
Senior In-Game Staff
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Single Village Planner



A script which the player can use to plan attacks/support landing in specific time on a single village.
This script does not necessarily require PA to be active.

Script is run on a single village screen:

Here is a demo how this script looks like in practice:

Script features:
  • you can filter out your own villages by group (next time you reload this script it will start on the same group you left)
  • you can select specific village to be "highlighted" (by clicking on the star icon) so you know you need to send attacks from this village early (example boosted nukes, wallbusters, etc)
  • you can click on a command and automatically the landing time of the command will fill the landing time field
  • etc

Let me know if you find a bug or if you need help or have any suggestions to improve this script by replying on this thread.
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Deleted User - 848982090

Hi, would like to add Slovak translation. How can I help?


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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Hello @Lucianooo ,

'Single Village Planner': 'Single Village Planner',
Help: 'Help',
'This script can only be run on a single village screen!':
    'This script can only be run on a single village screen!',
Village: 'Village',
Coords: 'Coords',
Continent: 'Continent',
'Calculate Launch Times': 'Calculate Launch Times',
Reset: 'Reset',
'Launch times are being calculated ...': 'Launch times are being calculated ...',
'Missing user input!': 'Missing user input!',
'Landing Time': 'Landing Time',
'This village has no unit selected!': 'This village has no unit selected!',
'Prio.': 'Prio.',
'No possible combinations found!': 'No possible combinations found!',
'Export Plan as BB Code': 'Export Plan as BB Code',
'Plan for:': 'Plan for:',
'Landing Time:': 'Landing Time:',
Unit: 'Unit',
'Launch Time': 'Launch Time',
Command: 'Command',
Status: 'Status',
Send: 'Send',
From: 'From',
Priority: 'Priority',
'Early send': 'Early send',
'Landing time was updated!': 'Landing time was updated!',
'Error fetching village groups!': 'Error fetching village groups!',

Replace the right side texts with the Slovak translation and post the translations here so I can add them on the script.
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Deleted User - 848982090

'Single Village Planner': 'Plánovač pre jednu dedinu',
Help: 'Pomoc',
'This script can only be run on a single village screen!':
'Tento skript sa dá spustiť iba v náhľade dediny z mapy',
Village: 'Dedina',
Coords: 'Koordináty',
Continent: 'Kontinent',
'Calculate Launch Times': 'Výpočet časov odoslania',
Reset: 'Reset',
'Launch times are being calculated ...': 'Časy odoslania sa vypočítavajú ...',
'Missing user input!': 'Chýba označenie jednotiek!',
'Landing Time': 'Čas dopadu',
'This village has no unit selected!': 'Táto dedina nemá označenú jednotku!',
'Prio.': 'Prio.',
'No possible combinations found!': 'Žiadne možné kombinácie sa nenašli!',
'Export Plan as BB Code': 'Exportovať Plán ako BB Kódy',
'Plan for:': 'Plán pre:',
'Landing Time:': 'Čas dopadu:',
Unit: 'Jednotka',
'Launch Time': 'Čas odoslania:',
Command: 'Príkaz',
Status: 'Stav',
Send: 'Odoslať',
From: 'Z',
Priority: 'Priorita',
'Early send': 'Skoré odoslanie',
'Landing time was updated!': 'Čas dopadu aktualizovaný!',
'Error fetching village groups!': 'Chyba pri načítaní skupiny dedín',
Last edited by a moderator:

Deleted User - 848982090

I would recommend to show also distance from every one of your villages to target village, so you know which village is closest. You can plan accordingly. What do you think?


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
Reaction score
I would recommend to show also distance from every one of your villages to target village, so you know which village is closest. You can plan accordingly. What do you think?

Good suggestion. Distance is now shown on the table too.

Since I added a new column on the table (Distance column) I will need your help @Lucianooo with the Slovak translation for the string "Distance".

Deleted User - 848936284



'Single Village Planner': 'Enkel Dorp Planner',
Help: 'Help',
'This script can only be run on a single village screen!':
'Het script kan enkel worden uitgevoerd op het dorpsoverzicht via de kaart!',
Village: 'Dorp',
Coords: 'Coordinaten',
Continent: 'Continent',
'Calculate Launch Times': 'Bereken verzendtijden',
Reset: 'Reset',
'Launch times are being calculated ...': 'Verzendtijden worden berekend ...',
'Missing user input!': 'Mis spelersinvoer!',
'Landing Time': 'Landingstijd',
'This village has no unit selected!': 'Dit dorp heeft geen troepen geselecteerd!',
'Prio.': 'Prioriteit.',
'No possible combinations found!': 'Geen mogelijkheden gevonden!',
'Export Plan as BB Code': 'Exporteer plan als BB Code',
'Plan for:': 'Plan voor:',
'Landing Time:': 'Landingstijd:',
Unit: 'Eenheid',
'Launch Time': 'Verzendtijd',
Command: 'Bevel',
Status: 'Status',
Send: 'Zend',
From: 'Van',
Priority: 'Prioriteit',
'Early send': 'Vroeg verzenden',
'Landing time was updated!': 'Aankomsttijd is geupdate!',
'Error fetching village groups!': 'Fout met ophalen van dorpen uit groep!',


