Top 10: Tribes (Analysis & Prophesy)


Of course it's justified when dealing with a hard tribe to step down (though I know you were forcefully stepped aside because you were inept)

You know we were? please provide proof because i can provide plenty that i stepped down of my own accord :D

Now, something i actually KNOW is that you and your council were in talks into joining AM. So hypocrite much?

Vr is right and this will be my last post on the matter as i can see some people are getting a bit upset

Did i leave Love and attack ex tribemates, yes thats obvious just check twstats

Was it the "honourable" thing to do? No, ive always stated i think honour in this game is for idiots.

Do i justify it by their actions towards us? Yes, dont insult us unless you want to be attacked.

Do i care if sinful thinks that is an appropriate justification? Not really, he isnt important in my decision making.

Will i apologise to the people we nobled since leaving? No, i refuse to apologize for playing the game, as vr said 99% of players would jump rather than sink and the other 1% havent been given the option.

Lastly, w83 isnt relevant here james no way you cut it, it shouldnt have been mentioned but as you did let me explain something to you.
I joined the account and Lavim told me to take control of it, after 30minutes of being in (whatever they were called) i decided i didnt want to be there and messaged bill (an old friend) to invite us for old times sake. Now, if you are saying when you take control over an account you cant make your own decisions for that account then id like to remind you of yours and stians first couple of months in the tribe chat :D


If anyone was wondering why ryankeng is calling out the Lavim account, here is a short explanation.
Ryankeng and lavim have been friends for multiple worlds, so ryankeng trusted him.
One of lavims coplayers went to coplay ryankeng for awhile. When lavim left Love, Ryan wasnt online, his new "coplayer" was online.

They then proceeded to send all of ryankengs troops away for lavim to eat the account, and then returned to the lavim account leaving Ryan defenseless.

Their defense against the accusations was "We thought you would want to merge". Ryan however did not want to merge, but that doesnt matter because the players of lavim decided for him. Since ryankeng willingly let the player on his account there were no rules broken.

To anyone that was interested, your welcome. Anyone mad deal with it, I pressed delete yesterday anyway.


to send troops out like that it's illegal and highly against the rules.


If this is the case i would say very low level of game and i highly criticizing it.
If 2-3 players co-playing on an account, i personally think its a joint efforts/decision whatever they gained or lose but migrating from one account to another and than forcefully merging without consent of other players of that account/sending D troops out for easy cap is not acceptable and i feel its an unfair game. Idk if it is against rule or not as its not done as a sitter.

Sometimes when i read/saw such things its make me in pain.. why such things happen, why players play at such a low level, they don't have Morale values, well talking about morale values and ethics now a days in TW is nothing but beating a dead horse, but its us who keep things for ourselves and some are still playing with ethics and keeps Morale values which bring me here again and again otherwise this game is already dying and such activities actually nothing but some final nailing.

Some may say that everything is fair in love and war, but don't forget in real war also killing innocent is never appreciated.


Some may say that everything is fair in love and war, but don't forget in real war also killing innocent is never appreciated.
This is probably the lowest I've heard of anyone stooping in TW in a loooong while, and I've been playing over a decade now. One thing to do that to an enemy, but another to a so-called friend.


You know we were? please provide proof because i can provide plenty that i stepped down of my own accord :D

Now, something i actually KNOW is that you and your council were in talks into joining AM. So hypocrite much?

kreigasm asked, we said get off, end of story. do not make a big deal out of it. this was just the kreigasm way to deal with stuff. recruit, merge or free villas.

Sinful Angel

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You know we were? please provide proof because i can provide plenty that i stepped down of my own accord :D

Now, something i actually KNOW is that you and your council were in talks into joining AM. So hypocrite much?

I hate to quote the only co player I like on Lavim but you asked me to..

