Rate the player above


Rate the player above:







IGN KingofUranus


Growth: 4/10 Quite slow, but guess he's moving forward?

OD: 2/10 Got hit, no ODA, low OD in general..

Farming: Robber (Wood - Level 1) Loot a total of 500 resources. <-

Huggability: 5/10 Soso..

Profile: 1/10 Very scary

Tribe: 5/10 Academy tribe of current rank 1..

Why do you make me rate this? lol

IGN: Avril Lavigne


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
IGN: Avril Lavigne

Rate the player above:

Growth: 7/10
Rank 488, 2.7k and rimward. That's some good stuff right there. Plenty of room to build both rimward and towards tribe.

OD: 7/10

Good ODA at 133rd. Far above points, shows aggression as a player or a good defender in them.

Farming: 6/10

Still higher than points rank at 196th, but on the rim you could work to improve. As more players barb this will hopefully increase for you soon.

Huggability: 5/10

??? I don't know what to write for this so here you go

Profile: 10/10

Good song linked on profile. Funny comment. Hot picture of Avril Lavigne. Not much better you can do there.

Tribe: 9/10

Creati is a solid tribe for being rimward. Good players that I know from older worlds. You guys seem like you know what you're doing so let's see how you do in the long term!

IGN: Condensed.



Growth: 10/10 only because he is not top 20 (but i doesnt look like he has spent much pp). Location a bit of a dodgey one he lies smack bang in the middle of us

OD: 10/10 Great ODA stats because he spanked Circ

Farming: 9/10 its good and getting better.

Huggability: 10/10 His tribe want love so imagine alot of it has to do with him.

Profile: 0/10 he is way too cool to write something on his profile (sign he is defo not a noob, because who has time todo that?)

Tribe: 5/10 Now its quite hard to judge them, they are spread out, they have a few decent names, but leadership is an enormous question mark, I know they are getting more pressure daily and that will only be increasing.




Growth: 7/10 Just nobled his first 2 villages. Seems to have a good amount of space for future expansions.

OD: 6/10 First notable oda over the last 2 days. not much to say about odd or ods

Farming: 9/10 Far above his ranking for farming, Always improving

Huggability: 0/10 Scary name and scarier coat of arms, Im creeped.

Profile: 3/10 Quite plain, Just your standard PA:

Tribe: No Comment.




Growth:9.5/10 just because he is not n1, that simple..

Farming:2/10 don't just sit there and farm 70k at your best.. cmon that's a simple LA run with your villages considering their position, the day you nobled them, and your ODA

OD:5/10 Not much to say about OD either, guess it always depends on the situation

Huggability: ?/10 I am not sure what that is, but if it is what i am thinking, than i can't rate a guy i don't know

Profile: 10/10 I mean.. who does not love a guy ranked n2, asking for bashers day 20+-? :D

Tribe: 8/10 no comments to add except the rating


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score

Growth:9/10 good growth but hidden the market achievement, warning sign of a lot of PP spent

Farming:9/10 Top 30 outperforming points rank, shows they are working hard on it

OD:9/10 ODA gained prior to the village caps suggests they have worked on their area clearing it which proves good later, very little ODD/ODS to discuss

Huggability: 10/10 Tribe called BOOB who isn't hugging that

Profile: 2/10 has a CoA not much more to say really

Tribe: 7/10 flying under the radar and I don't love remakes but could be one to watch out for

Next rate: Tudadar
Not me


Rate the player above: Tudadar

Growth: 10/10 he has double the villas of the players under him

OD: 2/10 relative to his size / rank

Farming:9/10 rank 2 farmer

Huggability: 0/10 never replied to my in game mails

Profile: 1/10 lack luster

Tribe: 0/10 he is the tribe

Tory the Explory

it is me


Tory the explory

Growth: 4/10, started late, but is going up.

OD: 5/10, oda above rank but still meh, no odd

Farming: 6/10, 28k max day, which is probably more than people around him and can go up.

Huggability: 10/10, going by the CoA

Profile: 10/10, inside jokes I don't understand about people I don't know, whats not to love

Tribe: 9/10, I'm buying into the PnP of creati being a top tribe


Shots Fired


Growth: 7/10, Joined late, but doing well given his area. Lots of farms available.

OD: 8/10, Pretty good. Much above his rank and shows that he has managed to get farms for himself.

Farming: 7.5/10, Doing very well. 78k in a day with a 700 point village. Got a lot of potential to expand farming.

Huggability: Not sure what this is.

Profile: 3/10, +1 because I'm still listening to the loop.

