Smoke Rises

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i heard a rumour going on that dsy4 have cut down their recruitment standards and anyone with near 50 villages or so can even get an invite?:icon_rolleyes:

is it true?
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Don't get your hopes up too much there, recruitment standards cant be cut that low can it?


i heard a rumour going on that dsy4 have cut down their recruitment standards and anyone with near 50 villages or so can even get an invite?:icon_rolleyes:

is it true?

Nah. They have to have less than 50 villages. I had to let people take my villages before Rep would let me apply :icon_rolleyes:

Id be happy to take your villages so that you are eligible to join :lol:


Very interesting read, good luck to all my friends in Dsy4. Although if you guys keep up the good team work like early world you won't need it.

I'm just curious, so perhaps someone in DSy can answer this for me.

Doesn't DSy pride themselves on a tight nit, close group of people, who work well together, and like to keep tribe members low?

I can assure you that Dsy4 is one of the closest group of friend I have ever played with. Most of us have played 3 or more worlds together. The goal of Dsy4 was never to "keep our members low." If we win the world with 24 members or with 40 members it won't matter. The goal coming into this world was to not do any merges, very little diplomacy, and most of all have fun with our friends. Member counts did not matter.

Now I will point out, there has been a change in goals and leadership strategies from the start of the world till now, but I can assure you the one thing that hasn't changed is the "no merging goal." The tight recruiting is likely still a long process and wisely chosen.

I am no longer in Dsy4, as I quit a couple months ago, so someone in Dsy4 can correct me if I am wrong.

Regardless everyone remember it's a game, stop thinking you need the last word on the pnp's and go enjoy the endless nights of attack tagging and stacking. May the team with the bigger balls win :axemen::axemen::axemen:


a player with heart. hope you enjoy it!

As a former member of DSY4, I can tell you that you're in for a shock if you think you will find only one. Every single crazy nub in that tribe has heart, there have been rough times for every member at some point or other but the tribe buffs up those players when they need it most.

It's like being a part of a phalanx, I felt so safe as a member there I thought nothing of having almost all of my defense on the move or supporting for the majority of the time. Not a feeling I've ever experienced. Trust in my tribe.

As for the recruitment process, it's tough, but worth it. The DSY4 leaders have a 6th sense to see the potential in players, and find those individuals who will become a member of the family and all those that joined up post-landing it was as if they had always belonged.

From the count, I saw in a previous post it looks like DSY4 are outnumbered in villages 3-1, that makes the war about even. You'll need to up it to 10-1 to make them break a sweat.

I'll finish by wishing Smoke luck, and prosperity to my former tribe. Miss you guys, sorry I couldn't be there for this.


Non-stop Poster
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no we are recruiting the one who can -

1.Run 100 m within 10 seconds

2. Can hold his breath for 2 mins underwater

3.knows atleast 6 languages.

hmmm so does it mean

with the first requirement they can run away from wars easier

and with second they could survive when their villas are flooded with attacks

and with the third they can plead in 6 languages?



Dang.. guess I need to brush up on my linguistics.. would you consider 4 min under water instead of knowing 6 languages??


Jelly face, I can hold my breath underwater forever...

The trouble lies in living.

sidd 271

Contributing Poster
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hmmm so does it mean

with the first requirement they can run away from wars easier

and with second they could survive when their villas are flooded with attacks

and with the third they can plead in 6 languages?

OH god Leonidas how can you be so wrong every time 100 m in 10 secs so that they run through enemies defense quickly

2. On average a man can spend 58 secs under water ,so you need to be above the average

3.with 6 languages we can understand the declaration made on us by SMOKE

Seriously your lack of knowledge is amusing. You should apply for SSS(sidd's special spanking) classes. You will be much better after you attend those classes.


I have run a few 4X100 at school and took swimming lessons, My teacher said I was really good! Can I join now?

I can bring over some cookies for you guys to eat, you're not eating anything else anyway. :)


Non-stop Poster
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hope 2 mins is enuff to save yourselves from drowning in "smoke" :icon_rolleyes: but who knows maybe smoke isnt that thick as they say it is :icon_confused:
i guess we"ll have to wait and see
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