[2/09/2016 8:05:00 AM] Mifton-Lavim Lavim: Well we got kicked out of being duke (cwl)
[2/09/2016 8:21:05 AM] James: Lol
[2/09/2016 8:49:46 AM] Mifton-Lavim Lavim: Doing a sh*t job appenrlty haha

Also you know that we were offered by AM because I straight up told Mifton about how we decided almost instantly we will never accept their offer and how we didn't condone that style of play.


Well mifton was never Duke so I can understand his confusion but we weren't kicked from being duke :D

Also, Brian I know you are upset but spreading more lies about us is disgusting.
We didn't even know ryankeng from previous world's and like the rest of what you said, it's either in your head or you've been spun lies by someone who couldn't defend


Well your duke has come on the forums clearly saying he didn't support any of your actions or that you left to NUTZ. You had 19 members in Love, at least half of those players were completely loyal so you as duke had the ability to turn things around and help them. You failed that, things got worse and then you jumped ship clearly exacerbating the already sure situation. You don't need to justify to me but for the players you screwed over you should definitely apologise publicly. You've played dirty and likely ruined this world and even this game for some of the players involved in Love.

Going off on a tanget. Not choosing sides, just don't care either way :$.

I'd like to touch on something Sin said here though, and that others may have eluded too.

I'm all for playing the game, as well as "playing the game".

I think I draw the line where you ruin the experience for other players though. If they want to play, I'll play. I've seen some things in this world though that I do not approve of, and that have really gone to far.


Ill just leave this here. Y'all can make your own opinions.

[9/4/2016 6:06:43 PM] Dallow.: Guys any of you on?
[8:21:37 AM] Ryan Espiritu: Please
[8:21:40 AM] Ryan Espiritu: do not noble me
[8:21:45 AM] Ryan Espiritu: Let me play
[8:22:08 AM] Ryan Espiritu: I play in your side for long
[8:22:17 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i told chris ill be busy on sunday
[8:22:24 AM] lavim lavim: I mailed you ryan, we wanted to keep playing with you and work with you but Nutz and OmG didn't want to recruit you
[8:22:27 AM] Ryan Espiritu: Lavim what is going on
[8:22:39 AM] Ryan Espiritu: ask him
[8:22:41 AM] Ryan Espiritu: again
[8:22:42 AM] Ryan Espiritu: please
[8:22:45 AM] lavim lavim: So the only option was a merge
[8:22:51 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i rather to quit
[8:22:52 AM] Ryan Espiritu: bro
[8:22:56 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i hate this thing
[8:22:58 AM] lavim lavim: :(
[8:22:59 AM] Ryan Espiritu: backstabbing me
[8:23:10 AM] Ryan Espiritu: ill give my village to you but
[8:23:18 AM] Ryan Espiritu: you showing backstabbing me mate
[8:23:33 AM] lavim lavim: It's either we merge and coplay or the rest of NUTZ and OMG will eat you :(
[8:23:35 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i play on this game with an honor serving you
[8:23:39 AM] Ryan Espiritu: till die
[8:23:44 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i can fight
[8:24:06 AM] lavim lavim: I know OmG will be turning their eyes on you very soon :(
[8:24:33 AM] Ryan Espiritu: you backstab me buddy
[8:24:46 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i am dissappointed giving my loyalty on you
[8:25:02 AM] lavim lavim: I really like you Ryan and appreciate your loyalty, and we thought you'd choose merging over losing your villages to NUTZ or OmG :(
[8:25:17 AM] Ryan Espiritu: no sorry
[8:25:20 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i won't do that
[8:25:22 AM] Ryan Espiritu: merging
[8:25:26 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i want to serve you
[8:25:28 AM] Ryan Espiritu: not to merge
[8:25:37 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i rather to quit boss
[8:25:41 AM] Ryan Espiritu: take all my village
[8:25:45 AM] lavim lavim: We'd love to have you on the account with us :( but i didn't know you felt that way about it ;(
[8:25:46 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i won't fight with you
[8:25:58 AM] Ryan Espiritu: there is a chance you can save me
[8:26:01 AM] Ryan Espiritu: you did not try
[8:26:14 AM] Ryan Espiritu: nutz has nap with bleech
[8:26:21 AM] Ryan Espiritu: and some of bleach are my friends
[8:26:29 AM] Ryan Espiritu: you did not save me
[8:26:42 AM] Ryan Espiritu: you just decided and not informed me
[8:26:48 AM] lavim lavim: We can try asking again, but i know nightmare was booted from bleach because nutz complained about war refugees
[8:26:49 AM] Ryan Espiritu: ok take all my village but
[8:27:00 AM] Ryan Espiritu: it keeps me in my mind that you backstab me
[8:27:01 AM] lavim lavim: So would probably happen with you :(
[8:27:10 AM] Ryan Espiritu: we do not have official talks about this
[8:27:17 AM] lavim lavim: ;(
[8:27:25 AM] Ryan Espiritu: Please save me
[8:27:34 AM] Ryan Espiritu: that is only
[8:27:35 AM] lavim lavim: (Hug) I'm really sorry ryan, ill do my best buddy
[8:27:39 AM] Ryan Espiritu: or take all my village
[8:27:45 AM] Ryan Espiritu: and ill quit here
[8:27:55 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i don't want to co boss
[8:27:59 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i want to serve you
[8:28:07 AM] lavim lavim: If we can't then let me make it up to you on a future world
[8:28:12 AM] Ryan Espiritu: I play for not my self
[8:28:24 AM] lavim lavim: We could possibly get you on another account in Nutz?
[8:28:34 AM] lavim lavim: Dunno if you would want that either though :(
[8:28:36 AM] Ryan Espiritu: yeh
[8:28:37 AM] Ryan Espiritu: pleas edo
[8:28:45 AM] Ryan Espiritu: if you can let me in
[8:28:48 AM] Ryan Espiritu: NUTZ
[8:28:55 AM] Ryan Espiritu: or ill quit
[8:29:03 AM] Ryan Espiritu: Please do your part


