For all of you 'honest' players out there. If you ever get a co player you need to be aware of one thing - Huggy will use any trick in the book to get vills short of taking a player on 1v1. They find a player/co player and talk them into giving vills while the other member is away. Their idea of fairplay - cheat their way to villages anyway they can. How did they recently do this?
HuGgY. got to rank 4 by getting my Co-Player to clear out over 20 of my villages and letting "Team Huggy" noble them freely while I was moving across the country. Funny thing is both my co-player and team huggy deny everything. If your gonna deny it then cover up your tracks by deleting mails and deleting the supporting reports to huggys villas. Even TW Mods confirmed to me it was my Co-Player who did it. "Team Huggy" is a joke and they cheat their way to the top. I've never seen a bunch of cowards play this game like them. They couldn't even 1v1 me they had to con my co-player into empting those villages and telling him he could co play on their account.
And no I'm not a disgruntled player and will not cry and and throw a hissy fit. Their efforts were NOT totally successful.
My interntions here are to let you all know how Team Huggy really plays. Dirty!
HuGgY. got to rank 4 by getting my Co-Player to clear out over 20 of my villages and letting "Team Huggy" noble them freely while I was moving across the country. Funny thing is both my co-player and team huggy deny everything. If your gonna deny it then cover up your tracks by deleting mails and deleting the supporting reports to huggys villas. Even TW Mods confirmed to me it was my Co-Player who did it. "Team Huggy" is a joke and they cheat their way to the top. I've never seen a bunch of cowards play this game like them. They couldn't even 1v1 me they had to con my co-player into empting those villages and telling him he could co play on their account.
And no I'm not a disgruntled player and will not cry and and throw a hissy fit. Their efforts were NOT totally successful.
My interntions here are to let you all know how Team Huggy really plays. Dirty!