Wow i had no idea that coward traitor chickens could write so much.
I think you must win all arguments, you make long multi quoted posts. YA DEATH, you succeed at something!
And I HEAR a little nub snipped the hell out of you for a long time, leave and then IMMEDIATELY attack little players that were your TEAM MATES WTG! I think i will give you SUPER FRIEND OF THE YEAR AWARD! Hey look stick around me long enough and you might just win a lot, UNTIL IT MATTERS!
Deathpact is the absolute worst member any tribe could ever have. He leaked information to the enemy tribe at every opportunity, whines about helping members, and runs away after 1 week of war!!! I dont think he even lost a village, oh noooo run away little death!!! here comes the inc.
You will get yours i promise death. From now on, i hear your name, i will be like the town crier.
DEATHPACT IS A SPY TRAITOR AND CHICKEN!!! Worst member you could ever have. Any tribe that would ever invite them would have to be pretty weak and DESPERATE!! and should be checked immediately for cracks, there will be MANY i promise, then tear the health hazard to the ground, or at least get it is rabies shots, and tested for disease.
*Sorry fury, i kinda used your awards thing, it was good
I know Good posts are my specialty. They help alot when stumping the person targeted. Which nub are we talking about? There are too many to count in Hubris. I never leaked any information to the enemy tribe. Prove it, go ahead. I really don't care, I just feel sorry for the people that have to hear you talk... I got sick of it within a week, I fear for those poor souls. Chase your posts are nothing new, losing one of the strongest links in your tribe must be hard, I feel your pain. However If I really wanted to ruin Hubris, I could have dismissed everyone, and deleted the forums. Pretty Much its called disbanding, but no I didn't do that did I.
Go away fan boi, just because you are on the side of BACKSTABBING LIARS, does not mean the rest of the world is. I have yet to have one person i give a rats ass about tell me to tone it down, *well unless i actually join one of their tribes then i have to be good, but that is understandable*
I would say a good 30pct of the people here have known me for a LONG LONG TIME. And they are use to me, very nice and friendly me, until you screw me over, then guess what, if you act stupid, I go all postal all over you forever, until you admit you were wrong.
And guess what, i so very rarely go ON about how much I HATE tribes (i am far too busy smoozing real tribes i care about) that if I do happen to get MY panties in a ruffle, people are paying attention. AND looking at the proof i have given repeatedly.
Death you are funny thanks for posting something i said i wouldn't post ONLY because i would get an infraction YAY! now you can get the infraction for it IF IT WAS THAT BAD AFTER ALL hell i didn't read it again. I don't read any of your shit, all i know is I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG NANY NANY NANY!
You are right about one thing 2010 guy hiding under an alias but will always be known now as DSL fan boi to me. Treat me and my people right, and I am an angel *you guys remember my last avi * But screw me over and I AM a monster.
Go away fan boi, just because you are on the side of BACKSTABBING LIARS, does not mean the rest of the world is. I have yet to have one person i give a rats ass about tell me to tone it down, *well unless i actually join one of their tribes then i have to be good, but that is understandable*
I would say a good 30pct of the people here have known me for a LONG LONG TIME. And they are use to me, very nice and friendly me, until you screw me over, then guess what, if you act stupid, I go all postal all over you forever, until you admit you were wrong.
And guess what, i so very rarely go ON about how much I HATE tribes (i am far too busy smoozing real tribes i care about) that if I do happen to get MY panties in a ruffle, people are paying attention. AND looking at the proof i have given repeatedly.
Death you are funny thanks for posting something i said i wouldn't post ONLY because i would get an infraction YAY! now you can get the infraction for it IF IT WAS THAT BAD AFTER ALL hell i didn't read it again. I don't read any of your shit, all i know is I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG NANY NANY NANY!
You are right about one thing 2010 guy hiding under an alias but will always be known now as DSL fan boi to me. Treat me and my people right, and I am an angel *you guys remember my last avi * But screw me over and I AM a monster.
Not a monster. More like a annoying and immature little girl who didn't get what she wanted when mom took her to the toy store. If you catch my drift..
