@ bamse99 ,no
LOL I KNOW I WAS CONQUERED lol you are so funny i do not blame cause i care more for my life than the game and i dont call it crap (better that i lost that account than my life), and i dont have to go elsewhere to prove it cause who has attacked me knows it .:icon_twisted:
If you miss me in da map , i will sent some greetings to you .
don't cry little boy:icon_biggrin:...look at the a lot of barbarians to conquer if is so hard to take a TSL village:icon_wink:
ok,you are wright,i'll not speak with you anymore:icon_smile:
Why do you think we've chosen to open mind our leader?
It's the biggest noob!
His invincible technique with barbarian villages will lead to win the world)
soooo,dear enemys .
Please put you little "closed minds" to work and think at this.
Whath would you choose to take ,10 enemy villages with will produce 7 off vil and 3 def.
Or 100 barb vill who will produce 70 def and 30 off fulls?in witch case you will multyply the enemy villages taken ))
just think at this,and stop with all this barb inactivesc, etc thing because it has no logic mates.
I am shure REBZ will come for shure in TSL...ergh...just the villages )
Good luck at takeing TSL villages...if you can