You got an account for me in Time so I can get the pp's? :lol:
I'd almost give you an account, so we could make bets on if you'd actually last until the end... :icon_twisted:
What happened with lazy nami ? A couple of them managed to get the best of me
Meh, no offense to Greeny, but he had his chance here, he really doesn't want to come back for anything but the prize, but unfortunately in order to win the prize, you actually need to put in the effort. He'll always be near and dear to my heart though!
Thats ok, I'm trying to find accounts on a couple of other worlds too. I think after paying prem for 5 years on this game, I deserve to get some back
Endure to the end in the right tribe and you will... *shrug*
You're wasting them anyway. You're just doing it on different worlds and different accounts ;-)
At the current rate of nobling by time and the rest of the world, it shouldn't take more than 15 weeks or so.
We've got a few miscreants running around nobling 1k barbs to help entertain us.