7. Suposedly walked out of the 'failed merge' (FAILD ON DSL PART) on good terms with a tribe who has been SUPPORTING THEM, HELPING THEM PRENOBLE, kiss thier asses every way they ever asked. THEN THIS IS THE GOOD PART!!!
supposedly? now you deny walking out too? as far as we knew we remained on good terms despite your princess fit and storming out, but you had to start plotting with rim against us etc. clearly our fault as everything is :icon_rolleyes:
Deathpact is the absolute worst member any tribe could ever have. He leaked information to the enemy tribe at every opportunity, whines about helping members, and runs away after 1 week of war!!! I dont think he even lost a village, oh noooo run away little death!!! here comes the inc.
You will get yours i promise death. From now on, i hear your name, i will be like the town crier.
DEATHPACT IS A SPY TRAITOR AND CHICKEN!!! Worst member you could ever have. Any tribe that would ever invite them would have to be pretty weak and DESPERATE!! and should be checked immediately for cracks, there will be MANY i promise, then tear the health hazard to the ground, or at least get it is rabies shots, and tested for disease. death never spied for us; we had no contact with him (except for the fighting) until your pisspoor leadership drove him to us. you can spread your poison but who in their right mind would believe your ravings? get over it. he's hardly the only one who left your ship after you dropped the anchor through the hull is he?
I give you one chance here and now to BACK THE HELL OFF ME or I will get revenge. BELIEVE that i can do it if you are smart. Death, ya coward, i think you would know even more than most, why don't you share iwth them like you did everything else just SOME OF MY CONTACTS.
And maybe I won't trash your name completely when it comes to getting in REAL tribes, and i don't mean dsl rate tribes.
Either way i have to go throw up now because of you people. If you take my advise i will ease up on you, but if you don't you have no idea what i can do even just here. I will start following as many of you around as i can and doing what you do, a whinnying story about how wretched you are, every thread, there i will be, making some of your 'girls' cry, because yes, on skype there still is freedom of speech and maybe i will find you there like you TELL me to, and tell you things that will change you forever.
Hell i haven't had a good melt down in a while, yeah why not, if you want i can have one for you, sad thing is everytime i ever had one, I was okay, but there was many who were not afterward.
I feel for your soul because even holmes and ryan know that you nor them NEVER WERE my best links, I was just playing with a few friends and trying to save a couple nubs that wanted to play along the way.
My LINKS are way deeper than that. YOU SEEN THAT. And i will put you and your co against anwo one on one, and guess what loser, yeah that is what you would be.
You have no game. Just lying traitor chicken, that is your game.
Sad thing for me is ya know I do like a couple people in DSL. Damn hash is one of them. What he claims is usually true, not fabricated lies that you dsl like to make up so much.
And you were sure MY fan boi until all the sudden you decide you are not on the same side anymore. Wishy washy much there death, OHH we will start you a resume' and i will add to it each time you post. Course I am just doing this to help you out.
Deathpact application for super leet tribes like dsl.
Hello I am deathpact, i like spying and doing a bit in the traitor business. I can only work hours that are convent to me, and if things go south for your tribe you can count on me to LEAVE then i will talk crap about you in forums.
I will also turn my back on any neighbors of your tribe by me. One day i might be there 'for them' as a figurehead in the tribe, but if they don't coddle me well, i will kill them the next day. In fact i was so good at this particular trait i was given 'Best friend of the year award' of course that was given in sarcasm.
I will be constantly wishy washy with all things, one day one thing, the next something totaly else, like this application, I might seem nice right now, but just wait, tomorrow i will try and slam you so hard you can't get up. Sadly tho I fail at that too.
I feel for your soul because even holmes and ryan know that you nor them NEVER WERE my best links, I was just playing with a few friends and trying to save a couple nubs that wanted to play along the way.
My LINKS are way deeper than that. YOU SEEN THAT. And i will put you and your co against anwo one on one, and guess what loser, yeah that is what you would be.
You have no game. Just lying traitor chicken, that is your game. Yours would just be quit when you lose troops then I still choose mine over yours anyday.
Sad thing for me is ya know I do like a couple people in DSL. Damn hash is one of them. What he claims is usually true, not fabricated lies that you dsl like to make up so much.
And you were sure MY fan boi until all the sudden you decide you are not on the same side anymore. Wishy washy much there death, OHH we will start you a resume' and i will add to it each time you post. Course I am just doing this to help you out. Have a blast making it, I won't even read it
Deathpact application for super leet tribes like dsl.
