Remember to keep this appropriate people. I'm letting you have your little pic war, don't make me regret it.
No worries, I've been kicked out of nicer places than this!
Where the hell is boozie? Last I best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Boozie pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.
LOL, see Danny, told you that pic was a no no :icon_biggrin:
Willow, so far I'm guessing it's a safe bet to say that if Danny wants to put up a pic... he shouldn't. He can't seem to behave w/ them. -_-'
Those beer googles must be affecting you badly jaffe since i'm here more than you are of late :icon_wink:
Plenty of proof of that if needed
Well you are currently showing yellow and haven't nobled a villa in a month so I might have to argue this one with you.:icon_cool:
Well you are currently showing yellow and haven't nobled a villa in a month so I might have to argue this one with you.:icon_cool:
Spin what? A letter organizing and informing my tribe mates? :icon_rolleyes: You are SOOOO desperate for something to post negative about AXE that you have resorted to posting mundane AXE circulars. Thank you for making it easier for me to show how petty and childish you are.
BTW-- If your biggest comlaint is that I am to active and am monitoring both the game and the PNP in the world forums then I am happy.
the first op will be soon, did a quick test one to see how axe would work, not amazing but they did ops diffrently to me so i changed the style, ill let you know when the first proper op happens, just got to get the feel for how the axe people like them =)
Spin what? A letter organizing and informing my tribe mates? :icon_rolleyes: You are SOOOO desperate for something to post negative about AXE that you have resorted to posting mundane AXE circulars. Thank you for making it easier for me to show how petty and childish you are.
BTW-- If your biggest comlaint is that I am to active and am monitoring both the game and the PNP in the world forums then I am happy.