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Omega Flash

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View attachment 7832

will he report me for pushing on him? :rolleyes:
Congratulations, you managed to noble a 7k pt village from a player who can't even snipe with a single spear and you come brag about it on the forums. After nobling 5 tribemates that you also farmed, I'm sure it took you so much hard work and dedication to take that 7k pt village.


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I didn't come to brag, but to defend myself and show how easy it is to conquer villages from people who even called me names... I only see people complaining about pps, complaining about this or that. At first I am very disappointed with the posture of the majority in this forum. perhaps this accusing spirit is an evil of most tribal wars players.

Omega Flash

New Member
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Well I imagine with the way you play probably paying all the friends you can find to build villages for you and let you farm them, doesn't seem like you can have much competition on a tournament world where people can't really catch up to you with pp, or they dont have time to organise/pay 10 friends to grow villages for them. So you should be happy here at least people can also be on the same lvl with you by using different tricks than you use, but instead you seem frustrated and you keep coming here bragging about how you won worlds without pp.


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read the forum better and you'll notice that I didn't say anything about it.

Anyway, I won't waste time arguing with one more from the crybaby team

keep crying while pps boost and brodis team enjoy the game ;)


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report everything I don't know how to do
criticize everything i can't buy
participate in the forum only analyzing the game of others
never be remembered for anything

Omega Flash

New Member
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I'm enjoying the game don't worry. All that I know about you is from what I read on your posts from this world, and my opinion still stands. But yeah, even the fact that you feel like you needed to defend yourself by posting that you actually nobled a real target in the forum is quite funny to me.

Deleted User - 848941109

funny is the fact that players like you come to accuse people in the forum and then complain when she comes to defend herself.
inflated ego is little

Deleted User - 848998092

Third tab created and the same subject?



Still Going Strong
Reaction score
funny is the fact that players like you come to accuse people in the forum and then complain when she comes to defend herself.
inflated ego is little

Mate Favela is way ahead in resources plundered, but way behind in villages plundered.

How do you explain that?

Some magical push accounts.


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Again this "blame the pp" theme, that has been going through the majority of threads on forums ...

If to look at the accounts, that run on pp, there's usually several years of hard work behind it, in farming that stash, so they can relax a little more now. So basically people go complaining for others to have invested countless hours into building an account?? I just see the envy and to some degree a shame for not put that much effort into it oneself (hurr-durr, I've played 14 years, but still don't have pp, so others should be forbidden from using it). Now of course the quick ones will start on with "but the whales spend a fortune of real life currency on buying pp" ... well one can only imagine the amount of effort, that has been put into getting into financial situation, where one can just effortlessly spend a sum on a game, that would buy a car for another person. That tends to mean getting good education, working oneself up or sucking miles of soft pipe to get a well paid job. So those complains are again on the subject of other people doing better in life. Not nice!

Now there are some, who just have chosen not to spend real money on games ... I myself lean towards that area (with minor exceptions :p), but I acknowledge it to be my own decision and won't go criticizing others for how they spend their own hard earned money/pp.

... if to get back into this favela topic ... I see, why people are frustrated for someone taking shortcuts, while others have spent time and effort into getting to the similar spot. Yea, getting several people to help you keep up with those, who are taking advantage of their financial situation (either rl or in game), seems smart, but it's actually regulated by game rules. It's hard for game staff to enforce those rules, but that shouldn't really be an excuse for bypassing those.

Deleted User - 848941109

I'll give you a summary here,

I hope the translator will help me, I don't want to be arrogant or arrogant, it's not the goal.

come on, we from Brazil have always had this aggressive and faster style of play since the beginning, the famous "sprint", all the international tournaments or "Masters" we play, we always stand out from the beginning in relation to other players, but this is not just about cheating, the Brazilian players unfortunately are extremely individual, I see the people abroad helping each other since the beginning, having no pity on their initial troops, on our server it doesn't work like that, we are extremely individual and Always looking for perfection, we have developed several farming techniques and account evolution over the years, such as "growing" barbarians to have the maximum possible yield from them with minimal losses when farming, we study the game time and try to harm as much as possible the players around us to keep the farm just for us, we find out the schedule of the players around us, we use different quantities and different frequencies of farm depending on the time of day.