Hello I am deathpact, i like spying and doing a bit in the traitor business. I can only work hours that are convent to me, and if things go south for your tribe you can count on me to LEAVE then i will talk crap about you in forums. See you just talk bullshit, I haven't seen once ounce of proof, show me spying please T_T I want to see it.
I will also turn my back on any neighbors of your tribe by me. One day i might be there 'for them' as a figurehead in the tribe, but if they don't coddle me well, i will kill them the next day. In fact i was so good at this particular trait i was given 'Best friend of the year award' of course that was given in sarcasm.
I will be constantly wishy washy with all things, one day one thing, the next something totaly else, like this application, I might seem nice right now, but just wait, tomorrow i will try and slam you so hard you can't get up. Sadly tho I fail at that too. I know
After he showed me his Speech to what remains of Hubris. Not everyone is as emotional as you Chase. I left, and then you change face. Pathetic.
[1/3/2011 10:57:42 PM] Anwo: I know that unless it was all in fun and on even ground some of the best friends I have made on here has been guys I have fought against strange how that happens sometimes. I actualy like Salwrathis after talking to him while I was fighting him toe to toe on the chan account
[1/3/2011 10:58:19 PM] Deathpact: aye
[1/3/2011 10:58:23 PM] Deathpact: funny how that happens
[1/3/2011 10:58:31 PM] Deathpact: but they are the ones you end up respecting the most.
[1/3/2011 10:58:50 PM] Anwo: thats true I like fighting guys like that
[1/3/2011 10:59:37 PM] Deathpact: I think GS and Ajuuu both hate me now T_T
[1/3/2011 11:00:17 PM] Deathpact: haven't talked to me after I left except when they said their condolences to my grandpa's passing
[1/3/2011 11:03:16 PM] Anwo: Well you have got to understand me, ryan, holmes, chase and a few others have none each other for a long time and are kinda of a team. I'll will fight back to back with them to the last village and enjoy doing it but I would rather do it with just them and me and not having to drag everyone else along with me but will do that too if need be. We kinda took you for one of use but I understand your reasons for leaving and they do too but they hate that all of it is left on just us know
[1/3/2011 11:03:22 PM] Anwo: now
[1/3/2011 11:04:57 PM] Deathpact: True.
[1/3/2011 11:05:06 PM] Anwo: I have so many typo's in there lol
[1/3/2011 11:05:12 PM] Deathpact: Makes sense tho
[1/3/2011 11:05:20 PM] Deathpact: I have not known you as long
[1/3/2011 11:05:39 PM] Deathpact: and would have been happier if we met in a more successful world for Hubris.
[1/3/2011 11:06:04 PM] Anwo: Yea we've been in some tight spots before and somehow came out of them
[1/3/2011 11:06:11 PM] Deathpact: However I will admit that Chase was starting to piss me off.
[1/3/2011 11:06:36 PM] Deathpact: She continued to talk about spending 18 hours daily on the tribe
[1/3/2011 11:06:52 PM] Anwo: Anyway I really need to run now stay in touch and let me know how Opal does
[1/3/2011 11:06:59 PM] Deathpact: But I didn't visually see any good that was coming of that.
[1/3/2011 11:07:10 PM] Deathpact: Rim were not listening to her >.>
[1/3/2011 11:07:17 PM] Deathpact: I don't blame her for that, I blame Rim.
[1/3/2011 11:07:54 PM] Deathpact: But...sigh. Hopefully if you guys dont quit
[1/3/2011 11:08:03 PM] Deathpact: and work back from the Rim we will meet again
[1/3/2011 11:11:12 PM] Anwo: Okay my skype lagged bad
[1/3/2011 11:11:41 PM] Deathpact: lol
[1/3/2011 11:11:41 PM] Anwo: but yes I'll stick around I have a lot of other friends in this world I'd like to play with for a while
[1/3/2011 11:11:44 PM] Deathpact: will do
[1/3/2011 11:11:52 PM] Anwo: cya
[1/3/2011 11:11:59 PM] Deathpact: (wave)
Anwo told me to tell him how you did. So well I will do that, I have the greatest respect for some Hubris members, and I know for one thing you tried unlike some others, and trying in itself is a big thing. I will tell anwo but I will also tell YOU what I think you did wrong.
First the Good, you were able to both my clearing nukes. Well Done. That tells me the effort we put into Hubris was not all wasted. However this is what confuses me, you knew what village I was attacking you from. 0010. Which happens to be an offensive village as you very well know, If you were going to attempt to noble me. Why not send an attack to the village you had information about, was closer, and you could easily clear with your nuke. Rather then do that, you are trying to attack a village much further away. Which you have no intel on.
