Scummiest Players

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 849024097
  • Start date

Who is the scummiest?

  • Salvador Dali

    Votes: 30 30.0%
  • Hide N Seek/Sprinter

    Votes: 14 14.0%
  • Red Cup/Griff

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • The Roman Empire/Dennis

    Votes: 24 24.0%
  • Klister & BO55 MAN

    Votes: 7 7.0%
  • The Druid & Clamath

    Votes: 13 13.0%
  • TheBeatConductor & Flexes

    Votes: 49 49.0%
  • Panzer & Good

    Votes: 4 4.0%
  • Try.Me

    Votes: 8 8.0%
  • Sirwinsalot & MountainClimb

    Votes: 3 3.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
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I am not an troll, i opened this forum account many days ago. I am pretty new. I am so bussy and didnt follow politics on tribalwars. i know them from ranking list, i dont talking about this. I dont know what they did and why you call them "scammer". Because of this i asked.

I only heard about them, they making a lot of ally even they are already strong. And they has dirty contact with scammers. Is this what they did ?


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Flexes and TBC gave their own tribe up and just stabbed them to join Panzer. A tribe they duked over

This. They were the dukes of Visage, (formerly ECC+BARBIE). Due to internal issues, they left V1 and joined PANZER, who they were fighting with at that time.
This caused a major change in the balance of power, Visage players were left tribeless and many have since been nobled. PANZER's reach and domination boomed because of this and is considered to be a dirty way to try and get a world win.

There is a thread where a lot of more information was shared:


New Member
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But, how they can do it in every world. Are people stupid? can they change their name ? wont you remember them at world 121-122-123 idk. there are not that much people to remember. You will not forget them, people should not forget what they did. How they can be trustable in other worlds? why they dont think about it?

My tribe, my leaders has clean history. They are trustable, they are loyal. I hope people dont forget how Brave Boi is trustable...

Almighty CorE

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Oh it is absolutely TRE. Backstabs me all the time. Calls me all kinds of names. Glad you distinguished Dennis from the rest of his co players though. They seem like decent guys

SCREEN SHOTS! Don't forget PHOTOSHOPS! Man this World needs lots of DreamSweeping!

Probably Jetfire

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The flexes account simply chose to do the 180 opposite of what we chose to do in our previous world predicaments involving the specific aggrieved players [Where they all quit and left us out to dry (regardless of circumstances)]. Earlier this world we were ridiculed for going a similar road as our previous world. This world was to avoid the mistakes of that world, not to band a bunch of mediocre - intermediate players and hope for the best. The flexes account specifically will likely not play another world seriously due to the changes in RL of its main.

I think everyone on flexes account has learned how necessary it is to only join a premade with a good core team of 24/7 accounts. A tribe where your leaders are not going to awol. A tribe where players take initiative and gladly do a bit more than they are supposed to. A tribe filled with players that are not just satisfied making it to mid game or want to coast to a W ultimately. Every decent tribe has a core unit of players that communicate together and are worth little to none sleep for (when it's needed). With increased negativity, toxicity and nonchalant playstyles we had a firm understanding that most of our mates were not worth the sacrifices we had been making behind the scenes, or the sacrifices on the horizon for what was to come.

Anyone that's ever conversated with me at length will tell you I'd much rather a smaller team of skilled players than a cancerous mass recruit bag of trash hoping everyone merges and willfuly co plays happily without getting demotivated and dying off at the worst of times.

Our tribe from day 1 was an absolute joke (with potential) and anyone that disagrees is misinformed or has selective context reading issues. What happened to the individuals who put in an abundance of time and effort (Tre and Horde specifically) was undeserving and to call it unfortunate would be a grave understatement.

Notably I am King and his branch of mates did a good job with countless snipes on the northern front against GOF as well.

For being the first responders to many sit requests - Good work to:

None the less the one or three positive traits of few players could not outweigh the drawbacks of the strong personalities and growing nonchalantness within our own ranks. Use a leftist snowflake mentality if you want but sometimes you need to take a step back and have a red pill moment and look at the overall ground realities.

The two screenshots have comments by 1 of the affected individuals who we consider a neutral perspective when it comes to the implosion of our family tribe.