I'll give an example of the Favela map, you compare with players with more looted villages is rubbish, since players with more looted villages are on maps with bigger players and where the farm is more disputed, in the favela region there are 3 or 4 players farming well, and the account is already more spread than the larger accounts, the amount of troops made at the "start of the game" is also different from what is used by most, both in defensive and offensive villages, decreases the offensive strength and defensive a little, but it increases the evolution of the account a lot, and that's what makes the difference in the end.

In general, at no time did we come here looking for a fight, we recently played on the Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian servers.

In all of them we entered with the objective of showing our game, meeting new people and new cultures, we are studying the way to play on the servers and preparing for the next tournament, in the last one we entered the dark, not knowing anything about anyone, and it was very difficult to adapt.

anyway, we just hope they respect us, and we're open to conversations and exchanges of information that can make both sides evolve, we don't know if we're going to play it all the way here, the project is provisional, we have preferences for faster worlds in that pps don't make much difference in the end.

if you have any problems or accusations, I suggest you use the game's support, it ends up with a whole potential of content that the forum could have these complaints being made here.

not to mention that as far as I know, it is forbidden to make reports in open forums.


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exactly, so much so that in the first days, before the end of protection, we were Looter of the day without being Plunderer of the day... anyway, when we notice that the crybaby team gets tired, we'll talk again here ;)


Still Going Strong
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exactly, so much so that in the first days, before the end of protection, we were Looter of the day without being Plunderer of the day... anyway, when we notice that the crybaby team gets tired, we'll talk again here ;)

You do realize that a huge factor regarding to your looting is how many plunders you have.

Obviously having a good farming area matters, but the guys at the top of the charts have a good farming area, and like 70 percent more plunders than you, yet you have 2x their plundered.

Just ridicuolous levels of pushing

Next you'll come and argue that the Earth is flat


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
you are assholes, you fight between you and we women are always fighting for a position here, I can count on my fingers and say that there is no one to fight against, this sexist game will always mask the status of the game, good night, sleep with this and may BRODIS conquer the world!

Invite Rage to your tribe

Eakshow McGee

Still Going Strong
Reaction score
Attempt to bring this shit back to topic, also where the hell did the guy above come to those conclusions?


Activity/Growthv 9/10

Seems to grow quite well, doesn't look like freebies and good mix of barbs and players to keep troops alive for farming / gathering. Rank 8 not good enough for a ten though ;)

Farming/gathering 9,5/10
Topping vills plundered and gathering ranks, maybe not so efficient but could also have to do with a lot of farming players in the area / kekbye.

Location 8/10
In middle of tribe but still has potential to grow in multiple directions. Good amount of barbs but active players in area. Might go and hide in core or be frontline in K54 / 45?

ODA/ODD 10/10
Right now you dont want to top the charts, not contested defensive yet and seems to have cleared up the area but still keep the LC going to barbs so seems to be doing okay.

Profile -
Nothing special, meh

Tribe -
Not gonna rate my own tribe, expected to stay in the top for a long time and contest for the winner spot.

Past Worlds -
Seems to have been doing well on 113, internalled by winning tribe from what i can see, know very little about 113.
(also not experienced with the players on the account to comment on past worlds connected to other accounts than gauss)

Rate: Eakshow McGee
Last edited:

Deleted User - 11563159

you are assholes, you fight between you and we women are always fighting for a position here, I can count on my fingers and say that there is no one to fight against, this sexist game will always mask the status of the game, good night, sleep with this and may BRODIS conquer the world!


Being a lady myself I feel obliged to respond to your insults. There are no assholes here, few trolls at best are making you guys salty and you should be smart enough to know that fact. But instead you decided to sound like an arrogant person, a good fit for your Brodis.

In regards to sexism TW like every other game is predominantly played by guys snd us females are a tiny minority. I’ve never seen much sexism in TW, girls here are strong and well respected and can kick some ass without having to call all the blokes sexist pigs. My advise to you is this; chill a little my dear and don’t call for a fight Brazilians could simply not win.

And for goodness sake stop burning those poor trees! How dare you destroying the lungs of Mother Earth?!!!