Also don't forget about scum like barnaborsosz that have been spying against GoF, and started nobling our players at night as he stabbed and jumped. Now he is getting the nuke treatment losing villages and farms everywhere. He also have massive stacks coming in from good (seen from captures). This coward deserves a mention also!
Finally someone about this guy. He also betrayed and backstabbed barbie at the start to join GOF and I'll be explaining a little in detail below about this, and I was on the north rim so I fought him directly for such a long time. He also makes some pretty bad decisions as a player too so like there is bad play, and there is bad personality, but this guy has them both. He probably should have found it cheap on the junk market or something. Terrible terrible player and stay away from this guy while forming alliances or tribes. Btw, he's been with barbie since few worlds ago, he's been living under our roof and saving pp for like the prior few worlds. It's extra scummy he did the betrayal after being with us for so long.
And in what way have I backstabbed my tribe? I am still here in GoF am I not? Unlike Barnaborsosz and TheDruid who both decided to stab the tribe which fed them resources and sent nukes for them. There is no excuse for attacking former tribemates without any cooldown whatsoever, targetting their backline villages with stacks on your frontline.
On this one you can't say that I didn't warn you guys. Barnaborsosz couldn't be trusted because of the way he betrayed and left our tribe. I was so salty back then about all that, I contacted beautiful creatures about this. You had it coming because you knew what he did before. And you did get warned extra (by me). It's like marrying a girl who cheated on someone else to get to be with you, which can never end in a good way.
By the way after this stuff, I mean me reaching out to beautiful creatures, I remember you kinda tried to turn my own tribemembers against me and create mayhem by saying stuff like, "Hey megasasuke wants to leave his villas to us did you know that?" if I remember right. That was uncool okay. On the north we fought til the last drop of blood we had and we did it without coplayers, and without help coming from the south side of the map (few exceptions were from GU, and some people after we merged with ECC, but I want to emphasize prior to the merge since it should have been impossible to defend because we were fighting with ECC on the south side). After giving in this much effort and not sleeping much I didn't feel good about seeing that message as I thought it was a crazy exaggeration. Long story short, I found this message disrespectful at the very least at that time.
Btw, I have lots of respect on TRE as a player. I mean lots. I don't understand how he gets so much hate. Maybe its because he is successful? Idk. TRE, if you're reading this, just know that my argument with you before didn't make much sense and I knew it, and I was too salty to realize that in that time. In my defense it was right after flexes coup ok. I was emotional af and my rage got directed in a wrong way. You're cool and you're such a fighter. You deserve whatever good things on TW. Keep it up.
I want to conclude my words with what I want to say about this worlds winners and losers. From my perspective, everyone who disregarded and hit barbie on this world wasted their precious time and resources against them and lost in the end. This includes ECC too. They had to recruit some of us (almost all of us) after we defended for so long, or else all they did would have been for nothing, which would be losing for them in the long run. I remember like 20 red nukes on one vil of richie or something but I could be wrong. We didn't crack against ECC of GOF for such a long time, while fighting at 3 fronts minimum, the tribes who weren't neighbors with us gained lots of farmville time. Next time try being a bit more flexible on your strats and think about the bigger picture, and make better damage assessment on your moves

You could've planned some better targets to hit and maybe won the world. If you wasted less time and resources on barbie you might have not wasted too much, so maybe you could win without leaving your own tribe in which you rule! I mean how ridiculous is this? Nothing you say could justify your actions but I don't know how you can still try to find some logic that could do that. I would be ashamed on trying to do that honestly if I were you
I would like to thank everyone responsible for making me hate this game in my first serious world with a great effort. But I seriously appreciate the players who made it a bit less painful. Peace out.