Go away nub, you are not in this. See how MY name keeps getting dragged into this. Ponds it is a shame that you are still around, you were the only nub to get rimmed by voodoo. Go away!
But ming and death chose to stay. I put death on HIGH COUNCIL he knew 99pct of what was going on, he made promises, so did ming and they broke them in the face of DSL inc, to me that will always be coward.
How many time do I have to repeat myself...Sush dank, I DON"T hold it against you adn the ones who stayed behind in the merge.
Its a shame we still have someone like Chase posting :icon_neutral:
:icon_rolleyes: You sound just like a deva, doing everything you can to get people to look at you then complain about the attention.Go away nub, you are not in this. See how MY name keeps getting dragged into this.
when leadership can't even set an example or stay true to their words... I remember you saying how you where going to fight til the end to defend your members, and somehow you manage to twist deleting your account after putting your tribe in our line of fire I should be are coward, but also good players.
So I can reply: took them long enough :icon_razz:you are independent and intelligent, but also good players.
I didn't start it Monky, go back and look who started it, but I can end it. I have nothing better to do. After all I am not warring rim, hell.
Search: Key Word(s): chase ; Forum: World 53 Showing results 1 to 25 of 689.
Okay say 50 of those are refering to the verb chase, and not my name, and that is being very generous, that puts me at mentioned about 639 times. Keep it up DSL I will be the 'legend' soon.
Care to explain?
You call us cowards with nothing to back up apart from its your opinion. It was not cowardice that led to us joining DSL, it was the fact they are a far supirior tribe, coupled with the fact there was hardly anyone left in Hubris. The fact I am still in your 'High council' chat and none has said a word for three days basically sums up Hubris' situation at the moment.
Well when your council chat goes quiet during wartime... something is obviously wrong..
Uhm you are not making any sense? Where did I say I thought I was in your council chat? :icon_neutral:
That NUB and this fan boi thinks he was in a REAL council chat. Good lord I have about 15 all graduating stages. That one was simple shut down.
Uhm you are not making any sense? Where did I say I thought I was in your council chat? :icon_neutral:
Obviously I agreed that he was in your "council" chat because you confirmed that with the post above mine. :icon_confused:
We can all take a lesson from the wise founder of Hubris[???] Ajuuu/Tree: Nah that's why I quit talking in the hubris council
[???] Ajuuu/Tree: No use arguing
Pretty soon the forums will take this template's form.[???] Dankman, The Last Hashshashin: but its not like any of ur views mattered when in her tribe
[???] Ajuuu/Tree: You knew that my opinions differed from hers?
[???] Dankman, The Last Hashshashin: Hubris truly was cult of chase
[???] Ajuuu/Tree: Ok just making sure we were on same page
[???] Ajuuu/Tree: I know I named the tribe
[???] Ajuuu/Tree: I called it like it was
Chase, I understand you want to voice your opinions, and no-one has the right to take that away from you. But this thread was about an OP that Rim! did on DSL, it seems that this and so many other DSL threads end up in arguments between you and other people. Regardless of who started what, as a personal favour, is there any way you could start a new PnP thread to debate these things in?
I know you hate DSl as a whole and you have strong feelings, but I am also sure you agree that some of us have not wronged you in any way, so please allow us places to discuss individual events and wars without it always coming back to how DSL screwed you and how evil DSL are because of what they did.