Also I don't know if you are aware of this, however If a village is nobled, any attacks that have been sent from the village disappear unless they hit BEFORE it is nobled. Troops sent from the village to support another vanish, meaning that other village will no longer have support.
You see the dilema you face here don't you? You attack will take 2hours to reach me. Mine will reach you in another 40 minutes or so. What this means is if I noble your village in this go, the attack you have sent at me will never actually reach my village. Which is also why I would have suggested you attempt to noble Village 0010.
Anyways, I hope there are no hard feelings, as this is after-all just a game.
Regards, Death.
deathpact on 04.01. at 07:52
My mistake, 8 minutes it seems.
deathpact on 04.01. at 07:54
Able to dodge* T_T apologies its 2am im getting a bit careless.
Opal Artemis Freyr on 04.01. at 08:01
om ******* goshh......this was all a test you had me shaking in my fricking pants since your now a member of dsl so never playing offensively in the past ..I was just going down fighting no matter what it took and was workign on building my other village up instead of focusing on this one as i felt it was a lost cause..
Anyhow I did talk with anwo and was working on the strategy he talked to me about but then you side swiped me and came at me earlier than I was expecting by then I was flabbergasted and lost sight of what I was to be doing when I saw you coming at noble speed and started trying to figure out what to do from that point lol I wish you could see me sticking my tongue out at you now...
Yes I know its 2 am normally I'm in bed as I do work some days at 5 am lol but luckily I have off the next 2 days lmaoo
Bright Blessings,
P.S. Just tell me what I need to do I just need to get past my jitters lol
Opal Artemis Freyr on 04.01. at 08:03
so are you with us or with them have my head spinning..
Opal Artemis Freyr on 04.01. at 08:06
ooo yeah and i think we need to try that again ..I need more practice roflmbo
Opal Artemis Freyr on 04.01. at 08:12
and if you now have my village how did my points stay the same ..I don't understand
Opal Artemis Freyr on 04.01. at 08:18
never mind i see now dam it ok on with the drawing board ty for the lesson hard one at that but not ready to try it again any time soon give me some time lol
deathpact on 04.01. at 08:23
Once you saw the incoming noble Speed, the first thing you should have done was look at the speed of the first attack and last attack.
Meaning you had a 120ms window to snipe within. THIS should have been the first thing you did. Secondly I don't know if your second village is Offensive or Defensive but if it was defensive, what you wanted to do was Snipe me, meaning.
Between one of those attacks, you wanted to try and get a Snipe in. I don't know if you have premium but there are scripts tell you your launch time for snipes. If you have premium I will send it to you, if not there are also other ways Like using the attack planner to find out your launch time and then estimating when to launch to land your attack within that 120ms Window.
The second thing you should have done was asked for support from nearby tribemembers. And given them the info so they could also attempt to help you snipe. Remember you are not alone, your tribe wants to help you in every way possible, so take advantage of that.
The Last thing you did wrong I have already explained to you If I was in your position I would have reacted differently from the start. I sent two clearing nukes at you first, to try and kill your offense. Both times you dodged.
Now my case is different because I am an experienced player, therefore I don't let people do this to me. However if someone Does send an attack your way. Do dodge, but send your dodge out 5 seconds before their attack hits, and then cancel it. When your troops get back they are only 1-4 seconds behind the enemy. In that small duration send an attack back at the village they are attacking you from. In other words a backtime. Then they are the ones that have to dodge YOU. Turning the tables you see? It wouldn't have worked on me because I destroyed your Rally Point. So even if you timed your troops to dodge mine and return a second later back to the village, you wouldn't have been able to send an attack back at me. That is only half of what you did wrong. The other half is you attempted to attack a village you had no hope of touching your attacks were 2 hours out, I would have had over 10k SP/ and 3K HC in that village by that time. rather you should have attacked the 0010 village which was not near any of my other villages, and you knew it to be offensive.
Sorry for making you shake lol, take it as a game and nothing more and those jitters will cease. Losing a village is not the end of the world
Regards, Death.
To your additional questions.
1. I am with them. Otherwise I would not have nobled a Hubris village. However I am still willing to teach those who show potential, and put in the effort to learn.
