Skill? vs. Anarky\-BK-


no no marcus... i am bad at flaming....every person has their own way of expression..... being a historian.... i can't be a hot head..... i know u guys miss cimm..... we don't as we have him in our internal forums....:icon_smile:....

so every person have their ways of expression..... sometimes we overdo it..... let us stick to the stats.... and some factual analysis.... u can include skill, anarky only..... well rage some people can include if they like to..... i am eagerly waiting for this conflict's outcome as i have to write this too in my note.... :icon_cool:

@ dmoron, Marcus, The Resurrection, ampatriot, chachi and all others..... :icon_wink: pardon me if i have not mentioned anyone....
lets express our differences of thoughts here w/o flaming..... i am sure that will be difficult for some :lol:


-BK- is not an academy.... they were attacked by ~TNK~ when we were fighting ~TNK~..... u don't call enemy of ur enemy ur "academy"... they are an independent tribe with their own decisions..... their council run them....

as for rage, they are our smaller brothers.... u never know when the small brothers grow BIG.....

It is already proven that that -BK- are following anarkys commands and are run with sits from anarky. check the cimm post to see some proofs if you like.
Since they are fighting together and following anarkys orders then they have to be in these stats.Both rage and -BK- are their academies.


nothing is proven ogre - why dont you grow up and stop whining like a baby


nothing is proven ogre - why dont you grow up and stop whining like a baby

check my signature , it will redirect you in a juicy post. I am not whining. But why don't you try and take the responsibility of your own words just for once ?


saw your forum post Sylbestros-GR - the link in your signature..... u accuse anarky members of spying / controlling accounts and so on.....

where did u get those info bro :icon_rolleyes: seems u are the one to spy..... afraid? , checking on the forums regularly... are we?

seems ur spy is a small timer in -BK-, maybe ur other account which u will use once this one is over..... so your conversation with firey (which i must congratulate firey as he even had the patience to talk to you) proves what we say..... rage is our brother tribe.... anyhow i don't see the why even u bother to bring up these topics in all discussions..... are u hurt bad in those smithy attacks.... seems so.... we care less about taking ur villas.... surely they will have a very improper villa builts.... so i would request u to build them proper.... ask for guidance if u need one... then we will willingly noble ur villas.... oh by the way.... have a nice time bringing up the smithys.....

as i said before.. no flaming.....:icon_biggrin:.... lets all have a big smile on the face....


why bring up smithies if you have all of the researches and you have your academy? Or it's a defensive village? Sounds like a waste of cats in my opinion


Anarky sits duke and baron positions in -BK-
-BK- is taking orders from Anarky
-BK- Harrass us
So we are forced to deal with them.

-BK- and Anarky goes together in the stats, end of story. And rage ofcourse but they are too far away to contribute in stats, though they support -bk- now that we're hunting them, that's worth mentioning.
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so many guesses noobchris

fact is we do sit BK accounts here and there
fact is we do have leadership positions in BK through these sits
fact is we have helped them play this game more efficiently
fact is a lot of good players are in there who simply needed some advice

We dont order them to do anything, make that perfectly clear. They are our allies.

And stats dont matter. We dont care about them and neither does skill? leadership by they lack of interest in the externals. People should attempt to look beneath at what is going on instead of relying on simple stats which dont reflect anything at all yet. We know where things are at and i'm sure in some way skill? knows what the real state of play is at the moment. That's all i'm interested in anyway. 200-300 villages back and forth between tribes with 10,000 villages is like a scratch. Who cares. We don't.


-BK- is not an academy.... they were attacked by ~TNK~ when we were fighting ~TNK~..... u don't call enemy of ur enemy ur "academy"... they are an independent tribe with their own decisions..... their council run them....

as for rage, they are our smaller brothers.... u never know when the small brothers grow BIG.....

You #$%^$%@ liars. Let me help you with stats. ~TNK~ got renamed -RN-. This is the proof, you can check the members, we went to skill, the barb noblers went to anarky and the truly inactives left in -RN- and gets eaten by anarky and his academies.

Now who attacked first?

Side 1:
Tribes: -RN-
Side 2:
Tribes: -BK-

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 2
Side 2: 96
Difference: 94


Do we seem we ever attacked -bk- when we belong back then in ~TNK~? The two villages shown in stats are just local skirmishes, anyone can check the ennoblement page ( and see these 2 villages that they where irrelevant skirmishes.

