Sneaky Slurp!


Wow, i must say I'm impressed! Wibble is not enough for TB ;)

Nice, i like it.

About reasons...who need reasons for declaring, anyway?

And about "poor declaration"....our declarations were even worse, guys...admit it!

haha...i like u Nadir :icon_wink:


They didnt feel defeated as none of them did anything in said war


Who are you allied to who isn't useful to you?

We have only had two alliances so far in the world, Yarr and AAA.

Towards the end of our alliance with Yarr, even their members admitted that they needed us more than we needed them but we stuck by them. AAA, we are still of mutual benefit to each other.


I'm disappointed with the TB players who were given places inside Wobble in good faith, and betrayed that hospitality. Especially William Wallace, who appeared to leave with dignity, and then jumped to a tribe we were warring without a moment's hesitation.

.William Wallace on 06.02.2013 at 21:39
Thanks Quote
Hey guys,

Just so you know, I'm joining our allies TM and I did not want to leave without even posting a message. I've spoken with our lovely bunny queen about it ^_^. I believe Wobble has what it takes to win this world and that you guys can beat AAA, but we do not share the same goals and thus I believe someone else should take the place that will be left open :p.

Please note that I have some support available for those in need. If you could use some package support please mail me in game or contact me on skype (TREW46) :) We're allies afterall.

I wish you all the best of luck.

.WW | Dennis

Two hours after posting this message on the Wobble forum, straight to the enemy. Shame.

Still, TB have showed themselves to be pretty impotent as a tribe thus far, so I wouldn't be concerned if I were Slurp.

Presumably TB just wanted a target they had more of a frontline with, as they're not getting anywhere currently. I think that'll horribly backfire on them when AAA disbands.


As Wobble always do, as long as they no longer need Slurp! they will backstab them. I ask Slurp! players to question the decisions of their duke and his two-faced actions.

But for now, you are hindering TB!'s aims in this world and hence we are declaring war on you.

Congratulations TB! your duke has just proven how idiotic he is, an how short-sighted he is. And has thus confirmed TB!'s doom.

I suggest you get out while you can.

Someone just copied the "idiotic" duke of TB!. NO!NO! It wasnt me!

I can honestly say about Slurp! they have the most cute tribal Coa of all four tribes in this (world) war!

Two hours after posting this message on the Wobble forum, straight to the enemy. Shame.

Seriously? Ex-apathy says that? Writing over and over again in the public forum that you dont merge with anyone. But suddenly...the merge happens and a very talkative guy transforms into a shadow in the darkness. The shame is still on you "absolute cretine".

At least william had the decency to inform you that he leaves and that his goals are different than yours. No big mouth, no big hypocrisy at all.
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Because you appear unable to figure this out for yourself, let me explain. There is a difference between being loyal to one's ally and allowing that ally to control your actions.

What's crazy to me is electricool has the gall to come on the forums and act high and mighty, and proclaim to the world that Wobble are backstabbers. But wait a second...didn't he just ask DRUNKS to backstab Wobble? If you hate backstabbers so much and give such a negative stigma to said act, why are you expecting DRUNKS to do it? So you can declare war on them after Wobble is gone saying "Well you're backstabbers we can't trust you"?

Lol. Irony at its finest. The guy who doesn't get a backstab to go his way complains that he gets outplayed. Next time EC, spend less time trying to get other tribes to do exactly what you complain about others doing and more time supporting your allies.

But wait, you're still trying! Now you're just trying to inspire disloyalty and backstabbing WITHIN the tribe, to get rid of the duke that is stuck between a rock and a hard place and made the decision that he felt would be best for his tribe's future? Really? You've spent so much time trying to get players in Slurp! and the leadership of DRUNKS (formerly) to backstab others and their own leaders that I wouldn't be surprised at this point if you had contacted other tribes, though ofc there's no proof of it. The sheer hypocrisy is laughable.

Oh, and let's not forget the fact that TB! actually IS just using AAA. To them, AAA is just food and a way to slow down Wobble. AAA could be so much more, and yet the conversations I've seen show me that not a single person gives AAA any chance of being more than just food. But here comes EC, talking about how a backstab didn't go his way because "DRUNKS are puppets!" while simultaneously having an alliance that...only exists to slow down Wobble.

