Top 15 tribes

  • Thread starter DeletedUser120518
  • Start date


like, farm per day doesnt mean anything. If you clear someone and farm a decent chunk as a low point player you'll get boosted up once but that wont be consistent. And at a certain point, there is only so much res to farm, especially if you ahve to share it with the rest of OBEY, VAPE, SBAD....... Rimfarming is pisseasy, try getting the same score you got in the core and it's a totally different story

A low point player won't be farming enough with clearing a player to make it into the top 100 farm in a day.

You are right, there is only so much resources to farm in a certain area, however being an efficient farmer and being active will mean that you can farm more than your competition in that area.
Farm in a day gives an indication of activity, i'm not saying it means everything, it's just a stat which helps determine if the players in a tribe are putting in the effort this world or not as much.

King Ming

I have to agree with everything you said, but all i'm trying to brainstorm is a better way to judge tribes or players that started at different times.

Rimfarming is pisseasy, try getting the same score you got in the core and it's a totally different story
you mean in the core like vape?

King Ming

Farm in a day gives an indication of activity, i'm not saying it means everything, it's just a stat which helps determine if the players in a tribe are putting in the effort this world or not as much.

not true, someone who started on day one and played for a month or two could remain in the top 100 long after they quit


I've been in atmospheres tribe and have also gone against him in a previous world. He does make tribes from scratch and does very good. Any war against atmospheres tribe is not an easy war. Especially if his at the helm

King Ming

obone! because he's always spamming the market... 1,370k res / 145k points = 9.4

called it! but I thought you'd be closer to shinko

King Ming

nothandle you might be right that I can't use this metric to compare myself to other people who started ages ago and abused pp, but I can still use this to compare those people between themselves right?

it's a really easy way to tell who's abusing pp and who also is but not as much
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a better way to judge would be to divide their beloved farm in a day rankings by their points. I farmed 200k yesterday at 1k points, that gives me a score of 200.

grantorino farmed 5,600k yesterday but divided by 265k gives him a score of... 21

Please teach me Senpai


Well kemp, whiskers and I are... You are the weak link for sure.. Escape should OP rich 100% first.
all you guys are tough nuts ;) esp from what i saw and played against on 89 ;) one of the best crews around to work together


all you guys are tough nuts ;) esp from what i saw and played against on 89 ;) one of the best crews around to work together

ahhh w89 we did have some fun that is for sure! Looking to be the same annoying close knit group here on 96 ;)
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Shinko to Kuma

Still Going Strong
Reaction score
shinko's score... 1,044k res / 193k points = 5.4 lol

Day 2, king ming again can't read simple numbers on the rankings...

I simply don't feel like investing 20 hours of my day in farming when it makes up maybe about 1/20th of the total res I get in a day due to high pits. I got better things to do with the clears I have than micro all day. But keep doing pointless math. I had top farm for like a week in a row at the start of the world when it still made a huge difference. I think most people remember that. I think I should be proud of where I stand for playing solo without a co most of the world and without spending more then 4k pp on EVERYTHING since the start. But please, teach me how to play this game, I only won 6 worlds and 2 classics before


ahhh w89 we did have some fun that is for sure! Looking to be the same annoying close knit group here on 96 ;)

Good to hear it , who ever is beside you will have a tough time like me and others did ;) ;)

King Ming

Day 2, king ming again can't read simple numbers on the rankings...

I simply don't feel like investing 20 hours of my day in farming when it makes up maybe about 1/20th of the total res I get in a day due to high pits. I got better things to do with the clears I have than micro all day. But keep doing pointless math. I had top farm for like a week in a row at the start of the world when it still made a huge difference. I think most people remember that. I think I should be proud of where I stand for playing solo without a co most of the world and without spending more then 4k pp on EVERYTHING since the start. But please, teach me how to play this game, I only won 6 worlds and 2 classics before

you're absolutely right top 100 farm in a day rankings are pointless.

King Ming

I thought I had my browser open 24 hours a day. did I have a power outage when I was sleeping? what do you mean you only bought 4k pp? how bad has this game gotten? how much do people usually spend?