It is good to know that mifton was giving out info to you though james very interesting (even if it was wrong)


And brian anyone can make up a script like that :D

[06/09/2016 09:25:08] Ryan Espiritu: Dallow is the love of my life
[06/09/2016 09:25:15] Bryan - The Disco Biscuit: I can tell you that behind sniffing glue he is my love as well
[06/09/2016 09:25:18] Dallow.: thats a sweet thing to say

Now, if i was a bitter little girl that is being rimmed i could spend more of my time make it longer


Oh yeah, I would really go through the time and trouble to fake a chat with Ryan ranting and repeating himself.


Ill just leave this here. Y'all can make your own opinions.

[9/4/2016 6:06:43 PM] Dallow.: Guys any of you on?
[8:21:37 AM] Ryan Espiritu: Please
[8:21:40 AM] Ryan Espiritu: do not noble me
[8:21:45 AM] Ryan Espiritu: Let me play
[8:22:08 AM] Ryan Espiritu: I play in your side for long
[8:22:17 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i told chris ill be busy on sunday
[8:22:24 AM] lavim lavim: I mailed you ryan, we wanted to keep playing with you and work with you but Nutz and OmG didn't want to recruit you
[8:22:27 AM] Ryan Espiritu: Lavim what is going on
[8:22:39 AM] Ryan Espiritu: ask him
[8:22:41 AM] Ryan Espiritu: again
[8:22:42 AM] Ryan Espiritu: please
[8:22:45 AM] lavim lavim: So the only option was a merge
[8:22:51 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i rather to quit
[8:22:52 AM] Ryan Espiritu: bro
[8:22:56 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i hate this thing
[8:22:58 AM] lavim lavim: :(
[8:22:59 AM] Ryan Espiritu: backstabbing me
[8:23:10 AM] Ryan Espiritu: ill give my village to you but
[8:23:18 AM] Ryan Espiritu: you showing backstabbing me mate
[8:23:33 AM] lavim lavim: It's either we merge and coplay or the rest of NUTZ and OMG will eat you :(
[8:23:35 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i play on this game with an honor serving you
[8:23:39 AM] Ryan Espiritu: till die
[8:23:44 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i can fight
[8:24:06 AM] lavim lavim: I know OmG will be turning their eyes on you very soon :(
[8:24:33 AM] Ryan Espiritu: you backstab me buddy
[8:24:46 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i am dissappointed giving my loyalty on you
[8:25:02 AM] lavim lavim: I really like you Ryan and appreciate your loyalty, and we thought you'd choose merging over losing your villages to NUTZ or OmG :(
[8:25:17 AM] Ryan Espiritu: no sorry
[8:25:20 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i won't do that
[8:25:22 AM] Ryan Espiritu: merging
[8:25:26 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i want to serve you
[8:25:28 AM] Ryan Espiritu: not to merge
[8:25:37 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i rather to quit boss
[8:25:41 AM] Ryan Espiritu: take all my village
