Top 20 tribes

  • Thread starter DeletedUser56732
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BTW Will not taking any bait just bored out of my mind and I happen to like conversation.

Nillia isn't here to annoy me so I cant flame him.

Noff left me to my own boredom

UBM is busy learning english (get it? lol)

A 21 is busy eating Devils Food Cake...

Me just bored....

Show me another topic here with any type of life.... (it is you that keep taking my bait friend)

GE I wont village swap but we could do accounts anytime.....YOU DONT PLAY FAIR lmfao.

I think you did tell me that one even showed me a screen shot or the convo log.

What I think is funnier is the convos between shorts and AZ about how much he couldn't stand GE.

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
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Haha, that's true :)

I remember those conversations with Shorts... It's not everyday when you pretend to have a brother, who takes over an account as you "quit", and then get told on your main skype to come back and get rid of your annoying, crazy brother. Was amusing being complimented as a person and unwittingly insulted as a person at the same time :icon_redface:


A The Dragon Empire flashback. :) I know many think and wonder what happends. Irl come :) And we lost. All the old T.D.E player and them that still fight for the tribe is the true heros. Long live The Dragon Empire!! :)

See ya. in another world and time. :)

//King Dragon


A The Dragon Empire flashback. :) I know many think and wonder what happends. A real fight come :) And we lost. :)

See ya. in another world and time. :)

//King Dragon

Corrected that for you mate....

good game see you in the shower. :lol:


A The Dragon Empire flashback. :) I know many think and wonder what happends. Irl come :) And we lost. All the old T.D.E player and them that still fight for the tribe is the true heros. Long live The Dragon Empire!! :)

See ya. in another world and time. :)

//King Dragon

thanks for the lol


One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
All the old T.D.E player and them that still fight for the tribe is the true heros. Long live The Dragon Empire!! :)

See ya. in another world and time. :)

//King Dragon

W61. See you there?

Also, what T.D.E players that still fight? The only time my ODD has gone up in 3 months is from one stupidly planned nuke, 2 badly thought-out noble trains and all my troop suicides :lol:


W61. See you there?

Also, what T.D.E players that still fight? The only time my ODD has gone up in 3 months is from one stupidly planned nuke, 2 badly thought-out noble trains and all my troop suicides :lol:

Mine went up once recently from a train that was too quick to take a village for its own good. Also two other times when I undernobled a village then accidentally sent a full train at it to finish it off :icon_redface:


mine went up with rooki's random nukes that landed after my train


Mine where up to 24 odd. Sadly 3 trains popped in for a Christmas break. :(

If it where not for wacko jacko this world would be as boring as all hell.
My hat off to you sir for staying and fighting.


Where you were forced to go all those years ago :lol:

The Rim? :icon_wink:
Hit the big red button?:icon_razz:
Run to the mods and get yourself banned? :lol:
Nobled out of other worlds? :icon_biggrin:

I cant think of anywhere else....

I for one will be taking a break from this madness...just to see how long id last before I'd get the itch and have to check into TW rehab.


Yea I'm not even gone yet and I'm already feeling like a dope fiend...I dream about sniping train. I hear a loud boom when nukes land.....trumpets when the hc ride out to meet a noble death and joker laughing while the cats role out.
When drunk I chuckle like chucklez as I launch nukes (several at my own village b4 realizing that im a jackass)

I blame you mark for cursing me.
E-Nuff of this madness.
I quit!!!

PS bj back in 2 days lol