Ec, the level of contradiction here is ridiculous. Try to keep your morals straight. Good luck to both sides.


Seriously? Ex-apathy says that? Writing over and over again in the public forum that you dont merge with anyone. But suddenly...the merge happens and a very talkative guy transforms into a shadow in the darkness. The shame is still on you "absolute cretine".

At least william had the decency to inform you that he leaves and that his goals are different than yours. No big mouth, no big hypocrisy at all.

1) Find a quote of me saying Apathy would never merge with anyone. It was always going to happen at some point - especially at the rate you kids were merging with each other.

2) Talking to the Duke, posting a polite farewell message, and moving to an ally is fine, no problem. Moving to an enemy two hours later is an awful betrayal.


eff feh feh feh ef feh feh feh eff feh feh, chris waddle



@Naz anyone that doesn't think i'm a sweetheart, opinion is not valid here.


What's crazy to me is electricool has the gall to come on the forums and act high and mighty, and proclaim to the world that Wobble are backstabbers. But wait a second...didn't he just ask DRUNKS to backstab Wobble? If you hate backstabbers so much and give such a negative stigma to said act, why are you expecting DRUNKS to do it? So you can declare war on them after Wobble is gone saying "Well you're backstabbers we can't trust you"?

DRUNKS were not allied to Wobble when I made the proposition. Unlike us, who had allied to DRUNKS.

But wait, you're still trying! Now you're just trying to inspire disloyalty and backstabbing WITHIN the tribe, to get rid of the duke that is stuck between a rock and a hard place and made the decision that he felt would be best for his tribe's future? Really? You've spent so much time trying to get players in Slurp! and the leadership of DRUNKS (formerly) to backstab others and their own leaders that I wouldn't be surprised at this point if you had contacted other tribes, though ofc there's no proof of it. The sheer hypocrisy is laughable.

Critcising leadership does not mean I am asking them to backstab their leaders. I have merely pointed out what has happened, the facts, the skype quotes. I have not asked their players to do anything, unlike ted, who just asked them to "get out while they can" because I am "deluded". That's what I think you are referring to.

Oh, and let's not forget the fact that TB! actually IS just using AAA. To them, AAA is just food and a way to slow down Wobble. AAA could be so much more, and yet the conversations I've seen show me that not a single person gives AAA any chance of being more than just food. But here comes EC, talking about how a backstab didn't go his way because "DRUNKS are puppets!" while simultaneously having an alliance that...only exists to slow down Wobble.

We are using AAA? Only as much as they are using us. We have a mutually beneficial alliance.


DRUNKS were not allied to Wobble when I made the proposition. Unlike us, who had allied to DRUNKS.

They still had an NAP, still a backstab of a former ally...As for the alliance: Yes, I wonder why it was downgraded...ah yes, that's right, you tried to convince them to do that. You convinced them to drop the alliance, tried to convince them to attack, and then cried foul when they dropped your alliance instead...

Still irony.

Critcising leadership does not mean I am asking them to backstab their leaders. I have merely pointed out what has happened, the facts, the skype quotes. I have not asked their players to do anything, unlike ted, who just asked them to "get out while they can" because I am "deluded". That's what I think you are referring to.

I said you're trying to inspire dissent and betrayal. Why else would you be posting these things? But furthermore, read the bold above and below:

You said:
As Wobble always do, as long as they no longer need Slurp! they will backstab them. I ask Slurp! players to question the decisions of their duke and his two-faced actions.

I'll wait for you to concede. Nice wording, it fit perfectly to prove you're wrong :).

We are using AAA? Only as much as they are using us. We have a mutually beneficial alliance.

So why is that suddenly bad for Slurp! to have?

Ah yeah, you haven't answered. Am I surprised? Not really :icon_wink:.

If you're going to say "Well now Slurp! will die", ask yourself what the alternative for them was...and also ask yourself what is currently occurring to AAA before trying to differentiate the situations. Just to pre-empt the likely attempt to refute the point.


We are using AAA? Only as much as they are using us. We have a mutually beneficial alliance.

This is precisely the point many are making. The very nature of an alliance is one of MUTUAL BENEFIT, if one partner in that alliance becomes a burden or a hindrance to the other it is foolish and illogical to assume the alliance would continue long past that occurrence.


