Time to leave Tw:(

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bye bye ugo.

no hard feelings between us... right? :icon_biggrin:


Jyothish, I am disappointed to see you go. It is so much more fun to play against a real person behind the account. You were fun to attack and defend against. Over the past several months the most frequently googled search for me was: What time is it in Kerala? I wish you all the best in your business in Kerala, Jyothish. I hope someday you are free to return to TW to infect another world. I thought Virius was a clever name for your tribe. Have fun!

i hope u did Notice Kerala time:) please check the pictures kerala of the real beauty!(Gods own country) too,:)p

yeap u did well both in offense and defense.
hey u made me to extent my leaving of Tw 3 months back when we had the war in the first coz i was quieting tw and the war brought me in to play.
but actually u dddnt see my best coz my account was active 24/7 while i was playing earlier days.,

yeap alex no feelings u did wel:)
actually am traveling to Singapore (probality will meet kidd in my tribe) and to china this year end!

yeap gud luck in w21 and if u need any help mail me or drop to my Tw forum account ,
i still wont miss any player who needs help:)

Noooooooooooo! I am very sad to see you leave. I guess when the outcome is obvious it is better to leave and dedicate your time to other endeavors.

I wish you the best of luck and success in real life and if I ever make it to India, well we'll see. :icon_wink:

yeap sure my bro,if u ever wish to come to my part of country u are welcome.
we had disagreements but itz coz of my poor understanding s:)
and i was dedicated to my tribe and my leaders while in Tesb ,:swordsman:
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but actually u dddnt see my best coz my account was active 24/7 while i was playing earlier days.,

I find you almost 24 hours online to check on me... that makes me wonder if you have fallen in love with me. :icon_surprised:
Posted on: 2010, August 10th, 14:14

And Ugo replies:
No way, she is more active than me:(p,
Quoted from: http://forum.tribalwars.net/showthread.php?p=5333328#post5333328 Posted on 2010, August 10th, 15:21


i forget to add (only to mid)
even i dont want me to delete the a/c or never afraid of losing any battle (u know i was many times nobled out):)
not kinda person who runs away when facing problems, nor am not like defending in Tw
,i always love to attack but the fact is w21 ddnt gave me much experience in offense:)
but the fact is i did delete the a/c in last week before the attacks ,(i was inactive for 4 days)
but i came back to fight of my personal touch with some players and my love for Tw,p
and i seen some nobling by pnp in my a/c , so i thought to fight back and withdrawn the delete last week :p

but now i think am Done. and am sure mid will win the heart in the forums by replaying to my message :)
coz i have the experience that i was been the BAD GUY in forum:)

Yes, I do recognize your fighting experience and can-do attitude. You never gave up in the past. But that was different, wasn't it Ugo?
You were part of TESB. The biggest tribe on the server and almost equally skilled as Puffin.

Things were easier.
Now you are leading a tribe. They look up to you. Rely on you. You carry the weight of their expectations on your shoulders.

I put forward that it all became too much. As far as TW goes.
I'm sure you will be quite successful in Kerala though. I will probably be coming to india myself next year. If I get a chance, I might look you up.


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Sad to see you leave TW . Who knows what will happen if I ever finish off what I started in W43 maybe W100 I will look you up:)

Well done for sticking it out even though you had a massive set back in K54. Not many players will remember that period & what it was really like. Had it not been for the weak TESB leadership who said yes to a NAP & gave us the much needed break on the west side my K55 villages could have become front line from the attacks you & Alex put forward.

Unsure about the delete option would have been nice to pass your villages to others for their chance of glory.



i will truly miss you, for you are one of the very few that i trusted enough to sit my account if i ever needed it.

you are a good friend, and a great player.

your willingness to survive the PNP onslaught gave us all hope. for most would of quit, but you fought on, and eventually grow and became a power once again. your hard work, your honor, your kindness has inspired many of us.

for you are one of the giants here in W21, your name will forever be engrave in this world with the rest of the greats.

i wish you the best of luck, and i promise to help your tribe as much as i can.

you will remain in my heart for years to come, take care my friend :D


AAahhh, its sad to see you leave. I saw the post and I was like NOO!! :icon_cry: Well, anyways I understand RL is important than TW. Nevertheless, it was good and fun talking to you and your tips were useful. Is there going to be a new player or will you delete your acc?(More free vills for Pnp :icon_neutral:)

May God prosper your business and may you have a good life.