We attacked them after we went into skill?, anarky ordered them to attack us (so they attacked first) and make a failflame type operation (with random nukes/cats) on us to show that we are refugee's when we joined, you guys wanted to recruit us to war skill?, but we saw your personalities and reject you. We have posts admiting anarky this, and twstats don't lie. You thought you were gods by defeating 1337, no you are not!

And from all these posts and threads i can understand that you can't take on rejects... how do we call this behaviour?

At least when you people tell a lie make sure we can't prove the truth... say for example that you play tw naked and get aroused from telling lies.


They are our allies.

That's what we're saying, academy/allies whatever... Fact is you are cooperating. So same stats. Else we will be ganbanging on anarky instead of -bk- isn't it? I feel like talking to shadowzilla here... are you brothers?

We know where things are at and i'm sure in some way skill? knows what the real state of play is at the moment. That's all i'm interested in anyway. 200-300 villages back and forth between tribes with 10,000 villages is like a scratch. Who cares. We don't.

That's what 1337 said when losing... but if you can't turn the tables (and you can't) then you're lost... and we're in the skirmish fase only
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mantoo007 - Although i cannot speak for Syl.

i have plenty of information of BK & Anarky working together. I also have a CM in my mail some where from that. We have public and then blatant obvious when is comes to spy's working for anarchy... Some Example's can be said with how one was getting sits from players in 1337 that hated the thort of joining anarky yet thay still went there. (Although i cannot say reasons about it as i don't know)

As for the War

:icon_eek: Yes!!! I'm calling it a WAR! why ? well what do you call 2 countries fighting ? although may not be full time for ether side in my personal opinion i will name it a war as it just gets confusing saying otherwise.

please take note I am not Duke of skill so speak for my self alone.

The war will not be in full swing until after Xmas. if you take into the account of the village takes of sparse clusters here and there then take into account all the coming and going's that happen you will find although stats look big they are no where close to the true matter of the war yet.

Give it an hour or soo ill have a go at getting the true stats. although i expect it will still be out by quite a bit.


syruss - i understand ur call..... yes this conflict is still a conflict not a war

@ master criss - who formed ~TNK~ guess guess:icon_razz:

Syl formed ~TNK~ always complaining and shouting.... as same goes for u master criss..... i would rather talk with someone more civilized.... like syruss, or chachi.... who atleast have some sense in their words and surely don't lack civic sense like master criss and Syl.

whatever be the situation i wont go into name calling.... rather i prefer to say my opinion through civilized discussions:icon_razz:

The Resurrection

fact is we do sit BK accounts here and there
fact is we do have leadership positions in BK through these sits
fact is we have helped them play this game more efficiently
fact is a lot of good players are in there who simply needed some advice

We dont order them to do anything, make that perfectly clear. They are our allies.

And stats dont matter. We dont care about them and neither does skill? leadership by they lack of interest in the externals. People should attempt to look beneath at what is going on instead of relying on simple stats which dont reflect anything at all yet. We know where things are at and i'm sure in some way skill? knows what the real state of play is at the moment. That's all i'm interested in anyway. 200-300 villages back and forth between tribes with 10,000 villages is like a scratch. Who cares. We don't.

Ok, so let me get this straight... You do sit leadership positions and accounts but have no control over the tribe? What are leaderships positions for? To follow, or lead? To say you have no influence on them is simply a lack of respect for everyones common sense. Of course you have influence on them. That might be the dumbest thing i have ever read. (ps: this is not flaming, this is just pointing out stupidity) Fine they can be your allies. However, if two allies gang up against one other tribe, would it be fair to say that both tribes are warring the other?

Lastly, you dont care about villages being nobled from your members? You sound like an awesome leader. I would hope that you at least would care about your members and your tribes villages.


We dont order them to do anything, make that perfectly clear. They are our allies.

You may not order them to do something, but you definitely encourage them to attack Skill?...I mean, what is this if not a blatant message talking about -BK- attacking skill? with members of Anarky. (Or should I say ex-members, since all it took was 300 fakes and a couple nobles to take out this loud-mouthed player)

Page: >1<

ANARKY - Shadowzilla on 24.11.2010 at 14:49 Quote BK brothers/sisters in arms it is time we really worked together to rid ourselves of the Red menace.