[8:25:45 AM] lavim lavim: We'd love to have you on the account with us :( but i didn't know you felt that way about it ;(
[8:25:46 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i won't fight with you
[8:25:58 AM] Ryan Espiritu: there is a chance you can save me
[8:26:01 AM] Ryan Espiritu: you did not try
[8:26:14 AM] Ryan Espiritu: nutz has nap with bleech
[8:26:21 AM] Ryan Espiritu: and some of bleach are my friends
[8:26:29 AM] Ryan Espiritu: you did not save me
[8:26:42 AM] Ryan Espiritu: you just decided and not informed me
[8:26:48 AM] lavim lavim: We can try asking again, but i know nightmare was booted from bleach because nutz complained about war refugees
[8:26:49 AM] Ryan Espiritu: ok take all my village but
[8:27:00 AM] Ryan Espiritu: it keeps me in my mind that you backstab me
[8:27:01 AM] lavim lavim: So would probably happen with you :(
[8:27:10 AM] Ryan Espiritu: we do not have official talks about this
[8:27:17 AM] lavim lavim: ;(
[8:27:25 AM] Ryan Espiritu: Please save me
[8:27:34 AM] Ryan Espiritu: that is only
[8:27:35 AM] lavim lavim: (Hug) I'm really sorry ryan, ill do my best buddy
[8:27:39 AM] Ryan Espiritu: or take all my village
[8:27:45 AM] Ryan Espiritu: and ill quit here
[8:27:55 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i don't want to co boss
[8:27:59 AM] Ryan Espiritu: i want to serve you
[8:28:07 AM] lavim lavim: If we can't then let me make it up to you on a future world
[8:28:12 AM] Ryan Espiritu: I play for not my self
[8:28:24 AM] lavim lavim: We could possibly get you on another account in Nutz?
[8:28:34 AM] lavim lavim: Dunno if you would want that either though :(
[8:28:36 AM] Ryan Espiritu: yeh
[8:28:37 AM] Ryan Espiritu: pleas edo
[8:28:45 AM] Ryan Espiritu: if you can let me in
[8:28:48 AM] Ryan Espiritu: NUTZ
[8:28:55 AM] Ryan Espiritu: or ill quit
[8:29:03 AM] Ryan Espiritu: Please do your part

If your trying to show Lavim in a bad way its not working. Yes ryan and him were friends on this world but as you can see Lavim have him an option to co. And as you all can see again that ryan said he would rather die.

But ive played past worlds where ive been nobled by friends because we have been in a war with each other. It always happens, so if one guy is gonna make such a big deal about getting nobled by his so called friend then why play?

And i dont know why this is making such a big deal on the forums lol.

Looks like your not liked Lavim lol

Ignoramus of the Law

Just to make sure - are we all here aware that in fact, this is just a game? You can't bring any of that "in war and love" crap here. This is not war. Nor love. This is a game. Nobody dies, nobody here knows the real identity of the other (generally), nobody suffers, nobody loses a limb. You boot up, send some virtual troops to kill other virtual troops, lose the troops, bitch a bit about it but once you hit Shut down, everything is PRECISELY the same.

Keep is sane people!