2. Lol I rather not rim you I already feel bad enough having to take Hubris villages.
3. Just Server lag, they will change within an hour.
4. You have time, I will not be targetting you again anytime soom.
Opal Artemis Freyr on 04.01. at 08:30
roflmbooo well I was right then on the attacks you sent at me but yes I need to learn how to snipe and back time for sure, I felt I had the nobles covered until you sent out that fifth attack which really put me off gaurd and I'm not understanding how to see the miliseconds for the attacks I highlight but nothing happens so what am I doing wrong.
yes I'm willing to learn after my stomach is done having knots and I get some sleep lol
Ty for the very hard lesson and enjoy the village
Bright Blessings,
P.S yes I have a premium so please send me the script, ty
deathpact on 04.01. at 08:33
Alright sending you an attack as well just so u can see how to see the MS.
deathpact on 04.01. at 08:35
Step 1. Click on the Incoming attack till you are on the Attack page.
Should Have this info.
Attack on 0010.
BOONIORam (653|482) S02/01 23:10:22 RJan 05 2011 23:06:50
Origin Player: cleaver69
Village: benedicta tu in mulieribus (653|482) K46
Destination Player: deathpact
Village: 0010. BOONIO (595|391) K35
Arrival: Jan 04, 2011 11:08:36:643
Arrival in: 2:34:45
» Request support
» Rally point
» Show walking duration
Highlight the Arrival Date/Time. The ms is the last 3 digits. that are in a hard to see grayish color.
Opal Artemis Freyr on 04.01. at 08:36
Arrival: Jan 04, 2011 09:35:34:452
ok so would that be the 452 number
Opal Artemis Freyr on 04.01. at 08:36
ok thats what i wasnt seeing before..I understand now I would had to open each of your attacks in different panels to get them all
Opal Artemis Freyr on 04.01. at 08:41
ty I'll tell you what I have never in all the years I've played this game been thru this I guess no one ever really cared whether or not anyone learned the game all I ever really did was build defense and pray for the best lol...but I gotta say all that you guys have put us thru is worth it and I am eternally gr8ful
You all really are the best and thats an understatement
deathpact on 04.01. at 08:43
Your welcome. I will take good care of the village who knows If you learn well you may even be able to noble it back from me
deathpact on 04.01. at 08:43
Here you go anwo. At least she learned a thing or two.
This message has been forwarded by deathpact.
deathpact on 04.01. at 09:12
Just so you understand I sent out 4 nobles with 50HC each
Then timed a nuke to hit her village the second before the nobles. So it looked like this
Attack Nuke : 07:59:59:937
Attack Noble 1: 08:00:00:185
Attack Noble 2: 08:00:00:225
Attack Noble 3: 08:00:00:265
Attack Noble 4: 08:00:00:305
Anwo on 04.01. at 18:07
Ahh wonderful death thanks a lot glad to see she took it well also this is defiently someone I would put more time in with.
I have thought about it. And posting here is well within my right. Your justification for leaving was to save your ass. Remove the rest of the crap and the reality lies there. Own IT. You left to save your own ass. It's in your Departure Letter to the tribe. So to say you don't care if you don;t get rimmed is another truth-less statement. You're on the witness stand here bud. Your face is the one with the pie on it. You need to learn to post in a manner that is irrefutable . :icon_eek: (That's a big word for you too).
[spoil]Chase, dont think badly of me love. I do this only because it is in the best interest of Me and Mark's account. It's either join DSL or get Rimmed. GS its been good knowing you, and I give you my word as well as Ajuuu(Beef) both. That I will not attack you. Anyways good knowing you all, and later. Anwo I love you too.[/spoil]
These are your words ^^^ :icon_rolleyes:
Here are my truths:
Probably at 00:00:01 on the 31st My account will be rimmed.- I care so VERY little about that fact because I learned more from you, and ALL the members in Hubris that my time was Well worth the effort. NOT only that I met a young man who teaches me daily about this game in Kdak1.
I will forever be considered a Nub but I will also Know I played this game with conviction.
Stats Mean nothing because I don't have any and won't have any.
But MY Spiteful Nature: I will find you on some other world and make Sure that everyone is reminded of your propensity to leave through the back door with a yellow stripe on your back. The Old What happens in World X stays in World X rulle WILL NOT apply to you.