Just because you may not have 100-200 villages does not mean you can not help with the war efforts. The biggest thing is to be alert and try to be active. I have had over 500 incomings on me now for the last 5 days...The enemy has cleared some of my villages but I still manage to stop him from nobling

He is pissed and it is mk78 and markoulin (sp) that I am fighting. easily both players are 5 times my size. But I am holding them back with some help from 1 bk member. Heck if 3 more members in the area kicked in that are my size those guys would be gone from k3, k13, and k4, and none of us would suffer heavy losses.

Then we move over to k5 and k15 and I would be right there with you guys.
Don't be discouraged and don't be afraid. You have some of the best players on W46 on your side. Anarky And we are with you guys.
Skill has less than 10 members in your area and you have over 48 members sandwiching them...With teamwork the ants can and will take down the biggest spider.

And let me tell you this ant is hungry.

Huzzah members of BK lets work together and you will see how easy it is for several players to take out 1 player at a time. You have seen skill do it with stasseman. So now it is time to return the favour. In the end it is a war game and this is where you determine your legacy in this game.

I have seen world 12 closed and I was in the last tribe to fight DNY the tribe that won that world. The one thing I can guarantee you is that those players that did not fight in the wars always disappeared. If you do not protect yourself and your tribe when the opportunity is present, than you will not live for long...look at 1337.

Now is the time! Rally your troops! Build those walls and siege weapons. Coordinate with your brothers and sisters in arms and defeat the enemy. For this enemy will fall. And the only question you will have 2 months from now is was I a part of it or not. Me I am in the thick of it and I love it.


By the way I am just a member of Anarky not a leader or anything..I am a soldier. Just like most of you. And I do not have 50 villages. But I will fight the enemies of my tribe with my tribemates and allies and we will win. I have no doubt.
Edited by cperry4 on 24.11. at 21:34[/spoil]


Anarky sits duke and baron positions in -BK-
-BK- is taking orders from Anarky
-BK- Harrass us
So we are forced to deal with them.

-BK- and Anarky goes together in the stats, end of story. And rage ofcourse but they are too far away to contribute in stats, though they support -bk- now that we're hunting them, that's worth mentioning.

Dude, Calm down. They are just NAP.

Also, name the 1337 barb noblers in ANARKY now. I bet half of those you call a barb nobler could take you out 1 on 1.


@ dmoron - The only true cooperationg between ANARKY and -BK- that I am aware of was between me and shadowzilla to remove markoulin from the K13 area. Other than that, I know of no direct cooperation.

Other than that, they do have control over some leadership positions but again, I have never seen them tell us what to do. We operate our own council making our own decisions. They are simply involved to be informed and to correct us to some degree if we are steering in the wrong direction as a majority of our players are less experienced. Whether you all believe what I say about this or not, I don't really care but that's the way it is. I expect to see people flame just about anything said about this war, but I will in no way be responding to flaming anymore. Only rational thoughts will be accepted.


I still can't understand the forum... are we complaining that TSL is allied with Skill? and they attacked an ex-member...... if that is so, TSL did this on their own accord not on Skill?'s request..... atleast we in Anarky are mature enough to understand that..... so if -BK- attacks Syl and or master criss , why is firey and rest Anarky responsible for that... -BK- had some problems of their own... i am sure they can hold their own...

so why other people have problems with our choice of allies...... i thought it was a free world..... i would wait to hear what Chachi has to say..... i am sure he is mature enough and hence is keeping quiet in the forums.... since thanks to Syl and dmoron, we have the same discussion in multiple posts..... have a break guys...

The Resurrection

I dont think anyones complaining, Im just laughing at you guys and your acadamies/families/allies/nap/ or whatever you want to call your huge operation against skill.

-BK- can hold their own? These stats show differently. Either way keep up the good work skill

Side 1:
Tribes: -BK-
Side 2:
Tribes: Skill?

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers:

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 121
Side 2: 386
Difference: 265


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 4,711,692
Side 2: 14,344,082
Difference: 9,632,390


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,171,318
Side 2: 3,631,642
Difference: 2,460,324
