I'm not afraid of the enemy
A marked improvement on around 3 weeks ago :icon_wink:
I'm not afraid of the enemy
Out if interest, have any of you flaming W4 actually played there long term? Okay another question, have any of you played in LIFE?
If you answered no to both the above questions, then you know very little about the systematics of how LIFE operates and has done since the beginning.
And if you're wondering, i no longer play W4 and havent done so for a long time, so i'm not being bias in anyway.
Out of interest, on which forum is this thread?
Out of interest, who started this thread?
Out of interest (and as an ex-W4 expert I'm sure you can help on this one), how dangerous are the grey villages in W4?
And no I wasn't wondering. You're just another troll who thinks that W7's forums are more interesting than your own.
But congrats on re-starting the flaming - just as we'd got to an understanding :icon_rolleyes:
and although i have no knowledge of the previous discussion
Read up Mr Troll
And i need to read up why? My fact still stands either way.
If you're going to try and flame...try harder :icon_rolleyes:
And i need to read up why? My fact still stands either way.
I was simply saying you can hardly judge LIFE on what they are doing when you have no idea of how that world formed or how life operate. You arent looking at the bigger picture.
Because you're on the W7 forums, commenting about W7 and you then admit that you've not read the full discussion. Have you even read the other W7 forums? Got some background information / insight into W7? Do you know how W7 works? Have you been in -WE-? Begone foul Troll - back to W52 with you!
Having spent quite a bit of time reading the W4 forums, I do have a bit of background knowledge of W4 or LIFE, but I wouldn't Troll on their forum and start bad mouthing them or trying to defend W7 (or -WE-)... why? Because it's their world, they know all about it and I don't. Simple eh?
The only real knowledge I have of W4, beyond the forums, is from TWStats which shows that the nasty grey villages are taking a pounding and the enemy villages, on both sides, are being exchanged at a rather slow rate. As it happens, Kev explained why this was happening (packet worlds suck) and a greater understanding of the situation was gained.
Instead of leaving it at that point, you decided to jump in with your great hoofs and start it all over again. So, like I said before.. Begone foul Troll
Well you have just said we cannot comment on W4 in W7 forums as we dont know about it. However its ok for you to come here and with no knowledge of whats been said start talking on these forums.
Hyprocrisy much...
A marked improvement on around 3 weeks ago :icon_wink:
So which is it? I know nothing about W4 or do I have some knowledge of W4? Make your mind up. Contradicting yourself like that just makes you look dumb.Great, you have some knowledge of W4, that is what i asked. My point was you can hardly flame a tribe if you know nothing about them or how they work in that world. Like you said yourself, you flamed LIFE for nobling barbs but now have a better understanding of why that is.
I havent trolled bad mouthing anyone nor have i defended life in anyway. All i asked was whether you knew anything about them/the world to come to your conclusion, which you didnt.
You point the finger at me starting the flaming off when actually if you look at what i initially said, it was a question. Then if you look at the ones flaming i.e me and you, logic dictates that you have to be the one starting the flame. Simple eh?
So which is it? I know nothing about W4 or do I have some knowledge of W4? Make your mind up. Contradicting yourself like that just makes you look dumb.
The flaming had ended on this thread. Then you posted a series of questions, with pre-supposed answers designed to wind people up. You could be naive but nah.. You're a troll. You wanted to get a rise and by George you got one. That's what Trolls do. What you're supposed to do now is wander off, sniggering at how l33t you are
Do Not Feed The Troll
just as your W4 account turned barbarian so that waterdrinker could noble it.
Annoyingly I can not read page 2 of this thread. Not sure why. Still a marked improvement but a long way off the -WE- elite.
I would like to say to water, after playing world 3 for a year where nobles are bound to the village it makes it quite difficult to use those nobles on a new front once it changes (although far from impossible - ie you use them in second waves etc). However, on world 3 I never took a barbarian village only enemy, so it is v possible.
Still looking at your tribes totals the noble takes are off the scale and as you say you actively noble the barbs thinking it is 'tactical'. Which it really isn't. You should zoom in on some of the wasteland we have left behind eg K76 where 4 enemy players barbed leaving the continent almost empty. Our fronts moved and we left it behind to track down the enemies elsewhere. No enemy nobles there as we would kill them.