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The flexes account simply chose to do the 180 opposite of what we chose to do in our previous world predicaments involving the specific aggrieved players [Where they all quit and left us out to dry (regardless of circumstances)]. Earlier this world we were ridiculed for going a similar road as our previous world. This world was to avoid the mistakes of that world, not to band a bunch of mediocre - intermediate players and hope for the best. The flexes account specifically will likely not play another world seriously due to the changes in RL of its main.

I think everyone on flexes account has learned how necessary it is to only join a premade with a good core team of 24/7 accounts. A tribe where your leaders are not going to awol. A tribe where players take initiative and gladly do a bit more than they are supposed to. A tribe filled with players that are not just satisfied making it to mid game or want to coast to a W ultimately. Every decent tribe has a core unit of players that communicate together and are worth little to none sleep for (when it's needed). With increased negativity, toxicity and nonchalant playstyles we had a firm understanding that most of our mates were not worth the sacrifices we had been making behind the scenes, or the sacrifices on the horizon for what was to come.

Anyone that's ever conversated with me at length will tell you I'd much rather a smaller team of skilled players than a cancerous mass recruit bag of trash hoping everyone merges and willfuly co plays happily without getting demotivated and dying off at the worst of times.

Our tribe from day 1 was an absolute joke (with potential) and anyone that disagrees is misinformed or has selective context reading issues. What happened to the individuals who put in an abundance of time and effort (Tre and Horde specifically) was undeserving and to call it unfortunate would be a grave understatement.

Notably I am King and his branch of mates did a good job with countless snipes on the northern front against GOF as well.

For being the first responders to many sit requests - Good work to:

None the less the one or three positive traits of few players could not outweigh the drawbacks of the strong personalities and growing nonchalantness within our own ranks. Use a leftist snowflake mentality if you want but sometimes you need to take a step back and have a red pill moment and look at the overall ground realities.

The two screenshots have comments by 1 of the affected individuals who we consider a neutral perspective when it comes to the implosion of our family tribe.
View attachment 8350View attachment 8351
Simply not true. We started the world without a premade as well but actually spent the effort to get a good team around together. Our account could have chosen any of the 4 directions at the start, just like you could as well. You are putting the blame on your tribe for your personal selfish reasons to not even defend a single OP against your enemy. Look at TRE and Horde holding against two tribes from all directions, you telling me that you couldn’t do the same or didn’t wanna spend the time to? Obviously you like to spend the time to noble your ex-tribe members you backstabbed.

Probably Jetfire

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Simply not true.

yes, our lived experience is false and can't be true and everything we have experienced is fake news

We started the world without a premade as well but actually spent the effort to get a good team around together.

Cool story bro, maybe latrine sniper and minnions could learn a thing or two from the awesomeness when they make their next 5 tribe pre made. [ECC × 3 + Nubz (basher/pp tribe) + LITE (pp tribe)]

Our account could have chosen any of the 4 directions at the start, just like you could as well. You are putting the blame on your tribe for your personal selfish reasons to not even defend a single OP against your enemy.

I can see how it can appear I'm being one sided when I have to go up against other biased one sided viewpoints. When I put the blame on the entity known as Visage. I'm putting the blame on every account including ours and beats. I don't have to go over our own combined shortcomings as that would just be more fuel for your propagandist takes. The fact everyone always wants to ignore in regards to what happened is that beat was leaving with or without us. If he had gotten a deal and left without us our main would probably delete account. Beat was past his personal limits and we unfortunately had to decide between keeping up the running meme joke of a tribe and throwing away a large pp investment/time investment for the nonchalant members OR stepping away, regaining freedom/peace of mind. In a perfect world Tre and Horde would be in GOF right now, with SD(obala) and Urahara(Defient) being on Flex and Beat respectively. GOF fumbled the ball, oballs went emo revenge route while defient took a whole day to take it all in and realized we had been going down a similar road as we were on 115 (with the aforementioned) and made the choice to sacrifice his win badge to carry on.

