. LOL

It's hard to tell how profitable TribalWars is, since InnoGames don't break out revenues by product.

However, I've found some 2017 figures for the company as a whole:
  • €161.5 million revenue
  • Revenues up 24% compared to the previous year
  • EBITDA of 25%
Their statements do suggest that it's mobile that's fuelling the growth... but anyone suggesting that they are "covering costs" is clearly used to VERY expensive hosting :)

Plus, there's something special about social platforms: the users are the content. Just my humble opinion, but I don't believe cutting existing content was such a great idea.

It wasn't so much the cutting content as the "paying premium points to get stuff" change that made me lose my interest in TW. I played back in the days when paying cash got you a better interface, but not resources...

Most did; we're down from 40k somewhat active players in a world to 5k, and this is after merging other markets into en. Figured I'd give it one last run for old-times' sake.

You and me both.

TBH, even on my best worlds, I tended to lose interest after getting to 1m points. No matter how good your scripts, it still takes a lot of time to play at that size.


Things are going nicely for me so far.


I've got enough points that I could leave CREAM and be the #1 tribe in K44... by myself. Has that ever happened before? A #1 one-man tribe in a core continent? In the first month of a world?
I feel like this must be a new record or something.

And just for the sake of posterity:

Not everything is great though. Some sneaky snakes have been outdoing me :(


the "paying premium points to get stuff" change that made me lose my interest in TW.

You're the content that got cut. A conscious decision was made to do something that would lose a lot of players.

I disliked things like percentage-based boosts and instant-building. But that's nothing compared to tribal wars today.

There used to be rules against trading in-game resources like wood/stone/iron, troops, etc to people for external things like money and out-of-game favors.

The moment they started adding support for those very things to the game was when it went too far for me.


Still Going Strong
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315k xD

yeah i am not at that level yet but i enjoy my rank 1 at the start of each world.
the sad part is the market is already so dead here i doubt you can make that pp back anymore. you and tudadar both ruin the market like crazy, and i know from him that he stocked up hundreds of these 10% packages from the event. even now if you only sell like 10% of the res that you get from it in all villages you make 300-400% profit still.

someone need to summon george washington, hellosica or boorhong to bring back the market values to a good rate LOL
they are too fast now at 1k res per 1 pp... :(