Silly is Sober! Unfortunately...


Ladies and Gentlemen of W57,

Pardon the possibly corny poetry to come. It has been a while since I did any PnP. About a year in fact. Now once again, I have been tasked by my deceptively innocent looking co-player Ben to put together an even-more-suicidal war declaration which is a few days overdue (it was supposed to come up before our attacks). Before we go into the slightly-more-serious bits, lets lighten the mood with poems and pictures!

Drunk and wasted on the floor
Lay the agitated four.
Bottles of rum numbered fourscore
Was not enough, they needed more.


A warning before you draw near;
You would not find a group more queer!
In their pursuit of rum and beer
The diverse four would know no fear.

One cheerful lad so full of heart,
The other mad, stone cold and hard.
A zebra who loves rocks in art,
And the parrot they blamed for farts.


Razing tribes, they find no bar
Til none were left with whom to spar
Though they wander near and far.
Then, found at last, the sweet nectar!


Now on to the more serious bit. Although you have no reason to take a solo tribe's war declaration seriously, this world seems pretty lacking in decent PnPs (or good wars at all). This may well be worth reading after all!

A long way back, back when we first started on this world, we joined a tribe named Asha, namely because we were tempted by the prospects of a limitless supply of alcohol.

Mail thread.

Note: We mean no offence to Jesus, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Any of the thousands of Hindu gods, cattle, cults who believe the Messiah will be born to a virgin forced to copulate with a tree, mentally handicapped people and anyone else I have failed to mention.

This tribe was pretty much a trainwreck and was at a war with another larger trainwreck of a tribe (Toxic?). The larger trainwreck somehow failed to completely obliterate Asha and guess who recruited them?

After feeling hurt and betrayed by the lack of alcohol, we left Asha and declared war. The tribe somehow crumbled with the blink of an eye and split up into various different tribes. Bonus! and Pro10 formed from the ashes, a large number ran to join [DAWN] and guess who recruited the large members (then somewhere on the externals saying they now owned K37)?

We then declared war on Bonus! and Pro10, hoping they would give us a fight. No such luck. While we were busy taking on several players at once, guess who decided to come in and try to cap a village off us with a 2-minute train?



As we suddenly grew larger than most other players in northern K37, we decided to let targets grow. More specifically, a certain player in [DAWN] who had been given all the internal nobles by nature of being larger than everybody else in the tribe (Still 1/4 of our size at that time). As we polarized the tribe, guess who picked off our juicy, juicy target of 80k points?

With a mild annoyance now, we responded to Truth's request for help. We had tipped this tribe to best Vodka but apparently there were only a few good players and we were a bit disappointed when the leader revealed they attempted to negotiate a ceasefire with Vodka. Regardless, we sniped trains with a 100% success rate for them:

Splat x 2 (not sure why 2 trains were sent here)

...but Truth still fell because their more "cautious" large members were intimidated and recruited by none other than...

Which leads us to our hypothesis that Vodka! is the classic tribe (which I dare say 90% of the tribes are) that climbs up rankings by a cycle of recruitment and intimidation of large players (which is easy when you have the size).

Will 3 players (4 if you count the imaginary parrot) on one account be able to win? Of course not!
Will Vodka! be able to swiftly rim us and give us the fight we spent the last weeks looking for? I hope so!
If Vodka! fail to pull a good ops and allow us to do a bunch of damage to them, will we humiliate them on PnP? Definitely!

Now our first barrage of attacks landed on Vodka! at 21:00 ST on 22nd September. Specifically on wjones, who has improved massively and sent a 800ms train in retaliation - which is in fact more than a hundred times better than his first train!

Here are the results:

Our nobles

wjones response:

Splat (02:44:31)
Splat (02:44:31)
Splat (02:44:32)
Splat (02:44:32)

DefenseForces and mssnight sent 11 scout attacks. We splattered a few completely and the rest we dodged or moved in troops what we wanted them to see.

5 noble trains sent, 4 vills taken. Only 1.5 nukes lost. Not a bad start I'll say! The 2nd wave of attacks has been sent and we are still waiting for some real retaliation.

As the games continue (until we get rimmed or leave this world), we might as well have a scoreboard (which will be updated if we... bother)

Confirmed troops eliminated since 22/09/2011 (By offense, defense or ennoblement of village):

Spears : 22,119
Swords : 10,842
Axes : 74,367
Scouts : 6,239
LC : 33,538
HC : 5,554
Rams : 3,244
Cats : 624
Nobles : 19
Paladin: 1

Building levels demolished (not counting walls):



Taken : 7
Lost : 0
Recapped off Silly: 1

With that said, let us all have some fun and enjoy a nice good fight which doesn't involve recruitment! I hope the flaming isn't too bad, we can pretty much find flaws with 90% of the tribes and you can simply prove our hypothesis wrong by dealing a quick decisive blow to us and we will gladly accept that our hypothesis was wrong.

Let the games begin!

Ben, Rep, Paul and Jimmy.
Agitated Adolescents

P.S: To all the people who may start bashing us for wasting your time reading this declaration - we are sorry but we just have to try to stir up the hornet's nest, apparently simply attacking isn't enough!
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All your missing is a "we declare on" box :) However, cute declaration and great attention whoring ;)


Guest much Vodka can you drink before falling over? :x


That's the question we hope will be answered! No hard feelings! We tend to just point a finger at a large tribe and say "Lets kill that!"


Good start and good PnP (though a bit long) :) Let's just say you scored the 1-0 and it's up to Vodka! to respond.

Good luck to both sides :D


I enjoyed that immensely. The poem, although not Shakespeare was a rather refreshing read. Thank you.


Brief update, Ben will do the full rundown later perhaps. Second wave rather successful. 3 out of 5 villas taken. Other 2 not taken only due to minor screw-ups in our send-off process (One nuke landed after the first nuke+noble I believe) and thus were brought down to low loyalty.


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 7
Side 2: 0
Difference: 7

At least one villa should be recapped by them and will bring the score to 7-1.
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Looks like this guy came to play. Nice timing and against 3 active players. I am impressed. Overnobled himself twice but hey, good nonetheless.



We send 5 nobles in some of these trains. Rather overnoble than miss. Especially since in this op, Vodka! were given 16 hours or so to react.

We got tired of the multiple failures of 4-noble trains that we have experienced in this world. Our first 6 or 7 nobles were constantly messed up by 4-noble trains simply not cutting it. Thus, we'd rather be safe. As for the timings... I feel like murdering my co-player who drew up the plan.

He will soon do a more detailed update.

I am personally impressed with the results of this ops and made holding my bowels and picking strategic moments to release them in between launch times seem pretty worthwhile. I was expecting to lose a large percentage of our nukes and trains but it seems we have only fully lost... 1 or 2 nukes in this ops? Not too sure, don't quote me on that.
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We send 5 nobles in some of these trains. Rather overnoble than miss. that.

Send the 5th with minimal support troops so it dies attacking if not needed. And yes, I can understand the reasoning behind it. Have done it quite a bit myself in other worlds.


One villa was recapped a few minutes ago. No way we could stack it on time. Makes it 7-1 and the only retaliation from Vodka! thus far.


Time support to land right after the last noble. If they are 1/2 way decent players they will see the train coming so the incoming support arriving immediately after will not tip them off.

If launch time for support is not convenient with spear/sword add a Ram so you can time to launch at a reasonable hour :)