Tribe: 1/10, It's more like a tribe so that people don't attack. Must be waiting for the bigger tribes to start expanding towards him to get into a serious one.

Heywood Jablomi


Heywood Jablomi

Growth: 8/10, Joined late, no one in his area will ever bother him, great farm potential.

OD: 6/10, 9000 ODA with rank 248 whereas account is rank 135

Farming: 9/10, Doing very well. 338k in a day for a 6k point player is mad impressive, must have a full team clocking in 24 hours a day.

Huggability: Has a female player, enough to rile everyone up.

Profile: 7/10, Smart bunch trying to allocate resources super efficiently

Tribe: 10/10, Given the spread this tribe has and the roster, this is a formidable team



Growth 2/10 only just joined


Farming N/A

Hugability 10/10 he looks friendly

Profile 0/10 nothing there

Tribe 4/10 only 4 members

Joe Finch

Leather and Latex

Still Going Strong
Reaction score
Joe Blooming Finch.

Growth: 10/10 - Who doesn't love an 82 point village.

OD: 10/10 - Obviously got rimmed. Poor Joe

Farming: - Meh

Huggability: 0/10 -

Profile: 0/10 I don't care that you won W36... How was W80?

Tribe: N/A -


Leather and Latex

Growth: 9/10. Didn't abuse pp so respect to ya.
OD: 7/10. Guaranteed to increase greatly within next two weeks.
Farming: 6/10. Can do better, but you got competition surrounding so maybe that's a valid pass :p
Profile: 3/10. Gawd it's boring..
Tribe: 8/10. Good steady rate of consistent growth, starting to think they're a hidden gem :p
Huggability: 10/10. Hugs, lots of hugs for Cam and Jen.

In-game name: (The bored) She Wants D-Link


Deleted User - 11252347

she wants D link

Growth: 6/10. could be a lot better but in a competitive area and clearly hasn't been abusing PP so you get a pass
OD: 7.5/10. Low ODA indicates you still have a sizeable force while ODS show's you're a team player :cool:
Farming: 7/10. Pretty good for your rank
Profile: 8/10. I like your COA but I already knew that about Thom though....
Tribe: -/10. own tribe. won't rate.
Huggability: 11/10. Paddy you'd get more than just a hug from me :D



Non-stop Poster
Reaction score

Growth: 9/10. PP boost. Conquers a bit small, but to be expected as outgrown neighbours so much.
OD: 7.5/10. ODA about equivalent with your rank biggest chunks prior to new caps but ODA nearly every day showing you're working on your area
Farming: 9.5/10. Very good, quick to start earning the LOTD and POTD awards.
Profile: 8/10. COA (+1), song lyrics(+1), Village called man's not hot (-12), You vanquished World 80 with your tribe Benjamin(+10) first time I've seen it and it proves you suceeded with the plan
Tribe: 9/10. Creati 'nuff said
Huggability: 5/10 Spongelike body but spiky core




Growth: 8/10 Has grown quite significantly throughout the last week. Maybe he should slow down as i bet the troops dont match the villages yet.
OD: 6/10 In line or similar with his ODA however for his points it should be much higher. Seems as if he is growing with a breeze which dont look right,
Farming: In the top 200. Seems like he is consistent with farming.
Profile: 8/10. I like the flashing science picture and the profile text which states that he has no social life. A characteristic of all us good players.
Tribe: 9:10 purely based off points and positioning. ~IL~
Huggability: 3/10 I dont know him but he stated above "nuff said" which scares me.

Reaction score

Growth: 9/10
Core player rank high 100's is fair, A couple of lost villages there and some barb nobbling but none the less still fair.
OD: 10/10 Rank 3 overall, explains the barbs and losses been taken a beating as well as dealing it and supporting which can probably explain the rank 80s
Farming: 4/10 Most is 60k which is pretty average, yet the OD stands for itself in this case i'm sure you could probably rank that farming if ya had a day off from warring :)
Profile: idk
Tribe: 4/10 Personally i haven't known a tribe by lloyd fill out a world till the end and don't see any well known names, yet i think you guys will stick around some what :)
Huggability: idk

Ign: Whokilledmickey :)



Growth: 8/10 Seem to be growing well in a poor farming area
OD: 8/10 Low, which is good early game
Farming: 5/10 Seems low even for a poor area
Profile: Nothing really there
Tribe: N/A
Huggability: Name suggests otherwise




growth 7/10 could do better

farming 8/10 you have a nice area to expand in

od 8/10 high od is good

tribe 1/10^^ u can't stay alone.

ign : ismail.kali