Look at TRE and Horde holding against two tribes from all directions, you telling me that you couldn’t do the same or didn’t wanna spend the time to?

well, I've told (some of) my own co players that they wouldn't last a single day in the shoes of The Roman Empire

between that and my own rl issues I don't think we would be able to do the same (even if we did want to subject ourselves to that), I said it somewhere else before but the people in our real lives that matter to us deserve our time over us continuing to throw bulk of our time into our tribe/family. This summer is very special to alot of people given the pandemic crisis clearing up.

Obviously you like to spend the time to noble your ex-tribe members you backstabbed.

Not really it's more of another chore, thankfull to the ones who turned off their am's for us :)

Almighty CorE

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Core players with 24/7 activities blah blah blah.. in a long run it doesn't stick in TW. I have seen more Reg tribe wins than actual pre-mades. Too many big headed players at the start up trying to out grow each other and it creates lots of issues early on . Most premades like that falls apart before mid-game.

Deleted User - 849024097

It seems, my dear readers, that the treachery has not concluded! As predictable as it may seem, two more individuals have taken it upon themselves to betray those loyal to them once again.

This time, it is two relatively unknown accounts, unproven in game, that have decided to play against their team: Sirwinsalot and MountainClimb. After bullying their way into control of Boi, these two made an agreement to receive invitations to Good in return for destroying Boi, which was finalized just recently. Meanwhile Good leadership is positively giddy knowing that their months of propaganda have paid off and their manipulation worked on these two accounts, at least temporarily.

So I ask you, who is most in the wrong here? The two accounts that spied on mates who fully trusted them for their own personal gain? Or the tribe that orchestrated the scenario, after bashing Panzer relentlessly for their actions? It may be time to revise your votes!


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It seems, my dear readers, that the treachery has not concluded! As predictable as it may seem, two more individuals have taken it upon themselves to betray those loyal to them once again.

This time, it is two relatively unknown accounts, unproven in game, that have decided to play against their team: Sirwinsalot and MountainClimb. After bullying their way into control of Boi, these two made an agreement to receive invitations to Good in return for destroying Boi, which was finalized just recently. Meanwhile Good leadership is positively giddy knowing that their months of propaganda have paid off and their manipulation worked on these two accounts, at least temporarily.

So I ask you, who is most in the wrong here? The two accounts that spied on mates who fully trusted them for their own personal gain? Or the tribe that orchestrated the scenario, after bashing Panzer relentlessly for their actions? It may be time to revise your votes!
Please do the weekly again! ;)

Also don't forget about scum like barnaborsosz that have been spying against GoF, and started nobling our players at night as he stabbed and jumped. Now he is getting the nuke treatment losing villages and farms everywhere. He also have massive stacks coming in from good (seen from captures). This coward deserves a mention also!

Salvador Dali

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ah yes, I wrote this after coming from .NL servers where this is actually accepted by all tribes.

I remember this very well, 101 was a fun world. You tried to backstab your tribe, failed miserably and ended up getting your ass kicked not once but twice!

man it was a lot of fun to kick you around midgame for horrible in game performance and sending inappropriate pictures in our discord.

And in what way have I backstabbed my tribe? I am still here in GoF am I not? Unlike Barnaborsosz and TheDruid who both decided to stab the tribe which fed them resources and sent nukes for them. There is no excuse for attacking former tribemates without any cooldown whatsoever, targetting their backline villages with stacks on your frontline.

Good have finally revealed themselves to be hypocrites. They bashed Panzer relentlessly for recruiting from the enemy but they aren't any better themselves. Tons of propaganda and pushing other tribes to fight has seemed to work for them. But I have yet to see them throw a single successful OP on Boi, it is almost laughable to see them gain ground due to recruiting only.

This world has been nothing but a joke so far with all territorial gains coming from recruitment, what happened to actually just fighting out your wars until there is nothing left?

The Roman Empire

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And in what way have I backstabbed my tribe? I am still here in GoF am I not?

While this question was not aimed at me, I just wanted to say that this has been answered by other people previously. You may not agree with what has been said, but it is what people say and think regardless.

This world has been nothing but a joke so far with all territorial gains coming from recruitment, what happened to actually just fighting out your wars until there is nothing left?

Shouldn't you spend some more time ingame rather than on the externals?


And besides, there is plenty of fighting going on. Not that I would you expect to see it, no doubt you are studying for your exams again. Busy busy eh?