Yep, and electricool doesn't understand its applications to the Slurp! - Wobble relations, and that there is no difference in the situations besides that Wobble probably helps Slurp! more than TB! helps AAA.


As the one who set up the Yarr and Wobble alliance in the first place I should know its only purpose was to sandwich Bunny. And that was mutual from both sides at the time. So just as you claim AAA has mutual benefit from your alliance so did Yarrs duke think about our deal.

So now why cry backstabbers when Wobble hit them after that objective and the alliance itself had already ended? Would you rather we steamrolled the south while you nibbled on rimnoobs, is that the actual issue at hand? Comon now TB put your balls were your mouth is and come tango with daddy Roy instead of wasting energy on such nonsense.


Another point.

Why would DRUNKS/Slurp players leave the winning side, and join the tribe that is so many caps down in the war.

Its absolute lunacy.


They still had an NAP, still a backstab of a former ally...As for the alliance: Yes, I wonder why it was downgraded...ah yes, that's right, you tried to convince them to do that. You convinced them to drop the alliance, tried to convince them to attack, and then cried foul when they dropped your alliance instead...

I wouldn't say that was really a good alliance, as their council saw when Wobble tried to order them to attack their NAP. But if we assume that I am trying to get them to backstab, does that make me a backstabber? No, I'm using diplomacy to win a war. As I should be. It only means DRUNKS have backstabbed one tribe rather than the other.

I said you're trying to inspire dissent and betrayal. Why else would you be posting these things? But furthermore, read the bold above and below:

Asking members to question their duke's actions is far different than me saying "get the hell out of your tribe, your leader is a noob". A questioning is just me asking them to think about their duke's actions. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you're going to say "Well now Slurp! will die", ask yourself what the alternative for them was...and also ask yourself what is currently occurring to AAA before trying to differentiate the situations. Just to pre-empt the likely attempt to refute the point.

Their alternative was to fight Wobble and share the spoils of that war. They chose to fight us. Assuming that Wobble/DRUNKS win, they won't benefit as much as ex-SVG won't join them and they will have to painfully eat through them, by which time Wobble will be too powerful to do anything about. No allied win in this world, remember.


I wouldn't say that was really a good alliance, as their council saw when Wobble tried to order them to attack their NAP. But if we assume that I am trying to get them to backstab, does that make me a backstabber? No, I'm using diplomacy to win a war. As I should be. It only means DRUNKS have backstabbed one tribe rather than the other.

They obviously did say it was a good alliance, and your information is clearly just a tad more limited given the whole thing could've been a plot devised to give Slurp! the attacking advantage. But seeing as you don't know that, I think everyone would appreciate you not making assumptions. Again, you're complaining because a backstab didn't go your way. A backstab you encouraged. Yet you condemn why should they side with you when clearly you don't like backstabbers? They made the most beneficial choice available to them.

Asking members to question their duke's actions is far different than me saying "get the hell out of your tribe, your leader is a noob". A questioning is just me asking them to think about their duke's actions. Nothing more, nothing less.

You said "I haven't asked anything of them". I quoted you literally asking something of them. And you never answered that I said you were trying to inspire dissent, not directly saying "Leave and attack your duke!". And you also never answered that the inspiration of dissent is what you're going for. You think no one picks up on how you're trying to get players to leave? Really? Lol.

Their alternative was to fight Wobble and share the spoils of that war. They chose to fight us. Assuming that Wobble/DRUNKS win, they won't benefit as much as ex-SVG won't join them and they will have to painfully eat through them, by which time Wobble will be too powerful to do anything about. No allied win in this world, remember.

And after sharing the "spoils" of that war? Ah yeah, you hate backstabbers, but you'd have kept them around. Sure. Right. Very convincing. There doesn't have to be an allied win for Wobble to recruit players from Slurp!. And besides, the world is still young; it's a certainty that you hate backstabbers and have no reason to keep them around if they betrayed their allies before. If they stick it out with Wobble, they could join Wobble, merge, and more options are available. They made the better choice.


The same could be said for your alliance, everything you say just contradicts your previous statements. Not a single TB player has shown any intelligence on these forums, making them near unreadable.