Good luck Ugo, it would seem you have been a good foe of Puffin/PnP while you have been on this world. Good luck in your rl endevours!



i will truly miss you, for you are one of the very few that i trusted enough to sit my account if i ever needed it.

you are a good friend, and a great player.

your willingness to survive the PNP onslaught gave us all hope. for most would of quit, but you fought on, and eventually grow and became a power once again. your hard work, your honor, your kindness has inspired many of us.

for you are one of the giants here in W21, your name will forever be engrave in this world with the rest of the greats.

i wish you the best of luck, and i promise to help your tribe as much as i can.

you will remain in my heart for years to come, take care my friend :D

thank u lex,

Am really sorry what i have done!
btw i did sit your account once:)p,
i have passed all my frontline sit to my tribe members or in imp whose i have trust!!!
(dont worry they will fight hard as me )
only left a/c is i have delete my a/c .
coz i know if i ddnt i will come back to play Tw...


Gud luck my friend,
still if u need any tip or help mail me:)
but i ddnt gave u the final tip or script in ur a/c:)

'Win or loose' dont matter in playint Tribal wars
what is important is u have to" Enjoy" the Game the most
and i did when i play .so have fun!!

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Ah Ugo sorry im a little late, i know :icon_redface: but just wanted to say Bye too.
Its always a shame to see another great player leave w21 :icon_sad:

I always felt that i never got to know you quite as well as i would have liked... but what i did know of you i liked, and respected!
Guess you were really the first player who made me realise just how far i still had to go and how much i still had to learn (back during our brief encounter in the Ron/Tesb war, when you were sitting accounts in k25).
And as alexis says, you showed that there was still the potential for life after receiving a kicking from PnP... and so maybe you even helped influence me to stick around and give it a go :icon_wink:

Anyway best of luck with everything.


Ah Ugo sorry im a little late, i know :icon_redface: but just wanted to say Bye too.
Its always a shame to see another great player leave w21 :icon_sad:

I always felt that i never got to know you quite as well as i would have liked... but what i did know of you i liked, and respected!
Guess you were really the first player who made me realise just how far i still had to go and how much i still had to learn (back during our brief encounter in the Ron/Tesb war, when you were sitting accounts in k25).
And as alexis says, you showed that there was still the potential for life after receiving a kicking from PnP... and so maybe you even helped influence me to stick around and give it a go :icon_wink:

Anyway best of luck with everything.

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending!!

gud luck my friend,
if u need any help mail me in this forum a/c.

i will keep update in w21 if it still alive !!
As busa said who knows the best players in w21 may play together in another world in w100 :)


We love you ugofree especially ~IMP~ one day you'll return i know it
im sure we handle pnp just fine

good luck with real life.


We love you ugofree especially ~IMP~ one day you'll return i know it
im sure we handle pnp just fine

That's not true.
I think only 1 person aside from yourself has said they "love" or feel love towards the ugofree brothers.
And she was in IMP. In fact its leader.
So I think you need to rephrase that to "Only IMP loves you".

I seriously doubt Ugo will return, he has important RL matters to attend to. A family business is no game.

And there is no way IMP could "handle" PnP. :lol:


That's not true.
I think only 1 person aside from yourself has said they "love" or feel love towards the ugofree brothers.
And she was in IMP. In fact its leader.
So I think you need to rephrase that to "Only IMP loves you".

I seriously doubt Ugo will return, he has important RL matters to attend to. A family business is no game.

And there is no way IMP could "handle" PnP. :lol:

even if they get superpowers???

on another note byee ugo :p


That's not true.
I think only 1 person aside from yourself has said they "love" or feel love towards the ugofree brothers.
And she was in IMP. In fact its leader.
So I think you need to rephrase that to "Only IMP loves you".

I seriously doubt Ugo will return, he has important RL matters to attend to. A family business is no game.

And there is no way IMP could "handle" PnP. :lol:

IMP always cover up her back that means to all virius members.

sure you guys are tough but we wont give up "ever" alot of u are inactive mather of time untill most of u just the delete button just like ugofree.


IMP always cover up her back that means to all virius members.

sure you guys are tough but we wont give up "ever" alot of u are inactive mather of time untill most of u just the delete button just like ugofree.

Hard to believe that is the line alexis is selling all of you at IMP.

Waiting for that to happen is like waiting for the tooth fairy mate :)

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