Maybe I've been looking at you with rose colored glasses Zurtle but i felt that you had a stronger grasp on reality.
You had some of the biggest people in the world at that time.
Furthermore, yes, our alliance, RKN, BA, DVA, DS, TWA have always had an integrated battlefield.
Since, since forever.
We helped one another, nobled side by side.
What did =V= have a problem with? They had a problem that the red dots next door were going to turn blue.
If it was your "HOME" continent, then why the hell didnt you clean them up before it was "OUR" frontline?
Firstly, let's finish that list macman:

So Zurtle is right to say we had only 5 members when you guys viewed us as a threat and sent out those please help us circulars. At our very peak we had 20 members with an average of 5 million points - that's how we got that milestone, remember?
We had no issues turning the few red dots near us a dark shade of blue just as we had been doing our entire time on TW. Keep in mind that whilst I was under daily attack with hundreds and sometimes thousands of incomings, I not only managed to kill almost every train and nuke of yours and not lose a single village, I also climbed to just outside the top 10 in rank. I am truly sorry that I couldn't fit farming in as well so that I could get enough nobles to keep up with my nobling pace.
It's funny how you spotted a few red dots in our Ks when you had like 10 or so Ks FULL of red dots right near you in the eastern K20s and K30s. Just like you guys, we also integrated with our friends - I had no issue with lackman nobling near me at all because he was very polite and respectable. Some of you thought you were entitled and that's where we drew the line. As a compromise, I even suggested to Wolfhunt that if you want to integrate, give us just ONE inactive in your west for us to noble out. Obviously this was just a test, we didn't really want an inactive in your backline as our nobles were too precious, we just wanted to see the reaction/hypocrisy. I'm sure you can guess what his reply was
Just so you know, even davidemah and 0u1ncy told me that we were viewed as just a NAP of convenience. We still didn't care because our intentions were just to finish off the people we wanted to and have fun but we sure as hell weren't going to voluntarily roll over for anyone
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