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
Reaction score
Single Village Planner script is updated to v1.1.4

Latest version shows now troop counts for each village so you can see which village is the most suitable to send early (for example boosted nukes and/or WB nukes).
Reaction score
el_GR: {
'Single Village Planner': 'Ατομικό Πλάνο Χωριού',
Help: 'Βοήθεια',
'This script can only be run on a single village screen!':
'Αυτο το Script τρέχει απο Πληροφορίες Χωριού!',
Village: 'Χωριό',
Coords: 'Συντεταγμένες',
K: 'K',
'Calculate Launch Times': 'Υπολόγισε Ώρα Εκκίνησης',
Reset: 'Επαναφορά',
'Launch times are being calculated ...': 'Οι χρόνοι εκκίνησης υπολογίζονται ...',
'Missing user input!': 'Λείπουν τα δεδομένα!',
'Landing Time': 'Ώρα άφιξης',
'This village has no unit selected!': 'Το χωριό δεν έχει επιλεγμένες μονάδες!',
'Prio.': 'Προτ.',
'No possible combinations found!': 'No possible combinations found!',
'Export Plan as BB Code': 'Εξαγωγή πλάνου σε BB Code',
'Plan for:': 'Πλάνο για:',
'Landing Time:': 'Ώρα άφιξης:',
Unit: 'Μονάδα',
'Launch Time': 'Ώρα εκκίνησης',
Command: 'Εντολή',
Status: 'Κατάσταση',
Send: 'Στείλε',
From: 'Από',
Priority: 'Προτεραιότητα',
'Early send': 'Στάλθηκαν νωρίτερα',
'Landing time was updated!': Η ώρα άφιξης ανανεώθηκε!',
'Error fetching village groups!': 'Σφάλμα κατά την ανάκτηση ομάδων χωριών!',
'Dist.': 'Απόσταση',
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Deleted User - 849005341

'Single Village Planner': 'Tek Köy Planlayıcısı',
Help: 'Yardım',
'This script can only be run on a single village screen!':'Bu komut dosyası yalnızca tek bir köy ekranında çalıştırılabilir',
Village: 'Köy',
Coords: 'Koordinat',
Continent: 'Kıta',
'Calculate Launch Times': 'Başlatma Sürelerini Hesaplayın',
Reset: 'Reset',
'Launch times are being calculated ...': 'Başlatma süreleri hesaplanıyor ...',
'Missing user input!': 'Eksik kullanıcı girişi!',
'Landing Time': 'iniş zamanı',
'This village has no unit selected!': 'Bu köyde seçili birim yok!',
'Prio.': 'Prio.',
'No possible combinations found!': 'Olası kombinasyon bulunamadı!',
'Export Plan as BB Code': 'Planı BB Kodu Olarak Dışa Aktar',
'Plan for:': 'Plan için:',
'Landing Time:': 'İniş zamanı:',
Unit: 'Birim',
'Launch Time': 'Başlatma Zamanı:',
Command: 'Komut',
Status: 'Durum',
Send: 'Gönder',
From: 'Z',
Priority: 'Öncelik',
'Early send': 'erken gönder',
'Landing time was updated!': 'İniş zamanı güncellendi!',
'Error fetching village groups!': 'Köy grupları getirilirken hata oluştu',

Deleted User - 9488412

When I put the BB codes in village notes it doesn't change it into a table, if possible can you remove the table or separate button for without a table


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
Reaction score
Hello @nyshin ,

At the moment I am not planning on adding new features on this script.

You can always save the plan on your account's notebook.

- Mr. President

Well-Known Member
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'Single Village Planner': 'Planeador para ataques em uma só aldeia',
Help: 'Ajuda',
'This script can only be run on a single village screen!':
'Este script só pode ser usado na página de uma só aldeia!',
Village: 'Aldeia',
Coords: 'Coords',
Continent: 'Continente',
'Calculate Launch Times': 'Calcular tempos de envio',
Reset: 'Reset',
'Launch times are being calculated ...': 'Os tempos de envio estão a ser calculados ...',
'Missing user input!': 'Falta o input do utilizador!',
'Landing Time': 'Tempo de chegada',
'This village has no unit selected!': 'Esta aldeia não tem unidades selecionadas!',
'Prio.': 'Prioridade',
'No possible combinations found!': 'Não foram encontradas combinações possíveis!',
'Export Plan as BB Code': 'Exportar plano em código BB',
'Plan for:': 'Plano para:',
'Landing Time:': 'Tempo de chegada:',
Unit: 'Unidade',
'Launch Time': 'Tempo de envio',
Command: 'Comando',
Status: 'Estado',
Send: 'Send',
From: 'From',
Priority: 'Prioridade',
'Early send': 'Enviar cedo',
'Landing time was updated!': 'O tempo de chegada foi atualizado!',
'Error fetching village groups!': 'Erro a ir buscar os grupos de aldeias!',