Top 20 tribes


the top 20 has changed, fearus have fallen behind rie in points, and a lot of 1 and 2 man tribes have popped up


The New Lineup:

2 FearUs
3 -RIE-
4 *RIE*
6 Chosen
7 =V=
8 Use it
9 -X-
10 Frogs
11 AA
13 ~FHS~
14 PUSH!
15 SB
16 BOA
17 Simple
18 MT
19 ODD
20 ~ONE~


1 FREE-Probably will win, They arent friendly witch is why i'd prefer anyone else to win but them.

2 FearUs- I hope they win but they will be the ones most tested from here on out in my opinion. First RIE family then FREE, No offence FREE, but you guys been slapping the snot out of tribes so fast that I dont see you all really being challenged at this point..

3 -RIE- I can count with my fingers how many of them I know, Why dont they cut down on members again? I hate family tribes, Yes Im a hipocrite.

4 *RIE* Mehah

5 KILZOM *as BOA member* They are respectable *as chibble* n00bs!

6 Chosen- To be nobled by FREE and RIE.

7 =V= Free food.

8 Use it- Bleh meh.

9 -X- Yaaarrg chibble meh bittez

10 Frogs- Where'd they leap off to? I cant find them on the dominance map..

11 AA- AHL!!!!! Or am I wrong? Idk.


13 ~FHS~ Eat Blim before they accidentally threated FREE and get eaten quicker.

14 PUSH! Was a good attempt but the north east isnt solidifying fast enough.

15 SB- Sahil bhargava? :p Nope, Just another Northeast tribe...

16 BOA- The Only Remaining Non-superpower tribe in the South west. We'll hold longer than most.

17 Simple- Superpower food, Simple as.

18 MT- Behaa

19 ODD- Gwahh?
20 ~ONE~ Ya'll were like the drunk neighbor, Your friendly and cool at first, then You got drunk and made out with FREE's girlfriend so FREE beat you and got 5 new girlfriends.

yeah yeah, I know Im not good at metaphors lmao.


1 FREE Great tribe are rie and fear us as good?

2 FearUs Doing okay against rie

3 -RIE- Great tribe - great players lot of players with top oda's

4 *RIE* ditto

5 KILZOM fighting free screwed

6 Chosen not all uppercase north east just new name gonna last till free comes unless someone else gets there

7 =V= died by free

8 Use it Nick left now there nothingish?

9 -X- idc

10 Frogs idk

11 AA AHLs tribe look pretty good

12 BLIM my tribe there ammmaaaazing

13 ~FHS~ noobs i need my villa back again

14 PUSH! :p uppercase

15 SB idk

16 BOA noobs?

17 Simple unknown

18 MTahhhh

19 ODD all defencive?

20 ~ONE~ finnally gone


1 FREE top tribe, top players, top leadership = they will most likely win this world
2 FearUs good tribe, will be difficult for anybody to flush out of the core, slightly behing rie, stalemating
3 -RIE- good tribe, was beating fearus in the early stages, but now is failing to follow it up, stalemating
4 *RIE* " "
5 KILZOM dont have a chance
6 Chosen for what? not doing anything significant
7 =V= my tribe, i will let others judge...
8 Use it see 6, who are they fighting?
9 -X- see 5
10 Frogs frees inactives, doing nothing...
11 AA dont know much about...
12 BLIM being beaten by fhs, other than that, not much going on..
13 ~FHS~ beating blim
14 PUSH! see 10, but fearus's inactives
15 SB see11
16 BOA ive forgotten who they are fighting
17 Simple still around...
18 MT sorry, who are these people?
19 ODD as above
20 ~ONE~ very, very dead


1 FREE - Jesse is a noob :icon_biggrin:
2 FearUs - Probably more skilled than Rie f. But they have huge inactive problems, I see them fighting Rie f. for a long long time.
3 -RIE- - I don't know a whole lot about them but they seem okay. Tbh they should be beating FU at this stage :icon_confused:
4 *RIE* - Same as above ^ :)
5 KILZOM - :lol:
6 Chosen - :lol:
7 =V= - Very dense, although they won't last long against FREE.
8 Use it - :lol:
9 -X- - Not sure.
10 Frogs - They can jump :icon_razz:

I am far too lazy to do the bottom half.


3 -RIE- good tribe, was beating fearus in the early stages, but now is failing to follow it up, stalemating

luky..check the stats :)


Update on the Top 20:

2 FearUs
3 -RIE-
4 *RIE*
6 Chosen
7 =V=
9 Frogs
10 Use it
12 ~FHS~
13 PUSH!
14 BOA
15 AA
16 Simple
17 ODD
20 ~ONE~


Further Update : I'm bored

1 FREE - No.1 , IRON F, _HUNS_ & ~ONE~ only really major wars + TNE. 9 people in top 20 ODA Only has about 600 more villages than RIE Fam.

2 -RIE- - As far as i can see, a tribe that hugged alot in the northwest, family tribe :(, , 8 people from this tribe in top 20 ODA, thats pretty good.

3 FearUs - Core tribe of strong players, only 2 players top 20 ODA, Seems to be doing okay against RIE F after losing top player (points) against them.

4 *RIE* - 1 player #9 ODA, w00t, Took some FU players, Shows that not really about points by putting them in *RIE* instead of -RIE-, Family tribe :(

5 TNE - Northern & southern tribe, recruited some x-~ONE~ players.Warring FREE & doing alright. The North East as i like to call em (TNE)

6 =V= Skirmish with FREE, nothin big, ex, OIA players i dunno, Will evenutally get recruited/killed by FREE.

7 Chosen From the maps it seems like the BOGGER players who dont care what tribe they are in the just want to fight RIE Fam.

8 ~FHS~ Western rim tribe, Dunno about them, Leader is blog girl.

9 Nuke Do they know what one is?

10 BOA- Has a hold on K92 & K93, No ones is really bothering about them except some FREE members. Ukulusam got some good ODD with there horrible nukes.

11 Frogs- Lets just say FREE would have some 100% K's without these pests.

12 Simple- Keep it Simple Stupid | KISS should be the tribe name,

13 PUSH! - FearUs inactives last time i checked

14 ODD ExONE player, Has lotsa defensive i hear

15 BIRD FU player that went to RIE then made his own tribe wtf

16 VRNT Annoying eastern tribe that is annoying and very annoying.

17 -X- Northeastern tribe, Family of KILZOM?

18 FATE Ex-RIE player?? I dunno

19 ~ONE~ Tribe taken out by FREE, Queens went back there.

20 FRNDZ Tribe sat by FREE,

My head hurts, Just my opioin,
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An new look at our world:

2 -RIE-
3 FearUs
4 *RIE*
6 =V=
7 Chosen
8 ~FHS~
9 Nuke
10 Frogs
11 BOA
12 Simple
13 -WD-
14 ODD
16 -X-
18 F**K
19 ~WoG~
20 KOD