lol thanks for saving me the trouble of answering finny once again "WeIsNubs".. however Ill like to add a little bit more
finny50 said:
I underlined what you just said....
The fight with PITA is a border skirmish so that's not a front. So it's a LINE OF BATTLE from K43-46.
you can call it whatever you want (I couldnt care less how people would like to call it), bottom line is that we have to divide our support and offensive between Pita and GotRob.. ur arguments are
always missing the point.
finny50 said:
Let me know when reputation effect how well people play...
Again, your completely missing the point, (what a surprise). Like WeisNub said, it affects how people look at you, and at times it could affect your enemies or friends.. Many tribes in different worlds have failed because they have kids talking to much in the externals, making other tribes wanting to gang bang them (not that this is your case, but its a good example of how externals or your reputation can affect your game), and this is mainly a concern for your tribe, also most tribes work hard to build high reputations, but sadly some members don't care how much time their leaders have put into the tribe, and they just go and ruin everything the tribe as work so hard for.. but again if you like people to look at you as a fool, both in game and externals, than that's your problem.. plz if your gonna post again, make sure your post makes sense and plzz don't miss the point this time..
P.S In my previous post, i never stated that reputation affects your game play, I only stated that your reputation in the externals, its the same than your ingame reputation.. people wont respect you just because of your points, they'll only show respect, if you do the same for them.
Also I like to add that if I were a tribe leader ill defiantly have rules for external posts. (and I'm not criticizing any leader, since i would be worst than any of you when it comes to leadership) Its just my point of view/personal opinion.
candidus said:
Excellent attempt at reasoning Zep!
Problem is... you can't reason with some.
Finny... could you provide your player name?... my apologies if you posted it before, but can't be bothered to look for it quite honestly. Thanks in advance
Thank you Candidus, and I two want to know which account finny's plays.. (just curious)