But MY Spiteful Nature: I will find you on some other world and make Sure that everyone is reminded of your propensity to leave through the back door with a yellow stripe on your back. The Old What happens in World X stays in World X rulle WILL NOT apply to you.
True there is MORE to the post but you already stated your RATIONALIZATION for WHY you left in your response thread. I posted the portion where you Honestly State What Ultimately MOTIVATED you leaving. The Motivation for Leaving is driving the decision: Your Reasoning/Rationalization Justifies your Motives in your head.
So I posted the part that Matters the MOST.
Now I am Forever Done commenting on this. I need to start getting my villages ready for Dank's Visits.
While there are a few people I am proud of knowing in this tribe. It has come to the point where we do what is best for us. I don't know about the rest of you that are still ACTIVE here, but I looked at every possible opportunity I had and the only successful future I saw for myself was joining DSL. There are many of you that have made me want to leave this tribe over frustration with lack of support and the lack of activity. With not even one Op launched, yet alone being successful. It is with this I leave you all, I hope you can get out of Hubris before its too late.
Chase, dont think badly of me love. I do this only because it is in the best interest of Me and Mark's account. It's either join DSL or get Rimmed. GS its been good knowing you, and I give you my word as well as Ajuuu(Beef) both. That I will not attack you. Anyways good knowing you all, and later. Anwo I love you too.
when your leader is any good you put tribe don't brag about being stupid enough to do it blindly regardless of what kind of nutbag is making the decisions. when the leader is unfit and suiciding the tribe without their consent then it is quite understandable for the players to go elsewhere.
No joke huh zez. Lets stick with the one who brought hubris to its knees with his traitorous chicken actions. I will come back to your cobwebbed tribe secrets later lazy. Right now even thinking about them would make me puke.
Deathpact the player application continued...
I also have nothing but love for myself and anyone else as long as it causes me no sleep loss or inconvience. I am your freind and ALLY and good figthing MAN (LOL) until you need me to prove it. Once asked to prove it i might strut my stuff (LMAO omg i have been in tribes where EVERYONE in the tribe was better than you) once, but if asked to stand tall and brave I will imediatly wet myself (as zez likes to point out he is prone to) with fear from the game, and run to the nearest guy bigger than me to gain protection.
I will also post conversations with people who are your ACTUAL friends and allies when no dirt can be found on you any way else.
Hey death what exactly were you trying to prove there posting conversations with anwo, all he said was he WILL stand by me forever. HE HAS STOOD BY ME FOREVER, yet you and him go back for as long you say huh??? Well you're so wonderful why is he with ME not YOU, although I 'feel your pain' LMAO, if i had friends like yours, i would be sad too.
While there are a few people I am proud of knowing in this tribe. It has come to the point where we do what is best for us. I don't know about the rest of you that are still ACTIVE here, but I looked at every possible opportunity I had and the only successful future I saw for myself was joining DSL. There are many of you that have made me want to leave this tribe over frustration with lack of support and the lack of activity. With not even one Op launched, yet alone being successful. It is with this I leave you all, I hope you can get out of Hubris before its too late.
Chase, dont think badly of me love. I do this only because it is in the best interest of Me and Mark's account. It's either join DSL or get Rimmed. GS its been good knowing you, and I give you my word as well as Ajuuu(Beef) both. That I will not attack you. Anyways good knowing you all, and later. Anwo I love you too.
To sum up everything (many of which are reportable) Chase X has posted thus far in this thread (and probably every post she (?) has ever made anywhere:
Yes, some things never get old and pictures can be propaganda.
Read your piece alpha, good work. RIM will not feel the loss much due to our sheer size (I don't really think thats arguable) but good work none the less.
While there are a few people I am proud of knowing in this tribe. It has come to the point where we do what is best for us. I don't know about the rest of you that are still ACTIVE here, but I looked at every possible opportunity I had and the only successful future I saw for myself was joining DSL. There are many of you that have made me want to leave this tribe over frustration with lack of support and the lack of activity. With not even one Op launched, yet alone being successful. It is with this I leave you all, I hope you can get out of Hubris before its too late.
Chase, dont think badly of me love. I do this only because it is in the best interest of Me and Mark's account. It's either join DSL or get Rimmed. GS its been good knowing you, and I give you my word as well as Ajuuu(Beef) both. That I will not attack you. Anyways good knowing you all, and later. Anwo I love you too.