It all began when some ex-Yarr players chose to take TB!'s side to fight Wobble. At that time, Slurp! were known as DRUNKS who had an alliance with Wobble. In their shared forum, a Wobble player ordered DRUNKS to attack TB! whilst we had an NAP with DRUNKS. The master threw the bone and the dog chased.
Fair to say, this wasn't a wise choice and DRUNKS didn't profit much from it:
[SPOIL]Side 1:
Tribes: TB!, TB!2
Side 2:
Tribes: Slurp!
Timeframe: 08/02/2013 00:00:00 to 10/02/2013 14:00:18
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 35
Side 2: 2
Difference: 33
In their duke's, Realistica/Mike's, absence their council came to speak to me about reinstating the NAP with TB!. In fact, they were rather annoyed at how Wobble could command such a thing without their permission. "Rightly so", I said, and after some persuasion they wisely decided to drop their alliance and shared forum with Wobble and reinstate an NAP with TB!.
Along comes Mike in the middle of the next week and agreeing with the fact that their passion for the destruction of ex-SVG was clouding their judgment of what was best for their tribe in the long-term. So, he agreed to a three-way alliance between AAA, TB! and DRUNKS/Slurp! with the view to attack wobble.
So, everyone was happy. DRUNKS/Slurp! would finally get some growth after the collapse of Wobble allowing them to break out of being forever condemned to being surrounded by larger tribes.
Well, that was until a few days later thousands of attacks starting flooding into AAA's villages without warning. AAA, along with us, being the trusting sort moved ALL of their defense to the Wobble front line leaving villages near DRUNKS/Slurp! completely empty.
What a betrayal.
We tried to speak to Mike, but of course, he was doing his disappearing act again. I sat, angrily looking at his Skype profile displaying 'offline'.
I spoke to the DRUNKS/SLURP! council and it was weird to hear from them that Mike never told them they had agreed to an alliance, but it was only a proposition. Not what Mike was clearly saying before. They broke the agreed ceasefire and future alliance because of some shoddy evidence posted by the co-player of the Haters gonna hate. account that said in the distant future they would attack DRUNKS. After I explained that this was complete rubbish evidence to attack, they changed their reasoning, again saying they wanted to kill the ex-SVG players.
But that's not how we do diplomacy in TB.
Well, so that's where we are now. Diplomacy is over and our trust in Mike shattered.
But, there is one final dirty twist to this already shady story.
Players of DRUNKS/Slurp! most likely don't know this but Mike was rather concerned when we learned that he had agreed to a deal where he would let the ex-SVG players join Wobble for them to hit AAA, and he would grant full diplomacy to them.
Message from Mike to Chemically Imbalanced (ex-duke of SVG):
I like this one best. Where Mike proposes that ex-SVG actually join DRUNKS!
This is all rather weird considering DRUNKS/Slurp! supposedly hate ex-SVG with a passion that they wanted to ally or possibly recruit them!
In short, DRUNKS/Slurp! are nothing but a two-faced tribe in Wobble's pocket led by a duke puppet-ed by them also. They have sacrificed their chances at becoming a respected power in this world able to fight on their own. They have signed their own death warrant.
As Wobble always do, as long as they no longer need Slurp! they will backstab them. I ask Slurp! players to question the decisions of their duke and his two-faced actions.
But for now, you are hindering TB!'s aims in this world and hence we are declaring war on you.
Fair to say, this wasn't a wise choice and DRUNKS didn't profit much from it:
[SPOIL]Side 1:
Tribes: TB!, TB!2
Side 2:
Tribes: Slurp!
Timeframe: 08/02/2013 00:00:00 to 10/02/2013 14:00:18
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 35
Side 2: 2
Difference: 33
In their duke's, Realistica/Mike's, absence their council came to speak to me about reinstating the NAP with TB!. In fact, they were rather annoyed at how Wobble could command such a thing without their permission. "Rightly so", I said, and after some persuasion they wisely decided to drop their alliance and shared forum with Wobble and reinstate an NAP with TB!.
Along comes Mike in the middle of the next week and agreeing with the fact that their passion for the destruction of ex-SVG was clouding their judgment of what was best for their tribe in the long-term. So, he agreed to a three-way alliance between AAA, TB! and DRUNKS/Slurp! with the view to attack wobble.

So, everyone was happy. DRUNKS/Slurp! would finally get some growth after the collapse of Wobble allowing them to break out of being forever condemned to being surrounded by larger tribes.
Well, that was until a few days later thousands of attacks starting flooding into AAA's villages without warning. AAA, along with us, being the trusting sort moved ALL of their defense to the Wobble front line leaving villages near DRUNKS/Slurp! completely empty.
What a betrayal.
We tried to speak to Mike, but of course, he was doing his disappearing act again. I sat, angrily looking at his Skype profile displaying 'offline'.
I spoke to the DRUNKS/SLURP! council and it was weird to hear from them that Mike never told them they had agreed to an alliance, but it was only a proposition. Not what Mike was clearly saying before. They broke the agreed ceasefire and future alliance because of some shoddy evidence posted by the co-player of the Haters gonna hate. account that said in the distant future they would attack DRUNKS. After I explained that this was complete rubbish evidence to attack, they changed their reasoning, again saying they wanted to kill the ex-SVG players.
But that's not how we do diplomacy in TB.

Well, so that's where we are now. Diplomacy is over and our trust in Mike shattered.
But, there is one final dirty twist to this already shady story.
Players of DRUNKS/Slurp! most likely don't know this but Mike was rather concerned when we learned that he had agreed to a deal where he would let the ex-SVG players join Wobble for them to hit AAA, and he would grant full diplomacy to them.
Message from Mike to Chemically Imbalanced (ex-duke of SVG):

I like this one best. Where Mike proposes that ex-SVG actually join DRUNKS!

This is all rather weird considering DRUNKS/Slurp! supposedly hate ex-SVG with a passion that they wanted to ally or possibly recruit them!
In short, DRUNKS/Slurp! are nothing but a two-faced tribe in Wobble's pocket led by a duke puppet-ed by them also. They have sacrificed their chances at becoming a respected power in this world able to fight on their own. They have signed their own death warrant.
As Wobble always do, as long as they no longer need Slurp! they will backstab them. I ask Slurp! players to question the decisions of their duke and his two-faced actions.
But for now, you are hindering TB!'s aims in this world and hence we are declaring war on you.
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